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Version: 14 Oct 2024


The APIs for the graphics system. More...


The graphics options provided for client creation.
The frame parameters requested for the next rendered frame.
The static clip extents defined for all possible eye positions.
The clip extents parameters.
The clip extents array returned from MLGraphicsGetClipExtentsEx().
Definition of a single render target defined in MLGraphicsRenderBufferInfo.
Definition of a single buffer entry for all virtual cameras as defined in MLGraphicsRenderTargetsInfo.
The complete definition of all possible buffered entries along with associated metadata.
The per virtual camera information as defined in #MLGraphicsVirtualCameraInfoArray.
Information about the current render frame populated by MLGraphicsBeginFrameEx(). This struct must be populated by calling MLGraphicsFrameInfoInit() before being used in a call to MLGraphicsBeginFrameEx().
Performance timing information for the graphics client.


typedef struct MLGraphicsOptionsMLGraphicsOptions
The graphics options provided for client creation.
typedef struct MLGraphicsFrameParamsExMLGraphicsFrameParamsEx
The frame parameters requested for the next rendered frame.
typedef struct MLGraphicsClipExtentsInfoMLGraphicsClipExtentsInfo
The static clip extents defined for all possible eye positions.
typedef struct MLGraphicsClipExtentsParamsMLGraphicsClipExtentsParams
The clip extents parameters.
typedef struct MLGraphicsClipExtentsInfoArrayExMLGraphicsClipExtentsInfoArrayEx
The clip extents array returned from MLGraphicsGetClipExtentsEx().
typedef struct MLGraphicsRenderTargetMLGraphicsRenderTarget
Definition of a single render target defined in MLGraphicsRenderBufferInfo.
typedef struct MLGraphicsRenderBufferInfoMLGraphicsRenderBufferInfo
Definition of a single buffer entry for all virtual cameras as defined in MLGraphicsRenderTargetsInfo.
typedef struct MLGraphicsRenderTargetsInfoMLGraphicsRenderTargetsInfo
The complete definition of all possible buffered entries along with associated metadata.
typedef struct MLGraphicsVirtualCameraInfoMLGraphicsVirtualCameraInfo
The per virtual camera information as defined in #MLGraphicsVirtualCameraInfoArray.
typedef struct MLGraphicsFrameInfoMLGraphicsFrameInfo
Information about the current render frame populated by MLGraphicsBeginFrameEx(). This struct must be populated by calling MLGraphicsFrameInfoInit() before being used in a call to MLGraphicsBeginFrameEx().
typedef struct MLGraphicsClientPerformanceInfoMLGraphicsClientPerformanceInfo
Performance timing information for the graphics client.


MLGraphicsFlags_NoDepth = 1 << 0,
MLGraphicsFlags_DebugMode = 1 << 2,
MLGraphicsFlags_Headlock = 1 << 3,
MLGraphicsFlags_Default = 0,
MLGraphicsFlags_Ensure32Bits = 0x7FFFFFFF
The graphics flags used as part of client creation.
MLSurfaceFormat_Unknown = 0,
MLSurfaceFormat_Ensure32Bits = 0x7FFFFFFF
The definition of the supported color/depth surface formats.
MLGraphicsVirtualCameraName_Combined = -1,
MLGraphicsVirtualCameraName_Left = 0,
MLGraphicsVirtualCameraName_Ensure32Bits = 0x7FFFFFFF
The metadata name associated with each virtual camera.
enumAnonymous Enum 10
MLGraphics_BufferCount = 3
MLGraphicsProjectionType_SignedZ = 0,
MLGraphicsProjectionType_ReversedInfiniteZ = 1,
MLGraphicsProjectionType_UnsignedZ = 2,
MLGraphicsProjectionType_Ensure32Bits = 0x7FFFFFFF
Defines the requested projection matrix model for rendering.
MLGraphicsEnvironmentBlendMode_Additive = 0,
MLGraphicsEnvironmentBlendMode_Alpha_Blend = 1,
MLGraphicsEnvironmentBlendMode_Ensure32Bits = 0x7FFFFFFF
Defines how the final frame will be blended with environment.
enumAnonymous Enum 11
MLGraphicsBlobCache_DefaultMaxEntryBytes = 512 * 1024,
MLGraphicsBlobCache_DefaultMaxTotalBytes = 8 * 1024 * 1024


voidMLGraphicsFrameParamsExInit(MLGraphicsFrameParamsEx * inout_frame_params)
Initializes a MLGraphicsFrameParamsEx with the default parameters.
voidMLGraphicsClipExtentsParamsInit(MLGraphicsClipExtentsParams * inout_params)
Initializes default values for MLGraphicsClipExtentsParams.
voidMLGraphicsClipExtentsInfoArrayExInit(MLGraphicsClipExtentsInfoArrayEx * inout_array)
Initializes default values for MLGraphicsClipExtentsInfoArrayEx.
voidMLGraphicsFrameInfoInit(MLGraphicsFrameInfo * inout_frame_info)
Initializes default values for MLGraphicsFrameInfo.
MLResultMLGraphicsEnableBlobCacheGL(const char * filename, uint32_t max_entry_bytes, uint32_t max_total_bytes)
Enable shader blob cache for OpenGL.
MLResultMLGraphicsCreateClientGL(const MLGraphicsOptions options, MLHandle opengl_context, MLHandle out_graphics_client)
Create the GL/GLES graphics client.
uint32_tMLGraphicsGLFormatFromMLSurfaceFormat(MLSurfaceFormat format)
Convert MLSurfaceFormat to OpenGL internal format.
MLSurfaceFormatMLGraphicsMLSurfaceFormatFromGLFormat(uint32_t format)
Convert OpenGL internal format to MLSurfaceFormat.
MLResultMLGraphicsCreateClientVk(const MLGraphicsOptions options, const VkInstance vulkan_instance, const VkPhysicalDevice vulkan_physical_device, const VkDevice vulkan_logical_device, MLHandle out_graphics_client)
Create the VK graphics client.
VkFormatMLGraphicsVkFormatFromMLSurfaceFormat(const MLSurfaceFormat format)
Convert MLSurfaceFormat to VkFormat.
MLSurfaceFormatMLGraphicsMLSurfaceFormatFromVkFormat(const VkFormat format)
Convert VkFormat to MLSurfaceFormat.
MLResultMLGraphicsDestroyClient(MLHandle * inout_graphics_client)
Destroy a GL/GLES or VK client.
MLResultMLGraphicsBeginFrameEx(MLHandle graphics_client, const MLGraphicsFrameParamsEx params, MLGraphicsFrameInfo out_frame_info)
Request to begin rendering a new frame in the graphics system.
MLResultMLGraphicsSignalSyncObjectGL(MLHandle graphics_client, MLHandle sync_object)
Signal the sync object provided for each virtual camera for GL/GLES clients.
MLResultMLGraphicsGetClipExtentsEx(MLHandle graphics_client, const MLGraphicsClipExtentsParams params, MLGraphicsClipExtentsInfoArrayEx out_array)
Get the conservative clip extents information for each virtual camera.
MLResultMLGraphicsGetRenderTargets(MLHandle graphics_client, MLGraphicsRenderTargetsInfo * out_targets)
Get a list of all buffered entries.
MLResultMLGraphicsEndFrame(MLHandle graphics_client, MLHandle handle)
Submit a completed frame to the graphics system.
MLResultMLGraphicsGetClientPerformanceInfo(MLHandle graphics_client, MLGraphicsClientPerformanceInfo * out_info)
Obtain latest performance metrics for the client.

Detailed Description

The APIs for the graphics system.

The enclosed APIs allow for interaction with the graphics system. In general, to integrate with the graphics system you will do so with a graphics client handle. There are two types of clients currently supported, a GL/GLES client supporting all GL/GLES APIs from 3.0 to 4.5, and a VK client which supports the latest VK definition on the platform. Once created, the client handle can be used to start/end frames, set the requested timing characteristics for the client, and query useful information about the client.

All timing, alignment, etc. of the CPU domain of the client with the asynchronous composition is also handled automatically by the API through the blocking behavior in MLGraphicsBeginFrameEx.

Note : In the current definition of the API, perception must have already been started prior to interacting with the graphics system and the perception lifetime is managed separate of the graphics system.



Shared Object:

  • graphics.magicleap*

Enums Documentation


MLGraphicsFlags_NoDepth1 << 0The client will not provide a depth buffer to the graphics system as part of rendering. Therefore the handle returned for all depth related resources from the graphics APIs will be invalid.
MLGraphicsFlags_DebugMode1 << 2Create a debug client with a debug configuration that provides extended logcat error logging. Useful to debug failures in API calls to the graphics system.
MLGraphicsFlags_Headlock1 << 3The client will lock all the content to the user's head pose. When enabled all of the content rendered by the app and system notifications will be in head locked mode. Use this mode with caution.
MLGraphicsFlags_Default0When #graphics_flags is set to default, the client configuration returned is the default configuration (color/depth, origin lower left, non-debug, no headlock).
MLGraphicsFlags_Ensure32Bits0x7FFFFFFFEnsure enum is represented as 32 bits.

The graphics flags used as part of client creation.

The flags are used to define the #graphics_flags member of the MLGraphicsOptions as part of the definition to create the client.


Deprecated since 1.6.0. Scheduled for removal.


MLSurfaceFormat_Unknown0Invalid format for color/depth.
MLSurfaceFormat_RGBA8UNorm32bit linear color format (RGBA8).
MLSurfaceFormat_RGBA8UNormSRGBGamma 2.2 32bit sRGB color format (RGBA8). Clients requesting this format are required to encode the final color into this surface as defined by the IEC 61966-2-1 specification.
MLSurfaceFormat_RGB10A2UNorm32bit linear color format (R10G10B10A2).
MLSurfaceFormat_RGBA16Float64bit linear color format (R16G16B16A16).
MLSurfaceFormat_D32Float32bit floating point depth buffer (D32F).
MLSurfaceFormat_D24NormS824bit linear depth format with 8bit stencil (D24S8).
MLSurfaceFormat_D32FloatS832bit floating point depth format with 8bit stencil (D32FS8).
MLSurfaceFormat_Ensure32Bits0x7FFFFFFFEnsure enum is represented as 32 bits.

The definition of the supported color/depth surface formats.

Formats that can be specified for the color_format and depth_format in MLGraphicsOptions. For the best quality the recommended color format is MLSurfaceFormat_RGBA8UNormSRGB, and for depth (when defined) either MLSurfaceFormat_D32Float or MLSurfaceFormat_D32FloatS8.


Deprecated since 1.6.0. Scheduled for removal.


MLGraphicsVirtualCameraName_Combined-1Name of the combined camera, the union of all virtual cameras.
MLGraphicsVirtualCameraName_Left0Name of virtual camera for left display.
MLGraphicsVirtualCameraName_RightName of virtual camera for right display.
MLGraphicsVirtualCameraName_CountThe maximum number of render virtual cameras.
MLGraphicsVirtualCameraName_Ensure32Bits0x7FFFFFFFEnsure enum is represented as 32 bits.

The metadata name associated with each virtual camera.

APIs within the graphics system will return information specific to a single virtual camera or both. The metadata name informs the client how to correlate the outputs of the API to a specific camera or both cameras.


Deprecated since 1.6.0. Scheduled for removal.

Anonymous Enum 10

MLGraphics_BufferCount3The number of buffered entries for each virtual camera.

Definitions for Graphics system maximums.


MLGraphicsProjectionType_SignedZ0Projection model with signed Z.
MLGraphicsProjectionType_ReversedInfiniteZ1Projection model reversed infinite Z.
MLGraphicsProjectionType_UnsignedZ2Projection model with unsigned Z.
MLGraphicsProjectionType_Ensure32Bits0x7FFFFFFFEnsure enum is represented as 32 bits.

Defines the requested projection matrix model for rendering.

Provided as part of the MLGraphicsFrameParamsEx, defines the requested projection model for the intrinsic definition returned for each virtual camera from MLGraphicsBeginFrameEx.

The signed Z projection model is optimized for OpenGL use and transforms points into a left-hand, right-up-forward, Z range -1 (near) to 1 (far) projected coordinate space.

The reverse infinite Z projection model maps the Z range from 1 (near) to 0 (infinity).

Vulkan clients should use the unsigned Z projection model to ensure that NDC points end up in Z range 0 (near) to 1 (far).


Deprecated since 1.6.0. Scheduled for removal.


MLGraphicsEnvironmentBlendMode_Additive0Ignore frame alpha and prohibit generation of segmented dimmer.
MLGraphicsEnvironmentBlendMode_Alpha_Blend1Use the resulting alpha after compostion potentially generating dimmer.
MLGraphicsEnvironmentBlendMode_Ensure32Bits0x7FFFFFFFEnsure enum is represented as 32 bits.

Defines how the final frame will be blended with environment.

For now only used for controlling the segmented dimmer behavior.


Deprecated since 1.6.0. Scheduled for removal.

Anonymous Enum 11

MLGraphicsBlobCache_DefaultMaxEntryBytes512 * 1024
MLGraphicsBlobCache_DefaultMaxTotalBytes8 * 1024 * 1024

Default values suitable for use with MLGraphicsEnableBlobCacheGL().

Types Documentation


typedef struct MLGraphicsOptions MLGraphicsOptions;

The graphics options provided for client creation.

MLGraphicsOptions defines the requested client configuration for creating GL/GLES or VK clients.

More Info


Deprecated since 1.6.0. Scheduled for removal.


typedef struct MLGraphicsFrameParamsEx MLGraphicsFrameParamsEx;

The frame parameters requested for the next rendered frame.

The parameters defined by MLGraphicsFrameParamsEx are supplied to MLGraphicsBeginFrameEx from the client to define the requested characteristics of the next rendered frame.

This structure must be initialized by calling MLGraphicsFrameParamsExInit() before use.

More Info


Deprecated since 1.6.0. Scheduled for removal.

API Level:

  • 21


typedef struct MLGraphicsClipExtentsInfo MLGraphicsClipExtentsInfo;

The static clip extents defined for all possible eye positions.

Defines the conservative clip extents for the camera name that can be used for early update frustum culling in the client update path (prior to calling MLGraphicsBeginFrameEx).

Note: The client will need to obtain a headpose to combine with the provided matrices (transform and projection) to define the frustum. The general definition for camera from world (for the specified camera name) is MATprojection inv(MATtransform) inv(MATheadpose) for RHS multiplication.

More Info


Deprecated since 1.6.0. Scheduled for removal.


typedef struct MLGraphicsClipExtentsParams MLGraphicsClipExtentsParams;

The clip extents parameters.

The parameters defined by MLGraphicsClipExtentsParams are supplied to MLGraphicsGetClipExtentsEx() from the client to define the requested characteristics of the clip extents.

More Info


Deprecated since 1.6.0. Scheduled for removal.

API Level:

  • 4


typedef struct MLGraphicsClipExtentsInfoArrayEx MLGraphicsClipExtentsInfoArrayEx;

The clip extents array returned from MLGraphicsGetClipExtentsEx().

The clip extents array provides the conservative clip extents per metadata camera as defined by MLGraphicsClipExtentsInfo.

This structure must be initialized by calling MLGraphicsClipExtentsInfoArrayExInit() before use.

More Info


Deprecated since 1.6.0. Scheduled for removal.

API Level:

  • 4


typedef struct MLGraphicsRenderTarget MLGraphicsRenderTarget;

Definition of a single render target defined in MLGraphicsRenderBufferInfo.

Each render target defines one of the buffered entries color/depth surfaces (with maximum count defined by MLGraphics_BufferCount). Clients can assume that the handle provided here will be in the list of handles returned from MLGraphicsBeginFrameEx.

More Info


Deprecated since 1.6.0. Scheduled for removal.


typedef struct MLGraphicsRenderBufferInfo MLGraphicsRenderBufferInfo;

Definition of a single buffer entry for all virtual cameras as defined in MLGraphicsRenderTargetsInfo.

Each buffer entry can contain a color / depth target and the target is valid if the handle != 0.

Note : When the client specifies the MLGraphicsFlags_NoDepth flag as part of client creation the depth targets will always be 0.

More Info


Deprecated since 1.6.0. Scheduled for removal.


typedef struct MLGraphicsRenderTargetsInfo MLGraphicsRenderTargetsInfo;

The complete definition of all possible buffered entries along with associated metadata.

Statically defined after successfully creating the client, the MLGraphicsRenderTargetsInfo provides the definition of all of the buffered entries along with the global metadata. The client can assume that once queried the definition will not change and therefore does not need to be queried more than once at runtime.

More Info


Deprecated since 1.6.0. Scheduled for removal.


typedef struct MLGraphicsVirtualCameraInfo MLGraphicsVirtualCameraInfo;

The per virtual camera information as defined in #MLGraphicsVirtualCameraInfoArray.

For each virtual camera the client is provided the exact definition of the camera properties along with the matrices needed to construct the full transform chain. In general the transform chain for each virtual camera is defined as MATprojection * inv(MATtransform) for RHS multiplication.

Note: The projection model is asymmetric and clients should not assume any of the symmetric properties of projection. Additionally both the transform and projection will change per frame and cannot be assumed to be static.

More Info


Deprecated since 1.6.0. Scheduled for removal.


typedef struct MLGraphicsFrameInfo MLGraphicsFrameInfo;

Information about the current render frame populated by MLGraphicsBeginFrameEx(). This struct must be populated by calling MLGraphicsFrameInfoInit() before being used in a call to MLGraphicsBeginFrameEx().

More Info


Deprecated since 1.6.0. Scheduled for removal.

API Level:

  • 27


typedef struct MLGraphicsClientPerformanceInfo MLGraphicsClientPerformanceInfo;

Performance timing information for the graphics client.

Populated by MLGraphicsGetClientPerformanceInfo, the performance information contains all metrics tracked by the graphics system for the specified client. Metrics are calculated using a sliding window and can be used to adjust the client workload characteristics (i.e. scale, fidelity, etc).

Note: The internal metrics are also provided, informing the client of both the CPU and GPU cost of the internal operations of the graphics system (in the client process).

More Info


Deprecated since 1.6.0. Scheduled for removal.

Functions Documentation


static inline void MLGraphicsFrameParamsExInit(
MLGraphicsFrameParamsEx * inout_frame_params

Initializes a MLGraphicsFrameParamsEx with the default parameters.


MLGraphicsFrameParamsEx *inout_frame_paramsThe object to initialize with default settings.

Required Permissions:

  • None

Deprecated since 1.6.0. Scheduled for removal.

API Level:

  • 22


static inline void MLGraphicsClipExtentsParamsInit(
MLGraphicsClipExtentsParams * inout_params

Initializes default values for MLGraphicsClipExtentsParams.


MLGraphicsClipExtentsParams *inout_paramsThe object to initialize with default settings.

Deprecated since 1.6.0. Scheduled for removal.

API Level:

  • 4


static inline void MLGraphicsClipExtentsInfoArrayExInit(
MLGraphicsClipExtentsInfoArrayEx * inout_array

Initializes default values for MLGraphicsClipExtentsInfoArrayEx.


MLGraphicsClipExtentsInfoArrayEx *inout_arrayThe object to initialize with default settings.

Deprecated since 1.6.0. Scheduled for removal.

API Level:

  • 4


static inline void MLGraphicsFrameInfoInit(
MLGraphicsFrameInfo * inout_frame_info

Initializes default values for MLGraphicsFrameInfo.


MLGraphicsFrameInfo *inout_frame_infoThe object to initialize with default settings.

Deprecated since 1.6.0. Scheduled for removal.

API Level:

  • 27


MLResult MLGraphicsEnableBlobCacheGL(
const char * filename,
uint32_t max_entry_bytes,
uint32_t max_total_bytes

Enable shader blob cache for OpenGL.


const char *filenameAbsolute path to a file to use for caching. Location must be writeable by application.
uint32_tmax_entry_bytesReserved for future use. Maximum size for a single blob entry. Currently defaults to 512KB.
uint32_tmax_total_bytesReserved for future use. Maximum total file size for the blob. Currently defaults to 8MB.


MLResultMLResult_InvalidParamFailed to enable blob cache due to an invalid input parameter.
MLResultMLResult_OkSuccessfully enabled blob cache.

Required Permissions:

  • None

OpenGL can cache & reuse shaders and other driver artifacts using a blob cache, speeding up loading & processing of shaders significantly on subseqent occurrences. This behavior persists across runs of the app as well, speeding up load times. This function is used to enable the blob caching using the specified file. The file path must be writeable by the application. The file will be created if it doesn't already exist.


Deprecated since 1.6.0. Scheduled for removal.


MLResult MLGraphicsCreateClientGL(
const MLGraphicsOptions * options,
MLHandle opengl_context,
MLHandle * out_graphics_client

Create the GL/GLES graphics client.


const MLGraphicsOptions *optionsThe graphics options for resource creation.
MLHandleopengl_contextThe OpenGL context to use for resource creation.
MLHandle *out_graphics_clientThe handle to the created graphics client. Only valid if result is MLResult_Ok.


MLResultMLResult_InvalidParamFailed to create graphics client due to an invalid input parameter.
MLResultMLResult_OkSuccessfully created graphics client.
MLResultMLResult_UnspecifiedFailureFailed to create graphics client due to an unknown error.

Required Permissions:

  • None

Create a graphics client for use with GL/GLES APIs using the provided options and specified opengl context. It is required that the opengl context specified here is only bound on the thread used to render the client frame and is the same context used to render the frame using the provided information from MLGraphicsBeginFrameEx.


Deprecated since 1.6.0. Scheduled for removal.


uint32_t MLGraphicsGLFormatFromMLSurfaceFormat(
MLSurfaceFormat format

Convert MLSurfaceFormat to OpenGL internal format.


MLSurfaceFormatformatThe MLSurfaceFormat to convert.

Required Permissions:

  • None

Deprecated since 1.6.0. Scheduled for removal.

Return: The returned internal format.


MLSurfaceFormat MLGraphicsMLSurfaceFormatFromGLFormat(
uint32_t format

Convert OpenGL internal format to MLSurfaceFormat.


uint32_tformatThe internal format to convert.

Required Permissions:

  • None

Deprecated since 1.6.0. Scheduled for removal.

Return: The returned MLSurfaceFormat.


MLResult MLGraphicsCreateClientVk(
const MLGraphicsOptions * options,
const VkInstance vulkan_instance,
const VkPhysicalDevice vulkan_physical_device,
const VkDevice vulkan_logical_device,
MLHandle * out_graphics_client

Create the VK graphics client.


const MLGraphicsOptions *optionsThe graphics options for resource creation.
const VkInstancevulkan_instanceThe Vulkan instance used to create the physical and logical device.
const VkPhysicalDevicevulkan_physical_deviceThe Vulkan physical device used to create the specified logical device.
const VkDevicevulkan_logical_deviceThe Vulkan logical device to use for resource creation.
MLHandle *out_graphics_clientThe handle to the created graphics client. Only valid if result is MLResult_Ok.


MLResultMLResult_InvalidParamFailed to create client due to an invalid input parameter.
MLResultMLResult_OkSuccessfully created client.
MLResultMLResult_UnspecifiedFailureFailed to create client due to an unknown error.

Required Permissions:

  • None

Create a graphics client for use with VK API using the provided options and specified physical and logical device. The color and depth surfaces are created internally, then exported to the application context. The initial layout of these surfaces is VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_UNDEFINED. It is the application's responsibility to perform a layout transition of the surfaces before usage.


Deprecated since 1.6.0. Scheduled for removal.


VkFormat MLGraphicsVkFormatFromMLSurfaceFormat(
const MLSurfaceFormat format

Convert MLSurfaceFormat to VkFormat.


const MLSurfaceFormatformatThe MLSurfaceFormat to convert.

Required Permissions:

  • None

Deprecated since 1.6.0. Scheduled for removal.

Return: The returned VkFormat.


MLSurfaceFormat MLGraphicsMLSurfaceFormatFromVkFormat(
const VkFormat format

Convert VkFormat to MLSurfaceFormat.


const VkFormatformatThe VkFormat to convert.

Required Permissions:

  • None

Deprecated since 1.6.0. Scheduled for removal.

Return: The returned MLSurfaceFormat.


MLResult MLGraphicsDestroyClient(
MLHandle * inout_graphics_client

Destroy a GL/GLES or VK client.


MLHandle *inout_graphics_clientThe graphics client to destroy.


MLResultMLResult_InvalidParamFailed to destroy client due to an invalid input parameter.
MLResultMLResult_OkSuccessfully destroyed client.
MLResultMLResult_UnspecifiedFailureFailed to destroy client due to an unknown error.

Required Permissions:

  • None

Destroying the client will invalidate all resources associated with the client handle and invalidate the provided handle.


Deprecated since 1.6.0. Scheduled for removal.


MLResult MLGraphicsBeginFrameEx(
MLHandle graphics_client,
const MLGraphicsFrameParamsEx * params,
MLGraphicsFrameInfo * out_frame_info

Request to begin rendering a new frame in the graphics system.


MLHandlegraphics_clientThe graphics client to query.
const MLGraphicsFrameParamsEx *paramsThe frame parameters for the frame.
MLGraphicsFrameInfo *out_frame_infoInformation returned for use when rendering the frame. Only valid if result is MLResult_Ok.


MLResultMLResult_InvalidParamFailed to start frame due to an invalid input parameter.
MLResultMLResult_OkSuccessfully started frame.
MLResultMLResult_TimeoutFailed to start frame due to blocking timeout limit being reached.
MLResultMLResult_UnspecifiedFailureFailed to start frame due to an unknown error.

Required Permissions:

  • None

Called to request the start of a new render frame and should be called as close as possible to the start of rendering to minimize the motion to photon latency. Only one frame can be rendered at a time and must be submitted by providing the returned handle to MLGraphicsEndFrame prior to another call to MLGraphicsBeginFrameEx. The call to begin/end frame should be made on the render thread alone of the client. It is required that a successful call to MLGraphicsFrameInfoInit be made before calling MLGraphicsBeginFrameEx. Faiure to call MLGraphicsFrameInfoInit before calling MLGraphicsBeginFrameEx will return a result of MLResult_NotImplemented.

Note : Calls to MLGraphicsBeginFrameEx can and will block the calling process. There are several reasons that lead to a block, including, the client is executing faster than the defined timing requested (and the block re-aligns the client timing), the client is not yet visible in the system, and the compositor has not yet moved to the next buffered entry (i.e. wraparound cases from fast client rendering). The call to MLGraphicsBeginFrameEx will timeout the block and return when the conditions to unblock have not been satisfied for the internal timeout period. The most common occurrence of the timeout is when the application is not currently visible.


Deprecated since 1.6.0. Scheduled for removal.

API Level:

  • 22


MLResult MLGraphicsSignalSyncObjectGL(
MLHandle graphics_client,
MLHandle sync_object

Signal the sync object provided for each virtual camera for GL/GLES clients.


MLHandlegraphics_clientThe graphics client owning the sync object.
MLHandlesync_objectThe sync object to be signaled.


MLResultMLResult_InvalidParamFailed to signal object due to an invalid input parameter.
MLResultMLResult_OkSuccessfully signaled object.
MLResultMLResult_UnspecifiedFailureFailed to signal object due to an unknown error.

Required Permissions:

  • None

Required for each frame, after rendering each virtual camera (or multiple if stereo rendering) to signal the sync object in order to inform the graphics system that the rendering for the camera(s) has completed. All sync objects can be signaled after rendering all cameras, but results in lower fidelity in the graphics system.

Note: Vulkan clients are required to cast the sync object to VkSemaphore and add it to the signal semaphore list when submitting the last command buffer for the virtual camera(s).


Deprecated since 1.6.0. Scheduled for removal.


MLResult MLGraphicsGetClipExtentsEx(
MLHandle graphics_client,
const MLGraphicsClipExtentsParams * params,
MLGraphicsClipExtentsInfoArrayEx * out_array

Get the conservative clip extents information for each virtual camera.


MLHandlegraphics_clientThe graphics client to query.
const MLGraphicsClipExtentsParams *paramsThe clip extents parameters.
MLGraphicsClipExtentsInfoArrayEx *out_arrayThe clip extents info array with all information required for update of each virtual camera. Only valid if result is MLResult_Ok.


MLResultMLResult_InvalidParamFailed to obtain extents due to an invalid input parameter.
MLResultMLResult_OkSuccessfully obtained extents.
MLResultMLResult_UnspecifiedFailureFailed to obtain extents due to an unknown error.

Required Permissions:

  • None

Clients should call this function once a frame to get the most accurate clip extents.



API Level:

  • 4


MLResult MLGraphicsGetRenderTargets(
MLHandle graphics_client,
MLGraphicsRenderTargetsInfo * out_targets

Get a list of all buffered entries.


MLHandlegraphics_clientThe graphics client to query.
MLGraphicsRenderTargetsInfo *out_targetsThe render target info array. Only valid if result is MLResult_Ok.


MLResultMLResult_InvalidParamFailed to obtain target due to an invalid input parameter.
MLResultMLResult_OkSuccessfully obtained handle.
MLResultMLResult_UnspecifiedFailureFailed to obtain handle due to an unknown error.

Required Permissions:

  • None

Called after client initialization to obtain the definition of all buffered entries along with the associated metadata. Like #MLGraphicsGetClipExtents can be assumed that the output is unchanging for the lifetime of the client.


Deprecated since 1.6.0. Scheduled for removal.


MLResult MLGraphicsEndFrame(
MLHandle graphics_client,
MLHandle handle

Submit a completed frame to the graphics system.


MLHandlegraphics_clientThe graphics client to update.
MLHandlehandleThe handle provided from the call to MLGraphicsBeginFrameEx.


MLResultMLResult_InvalidParamFailed to end frame due to an invalid input parameter.
MLResultMLResult_OkSuccessfully ended frame.
MLResultMLResult_UnspecifiedFailureFailed to end frame due to an unknown error.

Required Permissions:

  • None

Submit a completed frame to the graphics system using the handle provided from MLGraphicsBeginFrameEx. Prior to submiting the frame the client must signal the sync objects provided by MLGraphicsBeginFrameEx, for GL/GLES clients with MLGraphicsSignalSyncObjectGL or for VK clients including that sync object as part of the signal semaphore list. For VK clients, the color and depth surfaces can be in any image layout when calling MLGraphicsEndFrame.


Deprecated since 1.6.0. Scheduled for removal.


MLResult MLGraphicsGetClientPerformanceInfo(
MLHandle graphics_client,
MLGraphicsClientPerformanceInfo * out_info

Obtain latest performance metrics for the client.


MLHandlegraphics_clientThe graphics client in which to query the performance.
MLGraphicsClientPerformanceInfo *out_infoCurrent performance information for the client. Only valid if result is MLResult_Ok.


MLResultMLResult_InvalidParamFailed to obtain client performance metrics due to an invalid input parameter.
MLResultMLResult_OkSuccessfully obtained client performance metrics.
MLResultMLResult_UnspecifiedFailureFailed to obtain client performance metrics due to an unknown error.

Required Permissions:

  • None

Can be called any time after the client has begun rendering frames to obtain the internally tracked performance metrics for the client and graphics system. Updated internally once per completed frame.


Deprecated since 1.6.0. Scheduled for removal.