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Version: 10 Jul 2024

Install the Tools

This section provides information on how to install and configure the Unity Editor required to develop for Magic Leap 2.


Install Magic Leap SDK & Tools

We'll use the ML Hub to install and manage the Magic Leap Unity Package, the Unity SDK Examples Project, and other tools.

Open the Magic Leap Hub Package Manager

To access the Package Manager in the ML Hub:

  1. Open the Magic Leap Hub.
  2. Select Package Manager from the home screen.

Downloading the Unity Bundle

To download the Unity Magic Leap Examples Project from the bundle section:

  1. Select the Unity - 3D Creation Bundle.
  2. Next, select any additional package. We recommend that you include all the additional packages listed in the Change Summary section.
  3. Click Apply Changes.
ML Hub Package Manager with the Unity packages highlighted

Install Unity Editor

This section describes the process of installing the Magic Leap 2 compatible Unity Editor.It is recommended that developers use Unity Editor version Unity 2022.3 LTS or later to develop Magic Leap 2 Applications.

  1. Open the Unity Hub application
  2. Go to the Installs tab.
  3. Click the Install Editor button.
  4. In the Install Unity Editor window, select Unity 2022.3 LTS or a later version.
  5. In the Modules screen, select the following:
    • Android Build Support
    • Android SDK & NDK Tools
    • OpenJDK.
  6. Select the Continue button.
  7. If prompted, accept the terms and conditions and click Install.
Unity Hub - Install Window

Next Steps

Create a new Unity Project

Learn which version of Unity and the project template to use when creating a new Magic Leap 2 application.

Unity Examples Project

After successfully creating a new application, check out the pre-configured Magic Leap Unity Examples Project to see some of Magic Leap's unique platform features.

Configure Project Settings

After creating a new Unity project, learn how to configure your project so you can build and deploy Magic Leap 2 applications.