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13 docs tagged with "Meshing"

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Meshing is the creation of triangle-based meshes from the World Reconstruction model created by Magic Leap devices. The mesh is used for real-time occlusion rendering and for collision detection with digital content.


Learn how to create meshes from surfaces detected by the Magic Leap.


An overview of the meshing demo scene included in the Magic Leap 2 Examples Project, which uses Unity's XR Interaction Toolkit.

Meshing Overview

This section details how to use Magic Leap 2's Meshing Subsystem Support feature in Unity. This feature allows applications to access a mesh that represents real-world geometry. Unity's mesh manager. Developers can use Unity's AR Mesh Manager or AR Point Cloud Manager component to visualize the mesh. Magic Leap specific settings, such as MeshingQuerySettings, can be configured via the MagicLeapMeshingFeature class.


Magic Leap 2's Occlusion API offers developers a way to enhance immersion in mixed reality applications by generating a mesh representation of nearby physical objects. This allows virtual objects to interact with the real world in a more believable way by appearing to be occluded (or "masked") by real-world objects.

Quick Start

Before adding the sample scripts to your scene, make sure to complete the following:

Simple Meshing Setup

In this tutorial, you'll learn how to set up the Spatial Mapping component with Magic Leap 2 in Unity. By the end of this guide, you'll have a scene capable of meshing the world around you, providing a foundation for immersive mixed reality experiences. The Spatial Mapping in Magic Leap 2 is similar to AR Foundation's Spatial Mapping component.

Spatial Mapping

Magic Leap 2's Spatial Mapping APIs build a digital representation of the real-world surfaces around the user in real-time using the ToF sensors on the device. Apps can use this representation to occlude rendering, place digital objects, and for physics-based interactions or ray-casting. The depth sensor has the resolution of 544 x 480 and a field of view of 75° (h) x 70°.