This API is still an experimental extension not included in the official OpenXR registry and is subject to change.
12.105. XR_ML_light_estimation
- Name String
- Extension Type
Instance extension
- Registered Extension Number
- Revision
- Extension and Version Dependencies
Requires support for OpenXR 1.0
- Last Modified Date
- Contributors
Dominik Kasper, Magic Leap
Andrea Lampart, Magic Leap
Bogdan Morosanu, Magic Leap
Dario Brescianini, Magic Leap
Emanuele Vespa, Magic Leap
Karthik Kadappan, Magic Leap
Ron Bessems, Magic Leap
This extension gives access to light estimation capabilities by providing a graphical representation of environment lighting to be used in render engines. Light information is represented in terms of:
A 360 degree HDR environment map, formatted as a cubemap.
A set of spherical harmonics coefficients for a compact soft lighting representation.
Main light direction and color.
The three representations are provided bundled together, and it is up to the developer to choose which one to use depending on the use case.
New Flag Types
The XrLightEstimationCreateInfoML::cubemapResolution
member is of the following type, and controls the resolution of a cubemap face.
// Provided by XR_ML_light_estimation
typedef enum XrLightEstimationHDRCubemapFaceResolutionML {
} XrLightEstimationHDRCubemapFaceResolutionML;
New Enum Constants
XrStructureType enumeration is extended with:
New Structures
The XrLightEstimationML is a handle representing an single environmental light mapping session.
// Provided by XR_ML_light_estimation
The XrLightEstimationEstimateML is a handle to a specific light estimation estimate.
// Provided by XR_ML_light_estimation
The XrLightEstimationCreateInfoML structure is defined as:
// Provided by XR_ML_light_estimation
typedef struct XrLightEstimationCreateInfoML {
XrStructureType type;
const void* next;
XrSpace baseSpace;
XrTime time;
XrLightEstimationHDRCubemapFaceResolutionML cubemapFaceResolution;
} XrLightEstimationCreateInfoML;
Reference spaces XrLightEstimationCreateInfoML requires an XrSpace to be passed as an input parameter which will be used as the reference space for the environment mapping. This ensures that when obtaining light representations like the cubemap or the main light direction, these will be already in the correct reference frame. Notice that this extension does not support time-varying spaces: if the reference space is updated, it is up to the developer to destroy the handle and create a new one with an updated reference space. |
The XrLightEstimationStateML structure is defined as:
// Provided by XR_ML_light_estimation
typedef struct XrLightEstimationStateML {
XrStructureType type;
const void* next;
XrTime lastUpdate;
} XrLightEstimationStateML;
The XrLightEstimationEstimateHDRCubemapML structure provides 6 cubemap images that can be used for reflections and is defined as:
// Provided by XR_ML_light_estimation
typedef struct XrLightEstimationEstimateHDRCubemapML {
XrStructureType type;
const void* next;
uint32_t pixelCapacityInput;
uint32_t pixelCountOutput;
void* pixels;
uint32_t faceDim;
} XrLightEstimationEstimateHDRCubemapML;
Cube map images are in RGBA format, with each channel being of 32bit floating point depth.
The XrLightEstimationEstimateMainDirectionalLightML structure is defined as:
// Provided by XR_ML_light_estimation
typedef struct XrLightEstimationEstimateMainDirectionalLightML {
XrStructureType type;
const void* next;
XrVector3f direction;
XrColor4f color;
} XrLightEstimationEstimateMainDirectionalLightML;
The XrLightEstimationEstimateSphericalHarmonicsML structure is defined as:
// Provided by XR_ML_light_estimation
typedef struct XrLightEstimationEstimateSphericalHarmonicsML {
XrStructureType type;
const void* next;
float harmonicsCoefficients[XR_LIGHT_ESTIMATION_TOTAL_HARMONICS_ML];
} XrLightEstimationEstimateSphericalHarmonicsML;
New Functions
The xrCreateLightEstimationML function is defined as:
// Provided by XR_ML_light_estimation
XrResult xrCreateLightEstimationML(
XrSession session,
const XrLightEstimationCreateInfoML* info,
XrLightEstimationML* lightEstimation);
This function call creates the main session handle and at most one handle can be active per process at any one time.
Permissions Android applications must have the android.permission.CAMERA permission listed in their manifest to use this function. (protection level: dangerous) |
Latency This function can take significant time to complete as it initialises a light estimation session, including opening the camera streams. It is recommended to not run this as part of a rendering loop where low latency is required. |
The xrGetLightEstimationStateML function is defined as:
// Provided by XR_ML_light_estimation
XrResult xrGetLightEstimationStateML(
XrLightEstimationML lightEstimation,
XrLightEstimationStateML* state);
This is a lightweight call that can be used to fetch the timestamp of the latest update event of the light estimate. If the light estimate is not available, the timestamp will have value of 0.
The xrCreateLightEstimationEstimateML function is defined as:
// Provided by XR_ML_light_estimation
XrResult xrCreateLightEstimationEstimateML(
XrLightEstimationML lightEstimation,
XrLightEstimationEstimateML* estimate);
This function provides a handle to the latest available light estimation estimate.
Usage xrCreateLightEstimationEstimateML must be called after xrGetLightEstimationStateML to ensure that a valid estimate is available, otherwise it will return a runtime error. |
The xrGetLightEstimationEstimateTimestampML function is defined as:
// Provided by XR_ML_light_estimation
XrResult xrGetLightEstimationEstimateTimestampML(
XrLightEstimationEstimateML estimate,
XrTime* timeStamp);
It can be used to fetch the timestamp of the associated light estimation estimate.
The xrGetLightEstimationEstimateHDRCubemapML function is defined as:
// Provided by XR_ML_light_estimation
XrResult xrGetLightEstimationEstimateHDRCubemapML(
XrLightEstimationEstimateML estimate,
XrLightEstimationEstimateHDRCubemapML* cubemap);
The xrGetLightEstimationEstimateMainDirectionalLightML function is defined as:
// Provided by XR_ML_light_estimation
XrResult xrGetLightEstimationEstimateMainDirectionalLightML(
XrLightEstimationEstimateML estimate,
XrLightEstimationEstimateMainDirectionalLightML* mainDirectionalLight);
The xrGetLightEstimationEstimateSphericalHarmonicsML function is defined as:
// Provided by XR_ML_light_estimation
XrResult xrGetLightEstimationEstimateSphericalHarmonicsML(
XrLightEstimationEstimateML estimate,
XrLightEstimationEstimateSphericalHarmonicsML* harmonics);
The xrDestroyLightEstimationEstimateML function is defined as:
// Provided by XR_ML_light_estimation
XrResult xrDestroyLightEstimationEstimateML(
XrLightEstimationEstimateML estimate);
The function invalidates the estimate associated with the inputXrLightEstimationEstimateML.
The xrDestroyLightEstimationML function is defined as:
// Provided by XR_ML_light_estimation
XrResult xrDestroyLightEstimationML(
XrLightEstimationML lightEstimation);
Version History
Revision 1, 2023-12-12 (Bogdan Morosanu, Karthik Kadappan)
Initial extension description