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Version: 20 Mar 2024

UI Modules

After opening the Application Simulator and starting a session, the Application Simulator module populates with options.

Application Simulator Module Layout

Application Simulator Module Overview

You can hide or reveal panels, including Scene View or Device View, using the panels menu.

Application Simulator Menu Button for Panels

Primary Navigation Target Menu

Using this menu you can select the primary target of navigation.

Application Simulator Menu Primary Target of Navigation
Application Simulator Primary Target of Navigation Expanded Dropdown Menu

To learn more about Primary Navigation Targets see Action Bindings and Input Mapping.

A - Scene View

Scene View depicts all the entities in the scene. The red lines represent the meshing frustum used in the Simulator.

Scene View Toolbar

Manipulation Mode

Select icon
Manipulates selected objects.
Move icon
Moves the selected objects.
Rotate icon
Rotates the selected objects.
Scale icon
Scales the selected objects.

Anchor Mode

Base pivot point icon
Set the gizmo transform pivot point to the object base.
Center pivot point icon
Set the gizmo transform pivot point to the object center.

Reference Mode

Local reference icon
Set gizmo transforms to be relative to local object coordinates.
World reference icon
Set gizmo transforms to be relative to world coordinates.

Scene View Camera Mode

Birds-eye view icon
Shows a birds-eye view of the room contents in the Mini Map.
Free Fly view icon
Free Fly Camera
Reset camera icon
Resets the camera to its starting position.


Group icon
Select which gizmos to show, such as cache grid, compass, or hands.

Editing Objects in the Scene View

If you want to move, rotate, or resize any of the objects in the room:

  1. Click the object in the Scene View to select it. A bounding box is drawn around the object.
Select Object in Scene View
  1. Set your manipulation mode in the toolbar, or press one of the hotkeys described in Action Bindings. Ensure you're manipulating the object in the correct transform space by toggling pivot or orientation.
Change Manipulation of Object in Scene View
  1. Drag the controls on the gizmo to transform the object accordingly. The Headset, Control, and other Magic Leap API placeholders can be moved and rotated, but not resized.
Move GizmoRotate GizmoScale Gizmo
Gizmo Move
Gizmo Rotate
Gizmo Scale
  1. Or, directly edit the Position, Orientation, or Scale of the object in the Scene Graph panel.

B - Device View

This composites the graphics from the eye buffers with a view of the scene as seen from the point of view of the headset.

C - Tool Panels

The panels provide information, controls, and configuration options for your scene, including simulated API data values and mouse sensitivity.

Scene Graph Panel

The Scene Graph panel allows you to load new virtual rooms or custom models, or edit the objects in the scene.

Scene Graph Toolbar

Load room icon
Load Virtual Room – You can load any .room file exported from the Virtual Room Generator or any session that has been converted to a .room file using the Package Session as Room option in the Session drop down.
Add model icon
Add Model – You can import individual 3D objects into your virtual room. The following formats are supported: .3ds 3ds Max; .ase 3ds Max; .blend Blender 3D; .dae Collada; .fbx Autodesk 2014/2015, not 2016+; .obj Wavefront; .ply Stanford Polygon Library; .gltf, .glb GL Transmission format
Clear room icon
Clear Virtual Room


Select an object in the Scene Graph or in the Scene View to change the position, orientation, or scale using X,Y,Z values.

Rendering Panel

Overview of the Rendering Panel in Application Simulator

Scene View Camera Panel


Position values are given in meters.

Orientation values are given in degrees.

Check boxes are boolean toggles for the associated property: selected is true, clear is false.

To change the value of any numeric property:

  • Click inside the field, type the new value, and then press Tab or Enter.


  • Pause on the label of a field. When the pointer changes to a , drag the pointer to change the value.

Head Pose Panel

The Head Pose panel represents the position, orientation, and state of the headset’s head pose.

The default starting position of the headset is at (0, 2, 0) which is 2 meters high in the center of the virtual room.

Control Panel

Represents the position, buttons, and touchpad inputs of the controllers. You can also enable Control Head Pose Follow mode, which keeps the controllers in their relative positions when the head pose moves.


A touchpad touch registers only when the z (force) value is greater than zero. You can also send button presses.

Touchpad Gestures

You can perform swipes and other touchpad gestures.

  1. Set the Gesture Type.
  2. Change the Touchpad Gesture State to Start, and then change it to End.
  3. Set the Gesture Direction.

Hand Tracking Panel

The Hand Tracking panel represents the position, orientation, and recognized static hand poses of the hand tracking system. The Application Simulator can simulate the current Hand Tracking API.

For each selected gesture, your app receives notice of the recognized gesture, the confidence value, and the world coordinates (position and orientation) of the gesture.

A gesture with a confidence value of 0 is still a detected gesture. To indicate no detected gesture, click the no-hand gesture.

No Detected Gesture Selector in Hand Tracking Panel

The Simulator detects gestures and key points outside the meshing frustum. This is by design, but remember that on device, gestures outside the meshing frustum are not detected.

Eye Gaze Panel

The Eye Gaze panel represents the vergence point (formerly called fixation point), the positions of the eyes, and the state of the eye tracking system.

The Fixation Position is a world coordinate.

The eye positions are the positions of the center of the eyes as would be reported by the eye tracking cameras.

We do not make any effort to correlate the fixation position with the values you enter for your eye position. You can set them independently and it is up to you to enter realistic values.

Image Tracking Panel

The Image Tracking panel represents the position and orientation of image targets used by the Image Tracking system.

To simulate image tracking, do the following:

  1. Add one or more image tracking target cubes in the Simulator.

  2. Click the Add Target button to add a target cube. You can change the position and orientation of the target cubes either in the Image Tracking properties or by manipulating them directly in the Scene View.

  3. Each target cube represents an image you are actively tracking in your app. You can move and rotate these target cubes in the Scene View. Any target cubes within the meshing frustum are considered detected and tracked. The meshing frustum in the Simulator has a back clipping plane of 4.0 m.

Image Targets begin their life unassigned. When unassigned they do not represent a specific image in the environment. You can think of them as transparent plastic or simply non-existent. Image Targets are not automatically assigned, they require user interaction.

Creating New Image Target

Once an application that uses the Image Tracking API makes a request to populate target image data, these images appear as textures that can be mapped to any image target that you have created and placed in the scene.

The texture associated with the tracked image is rendered by the image target cube in the Simulator. If no image is currently associated with the image target, it is rendered as a red cube.

System Events Panel

The System Events panel provides the ability to trigger various System Events that the device can generate under different conditions. Common System Event sequences have been provided that attempt to mirror the behavior of the event cycles on the real device. Individual events can also be triggered manually.

System Events Panel

Permissions Panel

Provides the ability to set states for several permission areas supported by the MLSDK. The permission states (Allowed, Denied, Pending) are enforced during ML API invocations, as documented in API headers.

Permissions Panel

When an API finds a permission state to be in Pending state, it signals the UI to generate a popup that lets the user allow or deny the permission.

Permissions Panel

The UI lets you load a manifest file that filters available permissions to those specified in the file. All permission requests that are not specified in the manifest are denied. Two pre-defined filters, ZI PERMISSIONS and ALL PERMISSIONS, are also provided. The former filters permissions to areas supported by the Application Simulator, whereas the latter filters to all permissions in the MLSDK.

All permission states can be saved in a named Profile and persist across Application Simulator sessions. The UI also has a ... button that brings up a menu to save, load, and delete profiles. Additionally, all permission states can be set to allowed, denied, pending, or default. When set to default, all normal permissions state are set to allowed state, whereas all dangerous permissions are set to pending state.

Permissions Panel

The permissions panel allows you to test workflows that require specific Dangerous permissions from the Application Simulator workflow in a more convenient way than on device, which requires fully uninstalling your app to test.

That said, the default behavior is to allow all permissions recognized by the Application Simulator, so that you can opt into the workflow as needed.

When developing ML C API applications, since the Application Simulator does not simulate the AOSP Java runtime, you should conditionally replace the AOSP Java APIs with corresponding C API calls from ml_zi_permissions.h. When developing Unity scenes, the ML Unity SDK will automatically prompt for these permissions as needed via the Magic Leap Hub or Unity Editor.

Simulator Limitations


We verify that the values you enter are valid, but not whether they are realistic. That is so you can make sure your app can handle edge cases or seemingly nonsensical API data.


Applications exercising ML Audio APIs can play audio both on host and device. Audio input and analysis support is not implemented.