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Version: 21 Aug 2024

Unity Overview

This section includes information about developing Unity applications for Magic Leap 2.


Magic Leap encourages you to use the new Unity Magic Leap OpenXR Workflow instead. If you choose the Magic Leap XR workflow, you must download an older version of the Magic Leap Unity SDK, version 1.12.0.

Android SDK Features

The following features can be accessed on the Magic Leap 2 using Android APIs.

App / Device IdentifierSystemInfo.deviceUniqueIdentifier
Language / LocaleApplication.systemLanguage
Internet statusApplication.internetReachability
Manifest CustomizationPlace AndroidManifest.xml in Assets/Plugins/Android
PermissionsUnity Android Permissions
Android IntentsUnity apps can send and receive intents with other Android apps on device
Unity ProfilerUnity profiler info for Android is valid for ML2 as well
Android Logcat in EditorAndroid Logcat Package

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