Spatial Anchors
This section will guide you on how to use Spatial Anchors, a shared reference point for tethering virtual content to a persistent physical location.
This feature requires the SPATIAL_ANCHORS
permission to be enabled in your project's Manifest Settings. (Edit > Project Settings > Magic Leap > Manifest Settings)
📄️ Spatial Anchors Overview
Learn how to link objects to Spatial anchors and use them to create persistent content.
📄️ Spatial Anchors API
Learn the core API calls required to implement Magic Leap 2's Spatial Anchors API.
📄️ Spatial Anchors Callbacks
Learn how to get notified when spatial anchors are created, added or removed.
📄️ Spatial Anchors Examples
Contains code that can be used as a reference or demo Magic Leap 2's Spatial Anchors functionality.