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Version: 20 Jan 2025

Magic Leap Eye Tracker API Overview

The MagicLeapEyeTrackerFeature is an experimental OpenXR extension for Unity, enabling developers to integrate eye-tracking capabilities into applications running on Magic Leap 2. This API provides comprehensive access to data such as gaze direction, eye positions, pupil sizes, and gaze behaviors, essential for creating immersive and interactive user experiences.

using MagicLeap.OpenXR.Features.EyeTracker;

Types of Data Available

The eye-tracking data is categorized into several types:

  1. Geometric Data: Information about the geometric properties of the eyes, such as eye openness and position within the skull.
  2. Pupil Data: Data related to the pupil size of each eye. (Gated by the PUPIL_SIZE permission)
  3. Gaze Behavior Data: Details about the user's gaze behaviors, such as fixation, saccade, and pursuit.
  4. Static Data: Static information about the hardware, like the maximum width and height of the eye cameras.
  5. Pose Data: Positional data of the eyes, including the gaze direction and position of the left and right eyes.


Before using the eye tracker, ensure that your project is configured for Magic Leap OpenXR and that the MagicLeapEyeTrackerFeature is enabled in the XR Plugin Management settings.

API Functions Overview

Requesting Permissions

Before accessing eye-tracking data, you must request permissions from the user. Required permissions include EyeTracking for basic tracking capabilities and PupilSize for accessing pupil dilation metrics. Make sure the permissions are also declared in your project's manifest. (Project Settings > Magic Leap > Permissions)

This example demonstrates how to request the necessary permissions from the user before attempting to initialize and use the eye tracker.

using MagicLeap.Android;
using UnityEngine;

public class EyeTrackerPermissions : MonoBehaviour
void Start()
Permissions.RequestPermissions(new string[] { Permissions.EyeTracking, Permissions.PupilSize }, OnPermissionGranted, OnPermissionDenied);

private void OnPermissionGranted(string permission)
Debug.Log($"{permission} granted.");
// Initialize the eye tracker here or notify other components that permission has been granted.

private void OnPermissionDenied(string permission)
Debug.LogError($"{permission} denied. Eye tracking will not function.");

Creating and Destroying the Eye Tracker

  • CreateEyeTracker: Initializes the eye tracker. This method must be invoked before attempting to retrieve any eye-tracking data.
  • DestroyEyeTracker: Releases the eye tracker and its resources. This should be called when the eye tracker is no longer needed, typically upon disabling the component or closing the application.

This example shows how to initialize the eye tracker, and assumes that permissions have already been granted. It uses the CreateEyeTracker method to start the eye tracker and prepares it to gather data.

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.XR.OpenXR;
using MagicLeap.OpenXR.Features.EyeTracker;

public class EyeTrackerInitializer : MonoBehaviour
private MagicLeapEyeTrackerFeature eyeTrackerFeature;

void Start()
eyeTrackerFeature = OpenXRSettings.Instance.GetFeature<MagicLeapEyeTrackerFeature>();
if (eyeTrackerFeature != null && eyeTrackerFeature.enabled)
Debug.Log("Eye Tracker initialized.");

void OnDestroy()
if (eyeTrackerFeature != null && eyeTrackerFeature.enabled)
Debug.Log("Eye Tracker destroyed.");

Retrieving Eye Tracking Data

GetEyeTrackerData: Fetches a comprehensive set of eye-tracking data, encapsulating various metrics such as static data about the hardware, geometric data about the eyes' positions, pupil data, and behavioral data concerning the user's gaze.

This example illustrates how to retrieve and log various eye-tracking data using the GetEyeTrackerData method.

using UnityEngine;
using MagicLeap.OpenXR.Features.EyeTracker;

public class EyeTrackerDataLogger : MonoBehaviour
private MagicLeapEyeTrackerFeature eyeTrackerFeature;

void Start()
eyeTrackerFeature = OpenXRSettings.Instance.GetFeature<MagicLeapEyeTrackerFeature>();
if (eyeTrackerFeature != null && eyeTrackerFeature.enabled)

void Update()
if (eyeTrackerFeature != null && eyeTrackerFeature.enabled)
EyeTrackerData data = eyeTrackerFeature.GetEyeTrackerData();

// Static Data
StaticData staticData = eyeTrackerFeature.GetEyeTrackerData().StaticData;
Debug.Log($"Eye Width Max: {staticData.EyeWidthMax}, Eye Height Max: {staticData.EyeHeightMax}");

// Pupil Data
PupilData[] pupilData = data.PupilData;
foreach (var data in pupilData)
Debug.Log($"Eye: {data.Eye}, Pupil Diameter: {data.PupilDiameter} meters");

// GazeBehavior Data
GazeBehavior gazeBehavior = data.GazeBehaviorData;
Debug.Log($"Gaze Behavior: {gazeBehavior.GazeBehaviorType}, Time: {gazeBehavior.Time}, Duration: {gazeBehavior.Duration}");
// Log Gaze Direction
Vector3 gazePosition = gazeBehavior.MetaData.Direction;
Debug.Log($"Gaze Position: {gazePosition}");

// GeometricData Data | 0 = Left 1 = Right
GeometricData[] geometricData = data.GeometricData;
foreach (var data in geometricData)
Debug.Log($"Eye: {data.Eye}, Openness: {data.EyeOpenness}, Position: {data.EyeInSkullPosition}");


void OnDestroy()
if (eyeTrackerFeature != null && eyeTrackerFeature.enabled)

Data Types


GeometricData geometricData = new GeometricData
Eye = (Eye)geometricDataNative.Eye, // Indicates whether the data is for the left or right eye
Time = geometricDataNative.Time, // Timestamp of when the geometric data was captured
Valid = geometricDataNative.Valid, // Indicates whether the geometric data is valid
EyeOpenness = geometricDataNative.EyeOpenness, // Represents the openness of the eye, ranging from 0.0 (closed) to 1.0 (fully open)
EyeInSkullPosition = new Vector2
x = geometricDataNative.EyeInSkullPosition.x, // X position of the eye in the skull
y = geometricDataNative.EyeInSkullPosition.y // Y position of the eye in the skull


PupilData pupilData = new PupilData
Eye = (Eye)pupilDataNative.Eye, // Indicates whether the data is for the left or right eye.
Time = pupilDataNative.Time, // Timestamp of when the pupil data was captured
Valid = pupilDataNative.Valid, // Indicates whether the pupil data is valid
PupilDiameter = pupilDataNative.PupilDiameter // Diameter of the pupil in meters


GazeBehavior gazeData = new GazeBehavior
MetaData = new GazeBehaviorMetaData
Valid = gazeMetaDataNative.Valid, // Indicates whether the gaze behavior metadata is valid
Amplitude = gazeMetaDataNative.Amplitude, // Represents the displacement of the gaze in degrees of visual angle
Direction = gazeMetaDataNative.Direction, // Angle of the gaze movement in radians
Velocity = gazeMetaDataNative.Velocity // Speed of the gaze movement in degrees per second
Time = gazeDataNative.Time, // Timestamp of when the gaze behavior data was captured
Valid = gazeDataNative.Valid, // Indicates whether the gaze behavior data is valid
GazeBehaviorType = (GazeBehaviorType)gazeDataNative.GazeBehaviorType, // Type of the gaze behavior detected (e.g., fixation, saccade)
OnsetTime = gazeDataNative.OnsetTime, // Time when the current gaze behavior started
Duration = gazeDataNative.Duration // Duration of the current gaze behavior


StaticData staticData = new StaticData
EyeWidthMax = staticDataNative.EyeWidthMax, // Maximum width of the eye in the skull
EyeHeightMax = staticDataNative.EyeHeightMax // Maximum height of the eye in the skull