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Version: 20 Jan 2025


Source code

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// Copyright (c) (2024) Magic Leap, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Use of this file is governed by the Software License Agreement, located here:
// Terms and conditions applicable to third-party materials accompanying this distribution may also be found in the top-level NOTICE file appearing herein.
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using System;

namespace MagicLeap.OpenXR.Features.FacialExpressions
internal enum XrFacialExpressionStructTypes : ulong
XrTypeSystemFacialExpressionProperties = 1000482004U,
XrTypeFacialExpressionClientCreateInfo = 1000482005U,
XrTypeFacialExpressionBlendShapeGetInfo = 1000482006U,
XrTypeFacialExpressionBlendShapeProperties = 1000482007U

internal enum XrFacialBlendShapeML
BrowLowerer_L = 0,
BrowLowerer_R = 1,
CheekRaiser_L = 2,
CheekRaiser_R = 3,
ChinRaiser = 4,
Dimpler_L = 5,
Dimpler_R = 6,
EyesClosed_L = 7,
EyesClosed_R = 8,
InnerBrowRaiser_L = 9,
InnerBrowRaiser_R = 10,
JawDrop = 11,
LidTightener_L = 12,
LidTightener_R = 13,
LipCornerDepressor_L = 14,
LipCornerDepressor_R = 15,
LipCornerPuller_L = 16,
LipCornerPuller_R = 17,
LipFunneler_LB = 18,
LipFunneler_LT = 19,
LipFunneler_RB = 20,
LipFunneler_RT = 21,
LipPressor_L = 22,
LipPressor_R = 23,
LipPucker_L = 24,
LipPucker_R = 25,
LipStretcher_L = 26,
LipStretcher_R = 27,
LipSuck_LB = 28,
LipSuck_LT = 29,
LipSuck_RB = 30,
LipSuck_RT = 31,
LipTightener_L = 32,
LipTightener_R = 33,
LipsToward = 34,
LowerLipDepressor_L = 35,
LowerLipDepressor_R = 36,
NoseWrinkler_L = 37,
NoseWrinkler_R = 38,
OuterBrowRaiser_L = 39,
OuterBrowRaiser_R = 40,
UpperLidRaiser_L = 41,
UpperLidRaiser_R = 42,
UpperLipRaiser_L = 43,
UpperLipRaiser_R = 44,
TongueOut = 45,

internal enum XrFacialExpressionBlendShapePropertiesFlags : ulong
Valid = 0x01,
Tracked = 0x02

internal struct XrSystemFacialExpressionProperties
internal XrFacialExpressionStructTypes Type;
internal IntPtr Next;
internal XrBool32 SupportsFacialExpression;

internal unsafe struct XrFacialExpressionClientCreateInfo
internal XrFacialExpressionStructTypes Type;
internal IntPtr Next;
internal uint RequestedCount;
internal XrFacialBlendShapeML* RequestedFacialBlendShapes;

internal struct XrFacialExpressionShapeGetInfo
internal XrFacialExpressionStructTypes Type;
internal IntPtr Next;

internal struct XrFacialExpressionBlendShapeProperties
internal XrFacialExpressionStructTypes Type;
internal IntPtr Next;
internal XrFacialBlendShapeML RequestedFacialBlendShape;
internal float Weight;
internal XrFacialExpressionBlendShapePropertiesFlags Flags;
internal long Time;

internal static XrFacialExpressionBlendShapeProperties CreateFromBlendShapeProperties(in BlendShapeProperties properties, long time)
var result = new XrFacialExpressionBlendShapeProperties()
Type = XrFacialExpressionStructTypes.XrTypeFacialExpressionBlendShapeProperties,
RequestedFacialBlendShape = (XrFacialBlendShapeML)properties.FacialBlendShape,
Weight = properties.Weight,
Flags = (XrFacialExpressionBlendShapePropertiesFlags)properties.Flags,
Time = time
return result;

internal void AssignBlendShapeProperties(ref BlendShapeProperties properties)
properties.FacialBlendShape = (FacialBlendShape)RequestedFacialBlendShape;
properties.Weight = Weight;
properties.Flags = (BlendShapePropertiesFlags)Flags;