Enums Documentation
Enumerator | Value | Description |
MLCameraMetadataColorCorrectionMode_TransformMatrix | 0 | Uses data provided by the High Quality or Fast method to provide a picture with the same white point as the previous frame. |
MLCameraMetadataColorCorrectionMode_Fast | The camera device will not slow down capture rate when applying color correction. | |
MLCameraMetadataColorCorrectionMode_HighQuality | The camera device will use the highest-quality color correction algorithm, at the expense of capture rate speed. | |
MLCameraMetadataColorCorrectionMode_Ensure32Bits | 0x7FFFFFFF | Ensure enum is represented as 32 bits. |
Color correction mode.
Enumerator | Value | Description |
MLCameraMetadataColorCorrectionAberrationMode_Off | 0 | No aberration correction is applied. |
MLCameraMetadataColorCorrectionAberrationMode_Fast | The camera device will not slow down capture rate when applying aberration correction. | |
MLCameraMetadataColorCorrectionAberrationMode_HighQuality | The camera device will use the highest-quality aberration correction algorithm, at the expense of capture rate speed. | |
MLCameraMetadataColorCorrectionAberrationMode_Ensure32Bits | 0x7FFFFFFF | Ensure enum is represented as 32 bits. |
Color correction aberration mode.
Enumerator | Value | Description |
MLCameraMetadataControlAEAntibandingMode_Off | 0 | AE antibanding is disabled. |
MLCameraMetadataControlAEAntibandingMode_50Hz | 50Hz. | |
MLCameraMetadataControlAEAntibandingMode_60Hz | 60Hz. | |
MLCameraMetadataControlAEAntibandingMode_Auto | Auto. | |
MLCameraMetadataControlAEAntibandingMode_Ensure32Bits | 0x7FFFFFFF | Ensure enum is represented as 32 bits. |
The list of auto-exposure (AE) antibanding modes. These controls prevent the appearance of vertical lines when capturing TV screens or monitors.
Enumerator | Value | Description |
MLCameraMetadataControlAELock_Off | 0 | Auto-exposure lock is disabled. The algorithm can update exposure parameters. |
MLCameraMetadataControlAELock_On | Auto-exposure lock is enabled. The algorithm cannot update exposure parameters. | |
MLCameraMetadataControlAELock_Ensure32Bits | 0x7FFFFFFF | Ensure enum is represented as 32 bits. |
The current auto-exposure (AE) lockc controls.
Enumerator | Value | Description |
MLCameraMetadataControlAEMode_Off | 0 | Disables the camera device's auto-exposure routine. |
MLCameraMetadataControlAEMode_On | Enables the camera device's auto-exposure routine. | |
MLCameraMetadataControlAEMode_Ensure32Bits | 0x7FFFFFFF | Ensure enum is represented as 32 bits. |
The current auto-exposure (AE) mode controls.
Enumerator | Value | Description |
MLCameraMetadataControlAWBLock_Off | 0 | Disables the auto-white balance lock. AWB algorithm is free to update its parameters. |
MLCameraMetadataControlAWBLock_On | Enables the auto-white balance lock. AWB algorithm cannot update its parameters. | |
MLCameraMetadataControlAWBLock_Ensure32Bits | 0x7FFFFFFF | Ensure enum is represented as 32 bits. |
Control AWB lock.
Enumerator | Value | Description |
MLCameraMetadataControlAWBMode_Off | 0 | Disables the camera device's auto-white balance routine. |
MLCameraMetadataControlAWBMode_Auto | Sets the camera device's auto-white balance routine to automatic. | |
MLCameraMetadataControlAWBMode_Incandescent | Incandescent light is assumed for the white balance. Auto-white balance is disabled. White balance transforms will approximately match the CIE standard illuminant A. | |
MLCameraMetadataControlAWBMode_Fluorescent | Fluorescent light is assumed for the white balance. Auto-white balance is disabled. White balance transforms will approximately match the CIE standard illuminant F2. | |
MLCameraMetadataControlAWBMode_WarmFluorescent | Warm fluorescent light is assumed for the white balance. Auto-white balance is disabled. White balance transforms will approximately match the CIE standard illuminant F4. | |
MLCameraMetadataControlAWBMode_Daylight | Daylight light is assumed for the white balance. Auto-white balance is disabled. White balance transforms will approximately match the CIE standard illuminant D65. | |
MLCameraMetadataControlAWBMode_CloudyDaylight | Cloudy daylight is assumed for the white balance. Auto-white balance is disabled. | |
MLCameraMetadataControlAWBMode_Twilight | Twilight light is assumed for the white balance. Auto-white balance is disabled. | |
MLCameraMetadataControlAWBMode_Shade | Shade light is assumed for the white balance. Auto-white balance is disabled. | |
MLCameraMetadataControlAWBMode_Ensure32Bits | 0x7FFFFFFF | Ensure enum is represented as 32 bits. |
The current auto-white-balance (AWB) mode controls.
Enumerator | Value | Description |
MLCameraMetadataControlAFMode_Off | 0 | Disables the camera device's auto-focus routine. |
MLCameraMetadataControlAFMode_Auto | Sets the camera device's auto-focus routine to automatic. | |
MLCameraMetadataControlAFMode_Macro | Sets the camera device's auto-focus routine to close-up focusing mode. | |
MLCameraMetadataControlAFMode_ContinuousVideo | Sets the camera device's auto-focus routine to Continuous Video Mode. The focusing behavior should be suitable for good quality video recording. | |
MLCameraMetadataControlAFMode_ContinuousPicture | Sets the camera device's auto-focus routine to Continuous Picture Mode. The focusing behavior should be suitable for still image capture. | |
MLCameraMetadataControlAFMode_Ensure32Bits | 0x7FFFFFFF | Ensure enum is represented as 32 bits. |
The current auto-focus (AF) mode controls.
Enumerator | Value | Description |
MLCameraMetadataControlAFTrigger_Idle | 0 | AF trigger is idle. |
MLCameraMetadataControlAFTrigger_Start | AF will trigger now. | |
MLCameraMetadataControlAFTrigger_Cancel | Cancel any currently active AF trigger. | |
MLCameraMetadataControlAFTrigger_Ensure32Bits | 0x7FFFFFFF | Ensure enum is represented as 32 bits. |
The current auto-focus (AF) trigger.
Enumerator | Value | Description |
MLCameraMetadataControlMode_Off | 0 | Disables control of the device's metering and focusing routines (3A). |
MLCameraMetadataControlMode_Auto | Manual control of capture parameters is disabled. | |
MLCameraMetadataControlMode_UseSceneMode | Use a specific scene mode. This setting is available only if scene mode is supported. | |
MLCameraMetadataControlMode_OffKeepState | Same as MLCameraMetadataControlMode_Off mode, except any statistics or state updates collected from manual captures will be discarded by the camera device. | |
MLCameraMetadataControlMode_Ensure32Bits | 0x7FFFFFFF | Ensure enum is represented as 32 bits. |
Overall control mode of the 3A (auto-white balance, auto-focus, auto-exposure) parameters.
Enumerator | Value | Description |
MLCameraMetadataControlSceneMode_None | 0 | Scene mode not used. |
MLCameraMetadataControlSceneMode_Action | 2 | Action mode – optimized for photos of quickly moving objects. |
MLCameraMetadataControlSceneMode_Portrait | 3 | Portrait mode – optimized for still photos of people. |
MLCameraMetadataControlSceneMode_Landscape | 4 | Landscape mode – optimized for photos of distant macroscopic objects. |
MLCameraMetadataControlSceneMode_Theatre | 7 | Theatre mode – ptimized for dim, indoor settings without flash. |
MLCameraMetadataControlSceneMode_Sports | 13 | Sports mode – similar to Action mode, and optimized for photos of quickly moving people. |
MLCameraMetadataControlSceneMode_Party | 14 | Party mode – optimized for dim, indoor settings with multiple moving people. |
MLCameraMetadataControlSceneMode_CandleLight | 15 | CandleLight mode – optimized for extremely dim settings with a single light source. |
MLCameraMetadataControlSceneMode_Barcode | 16 | Barcode mode. This mode is optimized for accurately capturing barcode images with the intent of processing the barcode value. |
MLCameraMetadataControlSceneMode_Medical | 100 | Medical mode. This mode is optimized for brightly lit settings (100-200K lux) such as an operation theater. |
MLCameraMetadataControlSceneMode_Ensure32Bits | 0x7FFFFFFF | Ensure enum is represented as 32 bits. |
Scene mode.
Enumerator | Value | Description |
MLCameraMetadataControlEffectMode_Off | 0 | Off. |
MLCameraMetadataControlEffectMode_Grayscale | GrayScale – maps the image into grayscale colors. | |
MLCameraMetadataControlEffectMode_Negative | Negative – inverts the colors of the image. | |
MLCameraMetadataControlEffectMode_Sepia | Sepia – maps the image into warm gray, red, and brown tones. | |
MLCameraMetadataControlEffectMode_ColorSelection | ColorSelection. | |
MLCameraMetadataControlEffectMode_Sharpening | Sharpening – emphasises the edges of adjacent areas with tonal contrast to one another. | |
MLCameraMetadataControlEffectMode_Emboss | Emboss – applies an emboss filter, replacing each pixel with shadow or highlight depending on its light or dark boundaries. | |
MLCameraMetadataControlEffectMode_Sketch | Sketch. | |
MLCameraMetadataControlEffectMode_Ensure32Bits | 0x7FFFFFFF | Ensure enum is represented as 32 bits. |
Effect mode. Applies color effects.
Enumerator | Value | Description |
MLCameraMetadataControlAEState_Inactive | 0 | AE is off or recently reset. The camera device begins in this mode. Device may fail to report this state. |
MLCameraMetadataControlAEState_Searching | AE does not yet have a good set of control values for the current scene. Device may fail to report this state. | |
MLCameraMetadataControlAEState_Converged | AE has a good set of control values for the current scene. | |
MLCameraMetadataControlAEState_Locked | AE is locked. | |
MLCameraMetadataControlAEState_FlashRequired | AE has a good set of control values, but flash is required for good quality still capture. | |
MLCameraMetadataControlAEState_PreCapture | AE has been asked to do a precapture sequence and is currently executing it. Once this mode is complete, AE will transition to MLCameraMetadataControlAEState_Converged or MLCameraMetadataControlAEState_FlashRequired . | |
MLCameraMetadataControlAEState_Ensure32Bits | 0x7FFFFFFF | Ensure enum is represented as 32 bits. |
Currents state of auto-exposure (AE) controls.
Enumerator | Value | Description |
MLCameraMetadataControlAWBState_Inactive | 0 | AWB is in not in automatic mode or has not yet started metering. The camera device begins in this mode. Device may fail to report this state. |
MLCameraMetadataControlAWBState_Searching | AWB does not yet have a good set of control values for the current scene. Device may fail to report this state. | |
MLCameraMetadataControlAWBState_Converged | AWB has a good set of control values for the current scene. | |
MLCameraMetadataControlAWBState_Locked | AWB is locked. | |
MLCameraMetadataControlAWBState_Ensure32Bits | 0x7FFFFFFF | Ensure enum is represented as 32 bits. |
Current state of auto-white-balance (AWB) controls.
Enumerator | Value | Description |
MLCameraMetadataControlAFState_Inactive | 0 | AF is off or has not yet tried to scan. |
MLCameraMetadataControlAFState_PassiveScan | AF is currently performing an AF scan initiated by the camera device in a continuous autofocus mode. | |
MLCameraMetadataControlAFState_PassiveFocussed | AF currently is in focus, but may restart scanning at any time. | |
MLCameraMetadataControlAFState_ActiveScan | AF is performing an AF scan triggered by AF trigger. | |
MLCameraMetadataControlAFState_FocusedLocked | AF is focused correctly and has locked focus. | |
MLCameraMetadataControlAFState_NotFocusedLocked | AF has failed to focus successfully and has locked focus. | |
MLCameraMetadataControlAFState_PassiveUnFocussed | AF finished a passive scan without finding focus,and may restart scanning at any time. | |
MLCameraMetadataControlAFState_Ensure32Bits | 0x7FFFFFFF | Ensure enum is represented as 32 bits. |
Current state of auto-focus (AF) routine.
Enumerator | Value | Description |
MLCameraMetadataControlAFSceneChange_NotDetected | 0 | No scene change detected by AF. |
MLCameraMetadataControlAFSceneChange_Detected | Scene change detected by AF. | |
MLCameraMetadataControlAFSceneChange_Ensure32Bits | 0x7FFFFFFF | Ensure enum is represented as 32 bits. |
Whether a significant scene change is detected by AF algorithm.
Enumerator | Value | Description |
MLCameraMetadataLensState_Stationary | 0 | Lens focal length is not changing. |
MLCameraMetadataLensState_Moving | Lens focal length is changing. | |
MLCameraMetadataLensState_Ensure32Bits | 0x7FFFFFFF | Ensure enum is represented as 32 bits. |
Current Lens status.
Enumerator | Value | Description |
MLCameraMetadataScalerAvailableFormats_RAW16 | 0x20 | Raw16. |
MLCameraMetadataScalerAvailableFormats_RAW_OPAQUE | 0x24 | Raw opaque. |
MLCameraMetadataScalerAvailableFormats_YV12 | 0x32315659 | TV12. |
MLCameraMetadataScalerAvailableFormats_YCrCb_420_SP | 0x11 | YCrCb 420 SP. |
MLCameraMetadataScalerAvailableFormats_IMPLEMENTATION_DEFINED | 0x22 | Implementation defined. |
MLCameraMetadataScalerAvailableFormats_YCbCr_420_888 | 0x23 | YCrCb 420 888. |
MLCameraMetadataScalerAvailableFormats_BLOB | 0x21 | BLOB. |
MLCameraMetadataScalerAvailableFormats_Ensure32Bits | 0x7FFFFFFF | Ensure enum is represented as 32 bits. |
Scaler available formats.
Enumerator | Value | Description |
MLCameraMetadataScalerAvailableStreamConfigurations_OUTPUT | 0 | Output. |
MLCameraMetadataScalerAvailableStreamConfigurations_INPUT | Input. | |
MLCameraMetadataScalerAvailableStreamConfigurations_Ensure32Bits | 0x7FFFFFFF | Ensure enum is represented as 32 bits. |
The available stream configurations .
Enumerator | Value | Description |
MLCameraMetadataJpegThumbnailSize_160x120 | 1 | 160x120. |
MLCameraMetadataJpegThumbnailSize_240x135 | 2 | 240x135. |
MLCameraMetadataJpegThumbnailSize_256x135 | 3 | 256x135. |
MLCameraMetadataJpegThumbnailSize_Ensure32Bits | 0x7FFFFFFF | Ensure enum is represented as 32 bits. |
JPEG Thumbnail Size.
Enumerator | Value | Description |
MLCameraMetadataControlForceApplyMode_Off | 0 | Off. |
MLCameraMetadataControlForceApplyMode_On | 1 | On. |
MLCameraMetadataControlForceApplyMode_Ensure32Bits | 0x7FFFFFFF | Ensure enum is represented as 32 bits. |
Force Apply Metadata Settings.
Source code
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copyright (c) 2017 Magic Leap, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Use of this file is governed by the Software License Agreement,
// located here:
// Terms and conditions applicable to third-party materials accompanying
// this distribution may also be found in the top-level NOTICE file
// appearing herein.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
#pragma once
#include "ml_api.h"
typedef enum MLCameraMetadataColorCorrectionMode {
MLCameraMetadataColorCorrectionMode_TransformMatrix = 0,
MLCameraMetadataColorCorrectionMode_Ensure32Bits = 0x7FFFFFFF
} MLCameraMetadataColorCorrectionMode;
typedef enum MLCameraMetadataColorCorrectionAberrationMode {
MLCameraMetadataColorCorrectionAberrationMode_Off = 0,
MLCameraMetadataColorCorrectionAberrationMode_Ensure32Bits = 0x7FFFFFFF
} MLCameraMetadataColorCorrectionAberrationMode;
typedef enum MLCameraMetadataControlAEAntibandingMode {
MLCameraMetadataControlAEAntibandingMode_Off = 0,
MLCameraMetadataControlAEAntibandingMode_Ensure32Bits = 0x7FFFFFFF
} MLCameraMetadataControlAEAntibandingMode;
typedef enum MLCameraMetadataControlAELock {
MLCameraMetadataControlAELock_Off = 0,
MLCameraMetadataControlAELock_Ensure32Bits = 0x7FFFFFFF
} MLCameraMetadataControlAELock;
typedef enum MLCameraMetadataControlAEMode {
MLCameraMetadataControlAEMode_Off = 0,
MLCameraMetadataControlAEMode_Ensure32Bits = 0x7FFFFFFF
} MLCameraMetadataControlAEMode;
typedef enum MLCameraMetadataControlAWBLock {
MLCameraMetadataControlAWBLock_Off = 0,
MLCameraMetadataControlAWBLock_Ensure32Bits = 0x7FFFFFFF
} MLCameraMetadataControlAWBLock;
typedef enum MLCameraMetadataControlAWBMode {
MLCameraMetadataControlAWBMode_Off = 0,
MLCameraMetadataControlAWBMode_Ensure32Bits = 0x7FFFFFFF
} MLCameraMetadataControlAWBMode;
typedef enum MLCameraMetadataControlAFMode {
MLCameraMetadataControlAFMode_Off = 0,
MLCameraMetadataControlAFMode_Ensure32Bits = 0x7FFFFFFF
} MLCameraMetadataControlAFMode;
typedef enum MLCameraMetadataControlAFTrigger {
MLCameraMetadataControlAFTrigger_Idle = 0,
MLCameraMetadataControlAFTrigger_Ensure32Bits = 0x7FFFFFFF
} MLCameraMetadataControlAFTrigger;
typedef enum MLCameraMetadataControlMode {
MLCameraMetadataControlMode_Off = 0,
MLCameraMetadataControlMode_Ensure32Bits = 0x7FFFFFFF
} MLCameraMetadataControlMode;
typedef enum MLCameraMetadataControlSceneMode {
MLCameraMetadataControlSceneMode_None = 0,
MLCameraMetadataControlSceneMode_Action = 2,
MLCameraMetadataControlSceneMode_Portrait = 3,
MLCameraMetadataControlSceneMode_Landscape = 4,
MLCameraMetadataControlSceneMode_Theatre = 7,
MLCameraMetadataControlSceneMode_Sports = 13,
MLCameraMetadataControlSceneMode_Party = 14,
MLCameraMetadataControlSceneMode_CandleLight = 15,
MLCameraMetadataControlSceneMode_Barcode = 16,
MLCameraMetadataControlSceneMode_Medical = 100,
MLCameraMetadataControlSceneMode_Ensure32Bits = 0x7FFFFFFF
} MLCameraMetadataControlSceneMode;
typedef enum MLCameraMetadataControlEffectMode {
MLCameraMetadataControlEffectMode_Off = 0,
MLCameraMetadataControlEffectMode_Ensure32Bits = 0x7FFFFFFF
} MLCameraMetadataControlEffectMode;
typedef enum MLCameraMetadataControlAEState {
MLCameraMetadataControlAEState_Inactive = 0,
MLCameraMetadataControlAEState_Ensure32Bits = 0x7FFFFFFF
} MLCameraMetadataControlAEState;
typedef enum MLCameraMetadataControlAWBState {
MLCameraMetadataControlAWBState_Inactive = 0,
MLCameraMetadataControlAWBState_Ensure32Bits = 0x7FFFFFFF
} MLCameraMetadataControlAWBState;
typedef enum MLCameraMetadataControlAFState {
MLCameraMetadataControlAFState_Inactive = 0,
MLCameraMetadataControlAFState_Ensure32Bits = 0x7FFFFFFF
} MLCameraMetadataControlAFState;
typedef enum MLCameraMetadataControlAFSceneChange {
MLCameraMetadataControlAFSceneChange_NotDetected = 0,
MLCameraMetadataControlAFSceneChange_Ensure32Bits = 0x7FFFFFFF
} MLCameraMetadataControlAFSceneChange;
typedef enum MLCameraMetadataLensState {
MLCameraMetadataLensState_Stationary = 0,
MLCameraMetadataLensState_Ensure32Bits = 0x7FFFFFFF
} MLCameraMetadataLensState;
typedef enum MLCameraMetadataScalerAvailableFormats {
MLCameraMetadataScalerAvailableFormats_RAW16 = 0x20,
MLCameraMetadataScalerAvailableFormats_RAW_OPAQUE = 0x24,
MLCameraMetadataScalerAvailableFormats_YV12 = 0x32315659,
MLCameraMetadataScalerAvailableFormats_YCrCb_420_SP = 0x11,
MLCameraMetadataScalerAvailableFormats_IMPLEMENTATION_DEFINED = 0x22,
MLCameraMetadataScalerAvailableFormats_YCbCr_420_888 = 0x23,
MLCameraMetadataScalerAvailableFormats_BLOB = 0x21,
MLCameraMetadataScalerAvailableFormats_Ensure32Bits = 0x7FFFFFFF
} MLCameraMetadataScalerAvailableFormats;
typedef enum MLCameraMetadataScalerAvailableStreamConfigurations {
MLCameraMetadataScalerAvailableStreamConfigurations_OUTPUT = 0,
MLCameraMetadataScalerAvailableStreamConfigurations_Ensure32Bits = 0x7FFFFFFF
} MLCameraMetadataScalerAvailableStreamConfigurations;
typedef enum MLCameraMetadataJpegThumbnailSize {
MLCameraMetadataJpegThumbnailSize_160x120 = 1,
MLCameraMetadataJpegThumbnailSize_240x135 = 2,
MLCameraMetadataJpegThumbnailSize_256x135 = 3,
MLCameraMetadataJpegThumbnailSize_Ensure32Bits = 0x7FFFFFFF
} MLCameraMetadataJpegThumbnailSize;
typedef enum MLCameraMetadataControlForceApplyMode {
MLCameraMetadataControlForceApplyMode_Off = 0,
MLCameraMetadataControlForceApplyMode_On = 1,
MLCameraMetadataControlForceApplyMode_Ensure32Bits = 0x7FFFFFFF
} MLCameraMetadataControlForceApplyMode;