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Version: 21 Aug 2024

Unity® MRTK3 Package 1.0.0

  • Magic Leap SDK Version 1.2.0 (or later)
  • Magic Leap Unity SDK Version 1.8.0 (or later)
  • Unity® Version: 2022.2.x (or later)

Release Features

  • Incorporated better pinch detection and then retention when hand keypoints become occluded.
  • Added a StereoConvergenceDetector utility prefab to assist in utilizing Magic Leap's camera focus distance feature, which provides better capture alignment along with reduction/removal of "judder" on device in some scenarios. Please see the Stereo Convergence Detector Examples for a demonstration of the feature.
  • The Spatial Awareness Examples sample was updated to work when using the OpenXR provider.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the Setting for XR Provider choice dropdown in Edit > Project Settings > MRTK3 > Magic Leap Settings was potentially getting reset when re-visiting the page. This didn't affect any options, just may have been undesirable.

Known Issues

  • When using the OpenXR provider, there may be an issue of content offset when using the standard MRTK3 rig. It is recommended to set the rig's XROrigin Tracking Origin Mode to Device in order to mitigate the issue for now.
  • When using the OpenXR provider, there can be performance issues during application start with the use of some shaders, some of which are included with MRTK3's standard assets.