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Version: 20 Jan 2025

Spatial Anchors Storage Example

This API allows you to create, manage, and persist spatial anchors in Unity using Magic Leap spatial anchor storage feature. Spatial anchors and their storage are two different but related features, using ARFoundation for the anchors in scene and the MagicLeapSpatialAnchorsStorageFeature for persistence.

Simple Example

This example script illustrates how to utilize Unity's ARFoundation AR Anchors on Magic Leap's OpenXR SDK. Using input actions, users can create and delete anchors in the AR space. The script maintains manages a list of active anchors, which is used to query the anchors for additional information specific to the Magic Leap platform, such as confidence.


This feature requires the SPATIAL_ANCHORS permission to be enabled in your project's Manifest Settings. (Edit > Project Settings > Magic Leap > Manifest Settings).

This feature also requires that the device is localized into a space that is recognized by the device. Follow these links for more information on the Localization Map API and the Spaces Application.


  1. Attach the SpatialAnchorsStorageExample script to a GameObject in your Unity scene.
  2. Set up the required references in the Unity Editor:
    • anchorManager: Reference to the ARAnchorManager component.
    • controllerTransform: Reference to the XR controller's transform.
  3. Run your Unity application on a Magic Leap device.

Input Actions

  • Menu Button: Triggers anchor deletion when pressed.
  • Bumper Button: Triggers anchor creation when pressed.


Before using spatial anchors, ensure your project has the necessary permissions and subsystems activated:

  • Spatial Anchors Permission: Activate SPATIAL_ANCHORS in Edit > Project Settings > Magic Leap > Manifest Settings.
  • OpenXR Feature: Enable the Magic Leap 2 Spatial Anchor Subsystem in Window > XR Plugin Manager > OpenXR Settings.
  • AR Anchor Manager: For Spatial Anchor to be tracked properly, add the ARAnchorManager component to the XROrigin in your scene and assigned to the anchorManager property.
  • Controller Transform: Before running the script, make sure to assign the Transform that will be used to set the position and rotation of the newly created anchors
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using MagicLeap.OpenXR.Features.LocalizationMaps;
using MagicLeap.OpenXR.Features.SpatialAnchors;
using MagicLeap.OpenXR.Subsystems;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem;
using UnityEngine.XR.ARFoundation;
using UnityEngine.XR.ARSubsystems;
using UnityEngine.XR.Management;
using UnityEngine.XR.OpenXR;
using UnityEngine.XR.OpenXR.NativeTypes;

public class SpatialAnchorsStorageExample : MonoBehaviour
// Reference to the ARAnchorManager component, used for anchor creation and management.
[SerializeField] private ARAnchorManager anchorManager;

// The distance from the user to query the anchors.
[SerializeField] private float queryRadius;

// Reference to the XRController that will be used to position the Anchors
[SerializeField] private Transform controllerTransform;

// Input actions for capturing position, rotation, menu interaction, and the bumper press.
[SerializeField] public InputAction menuInputAction =
new(binding: "<XRController>/menuButton", expectedControlType: "Button");

[SerializeField] public InputAction bumperInputAction =
new(binding: "<XRController>/gripButton", expectedControlType: "Button");

private MagicLeapSpatialAnchorsStorageFeature anchorStorageFeature;
private MagicLeapLocalizationMapFeature mapFeature;

// Active subsystem used for querying anchor confidence.
private MLXrAnchorSubsystem activeSubsystem;

// List of active anchors tracked by the script.
private List<ARAnchor> activeAnchors = new();

private readonly List<ARAnchor> activeAnchorsLocal = new();
private readonly List<ARAnchor> activeAnchorsStored = new();
private readonly List<ARAnchor> expiringAnchorsStored = new();

// Coroutine started on MonoBehaviour Start to ensure subsystems are loaded before enabling input actions.
private IEnumerator Start()
// Waits until AR subsystems are loaded before proceeding.
yield return new WaitUntil(AreSubsystemsLoaded);

// Enabling input actions.

// Registering input action callbacks.
menuInputAction.performed += OnMenu;
bumperInputAction.performed += OnBumper;


// Look for any existing anchors to load

// Checks if the Magic Leap Anchor Subsystem is loaded
private bool AreSubsystemsLoaded()
if (XRGeneralSettings.Instance == null || XRGeneralSettings.Instance.Manager == null ||
XRGeneralSettings.Instance.Manager.activeLoader == null) return false;
activeSubsystem =
XRGeneralSettings.Instance.Manager.activeLoader.GetLoadedSubsystem<XRAnchorSubsystem>() as
return activeSubsystem != null;

private void AttachListeners()
anchorStorageFeature = OpenXRSettings.Instance.GetFeature<MagicLeapSpatialAnchorsStorageFeature>();
mapFeature = OpenXRSettings.Instance.GetFeature<MagicLeapLocalizationMapFeature>();

// Anchors Created from a list of Map Location Ids from Querying Storage
anchorStorageFeature.OnCreationCompleteFromStorage += OnAnchorCompletedCreationFromStorage;
// Publishing a Local Anchor to Storage
anchorStorageFeature.OnPublishComplete += OnAnchorPublishComplete;
// Querying Storage for a list of publish Anchors
anchorStorageFeature.OnQueryComplete += OnAnchorQueryComplete;
// Deleting a published Anchor from Storage
anchorStorageFeature.OnDeletedComplete += OnAnchorDeleteComplete;
// Update a Published Anchor's Expiration time
anchorStorageFeature.OnUpdateExpirationCompleted += OnAnchorExpireUpdateCompleted;

anchorManager.anchorsChanged += OnAnchorsChanged;

// Cleanup of input actions when the GameObject is destroyed.
void OnDestroy()

anchorStorageFeature.OnCreationCompleteFromStorage -= OnAnchorCompletedCreationFromStorage;
anchorStorageFeature.OnPublishComplete -= OnAnchorPublishComplete;
anchorStorageFeature.OnQueryComplete -= OnAnchorQueryComplete;
anchorStorageFeature.OnDeletedComplete -= OnAnchorDeleteComplete;
anchorStorageFeature.OnUpdateExpirationCompleted -= OnAnchorExpireUpdateCompleted;

anchorManager.anchorsChanged -= OnAnchorsChanged;

// Callback for creating a new anchor when the bumper button is pressed.
private void OnBumper(InputAction.CallbackContext obj)
// Reading the current position and rotation from the input actions.
Pose currentPose = new Pose(controllerTransform.position, controllerTransform.rotation);

Debug.Log("SpatialAnchorsTest: Bumper hit, creating Anchor at " + currentPose);

// Instantiating a new anchor at the current pose and adding it to the list of active anchors.
GameObject newAnchor = Instantiate(anchorManager.anchorPrefab, currentPose.position, currentPose.rotation);
ARAnchor newAnchorComponent = newAnchor.AddComponent<ARAnchor>();

// Callback for deleting the most recently added anchor when the menu button is pressed.
private void OnMenu(InputAction.CallbackContext obj)
if (activeAnchorsStored.Count > 0)
anchorStorageFeature.DeleteStoredSpatialAnchors(new List<ARAnchor> { activeAnchorsStored[^1] });
Debug.Log("SpatialAnchorsStorageTest: No known Stored Anchors left to delete.");

// Uses the anchor storage feature to persist the anchor
private IEnumerator CreateAnchor(ARAnchor toPublish)
while (toPublish.trackingState != TrackingState.Tracking)
yield return null;

anchorStorageFeature.PublishSpatialAnchorsToStorage(new List<ARAnchor> {toPublish}, 0);

// Looks for persisted anchors within a certain radius from the current controller position
private void ReadAnchors(float radius = 1f)
anchorStorageFeature.QueryStoredSpatialAnchors(controllerTransform.transform.position, radius);

// Updates the expiration time on a persisted anchor
private void UpdateAnchorExpiration(string anchorMapPositionID)
DateTimeOffset dto = new(DateTime.Now, TimeSpan.Zero);
// Set to expire in 3 seconds
ulong expireTime = (ulong)dto.ToUnixTimeSeconds() + 3u;

anchorStorageFeature.UpdateExpirationForStoredSpatialAnchor(new List<string>{anchorMapPositionID}, expireTime);

// Uses the anchor storage feature to remove a persisted anchor
private void DeleteAnchor(string anchorMapPositionID)
anchorStorageFeature.DeleteStoredSpatialAnchors(new List<string>{anchorMapPositionID});

#region persistence callbacks

// All the anchor storage features are asynchronous and have callbacks for when the call is complete
private void OnAnchorPublishComplete(ulong anchorId, string anchorMapPositionId)
Pose newAnchorPose = activeSubsystem.GetAnchorPoseFromId(anchorId);

Debug.Log($"SpatialAnchorsStorageTest: Anchor Publish Complete hit for location: {newAnchorPose.ToString()}");

// This is where all persisted anchors found during a query will be returned.
private void OnAnchorQueryComplete(List<string> anchorMapPositionIds)
// Remove Expired Anchors
List<ARAnchor> ExpireCompleted = new List<ARAnchor>();
// Find Anchors already known to Subsystem
List<string> alreadyCreated = new List<string>();

foreach (ARAnchor anchor in expiringAnchorsStored)
string anchorMapPositionId = activeSubsystem.GetAnchorMapPositionId(anchor);
if (!anchorMapPositionIds.Contains(anchorMapPositionId))


foreach (ARAnchor anchor in ExpireCompleted)

foreach (var storedAnchor in activeAnchorsStored)
string anchorMapPositionId = activeSubsystem.GetAnchorMapPositionId(storedAnchor);
if (anchorMapPositionIds.Contains(anchorMapPositionId))

// Create New Anchors
List<string> createStoredAnchors = new List<string>();

foreach (string storedAnchor in anchorMapPositionIds)
TrackableId subsystemId = activeSubsystem.GetTrackableIdFromMapPositionId(storedAnchor);
ARAnchor foundAnchor = anchorManager.GetAnchor(subsystemId);
if (!alreadyCreated.Contains(storedAnchor) && foundAnchor == null)

if (createStoredAnchors.Count > 0)
bool result = anchorStorageFeature.CreateSpatialAnchorsFromStorage(createStoredAnchors);

if (!result)
Debug.LogError("SpatialAnchorsStorageTest: Error creating Anchors from storage Id.");

// This is where anchors found by a query, that were not already in the scene, and were subsequently created from
// storage are instantiated into the unity scene.
private void OnAnchorCompletedCreationFromStorage(Pose pose, ulong anchorId, string anchorMapPositionId,
XrResult result)
Debug.Log($"SpatialAnchorsStorageTest: Anchor Creation from Storage Complete hit for location: {pose.ToString()} With result: {result.ToString()}");


// This is where a confirmation of deletion will happen and the current scene representation of the anchor
// can be removed
private void OnAnchorDeleteComplete(List<string> anchorMapPositionIds)
Debug.Log($"SpatialAnchorsStorageTest: Anchor Delete Complete hit with {anchorMapPositionIds.Count} results.");

// This callback lets you know which anchors were updated
private void OnAnchorExpireUpdateCompleted(List<string> anchorMapPositionIds)
Debug.Log("Anchor Update Complete hit with " + anchorMapPositionIds.Count + " results.");

private void OnAnchorsChanged(ARAnchorsChangedEventArgs anchorsChanged)
// Check for newly added Stored Anchors this Script may not yet know about.
foreach (ARAnchor anchor in anchorsChanged.added)
if (activeSubsystem.IsStoredAnchor(anchor))

// Check for Local Anchors that were published to update the visuals.
foreach (ARAnchor anchor in anchorsChanged.updated)
if (activeSubsystem.IsStoredAnchor(anchor) && activeAnchorsLocal.Contains(anchor))

// Check if we are still tracking a deleted anchor.
foreach (ARAnchor anchor in anchorsChanged.removed)
if (activeAnchorsStored.Contains(anchor))