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Version: 20 Jan 2025


NameSpace: MarkerUnderstanding

The data retrieved from a marker detector.

Public Attributes


The estimated length of the marker in meters.

public float MarkerLength;


The number data retrieved from the marker. Only applies to MarkerType.Aruco and MarkerType.AprilTag.

public ulong MarkerNumber;


The position and rotation data of the marker. Only applies to MarkerType.Aruco, MarkerType.AprilTag, and MarkerType.QR.

public Pose MarkerPose;


The string data obtained from the marker. Only applies to MarkerType.QR, MarkerType.Code128, MarkerType.EAN13, and MarkerType.UPCA.

public string MarkerString;


public float ReprojectionErrorMeters;


The reprojection error is only useful when tracking MarkerType.QR codes. A high reprojection error means that the estimated pose of the QR code doesn't match well with the 2D detection on the processed video frame and thus the pose might be inaccurate. The error is given in degrees, signifying by how much either camera or QR code would have to be moved or rotated to create a perfect reprojection. The further away your QR code is, the smaller this reprojection error will be for the same displacement error of the code.