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21 docs tagged with "Camera"

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An overview of the Anchors example scene which utilizes the Spaces application.

API Overview

This guide provides a walk through of creating a custom camera capture script. The sections in this guide were written in a linear flow although each section can also be referenced individually.

C-API Samples Overview

The list below contains descriptions of each of the C-API samples available in the ML Hub. The files of each example contain instructions on how to build, install and uninstall the example, as well as its expected behavior and GUI.

Camera Capture

An overview of the camera capture demo scene included in the Magic Leap 2 Examples Project, which uses Unity's XR Interaction Toolkit.


The Magic Leap 2 supports the Android Camera2 NDK APIs. With Android Camera allows developers to capture real and virtual content inside their applications. While the Magic Leap 2 has only one physical, it is presented as 3 separate devices in the API. The Main Camera (Camera Id 0) and Mixed Reality Camera (Camera Id 3) are mutually exclusive, however they can be accessed even while the CV Camera (Camera Id 1) is being used.

Custom Fit

An overview of the Anchors example scene which utilizes the Spaces application.

CV Camera

An overview of the cv camera demo scene included in the Magic Leap 2 Examples Project, which uses Unity's XR Interaction Toolkit.

Display Overview

Learn various tools to enhance the way Magic Leap 2 displays content.

Global Dimmer

An overview of the Global Dimmer example scene which showcases global dimming range.


An overview of the Haptics example scene.

Intrinsic/Extrinsic Parameters

This section includes details on reading the Intrinsic and Extrinsic parameters from the Magic Leap camera. These values can be queried using the MLCamera.ResultExtras value provided in the Camera Capture callbacks.

Marker Tracking

An overview of the marker tracking demo scene included in the Magic Leap 2 Examples Project, which uses Unity's XR Interaction Toolkit.


The Magic Leap 2 MLCamera API allows developers to capture real and virtual content inside their applications. While the Magic Leap 2 has only one camera for capturing content, two separate streams can be access from the camera at the same time. This allows you to create applications that can stream the user's point of view, while using the camera to perform computer vision tasks.

MLCamera Examples

This section includes a simple camera example. A detailed explanation of each function can be found in the Camera Overview guide.

MLCamera Overview

The Magic Leap 2 MLCamera API allows developers to capture real and virtual content inside their applications.

Segmented Dimmer

An overview of the Segmented Dimmer example scene which showcases the segmented dimming range.

Visualize Camera Output

This section includes details on rendering the Magic Leap's camera output on a Raw Image UI Component. When receiving camera output developers can query the format using the MLCamera.CameraOutput.Format property.