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Version: 20 Mar 2024


Struct representing an image plane that comes from some captured camera frame.

Public Fields


Gets the bytes per pixel of the image plane.

public uint BytesPerPixel { get; set; }


Gets the pointer to the unmanaged memory where the actual image data is found.

public IntPtr DataPtr { get; set; }


Gets the height of the image plane.

public uint Height { get; set; }


Gets the size of the image plane, representing how many bytes in total the entire image plane contains.

public uint Size { get; set; }


Gets the stride of the image plane, representing how many bytes one row of the image plane contains.

public uint Stride { get; set; }


Gets the width of the image plane.

public uint Width { get; set; }

Public Methods

PlaneInfo Create

Creates and returns an initialized version of this struct.

public static PlaneInfo Create(
uint width,
uint height,
uint stride,
uint bytesPerPixel,
uint size,
IntPtr dataPtr


uintwidthWidth of the image plane.
uintheightHeight of the image plane.
uintstrideStride of the image plane.
uintbytesPerPixelBytes per pixel of the image plane.
uintsizeSize of the image plane.
IntPtrdataPtrPointer to the image data for the image plane.

Returns: An initialized version of this struct.

override string ToString

Override to display the contents of a image plane as a string.

public override string ToString()

Returns: A string representation of this struct.

Public Attributes


Max amount of image planes that can be in a single frame.

public const int MaxImagePlanes = 3;