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Version: 21 Aug 2024


Logs View

The Logs view shows you everything happening while your device is running. This can be helpful when submitting bug reports to Magic Leap, and often when working with support you will be asked to download and send in logs.

ML Hub 3 Logs View

Log query

The log query button allows you to query the logs for a specific search term.

ML Hub 3 Log Query

Log filtering

Log filtering allows a more in depth filtering function, including the ability to have multiple filters.

ML Hub 3 Log Filtering

Pausing/Resuming log collection

This button allows you to pause log collection. Pressing it again will resume log collection.

ML Hub 3 Pause/Resume Logs

Deleting collected logs

This button will delete all of the currently collected logs, allowing you to start a fresh logging session.

ML Hub 3 Delete Collected Logs

Downloading logs

This button allows for the downloading of the currently collected logs. This is useful for submitting with bug reports.

ML Hub 3 Download Logs

Copying logs to clipboard

This will copy the current logs collected to the clipboard, so that you can paste them to another application.

ML Hub 3 Copy Logs To Clipboard