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Version: 21 Aug 2024


Public Fields


public static Extensions.PlanesQuery Query { get; set; }

Public Enums


None0Include no planes.
Vertical1 << 0Include planes whose normal is perpendicular to gravity.
Horizontal1 << 1Include planes whose normal is parallel to gravity.
Arbitrary1 << 2Include planes with arbitrary normals.
ArbitraryInclude all plane orientations.
OrientToGravity1 << 3For non-horizontal planes, setting this flag will result in the top of the plane rectangle being perpendicular to gravity.
Inner1 << 4If this flag is set, inner planes will be returned; if it is not set, outer planes will be returned.
Semantic_Ceiling1 << 6Include planes semantically tagged as ceiling.
Semantic_Floor1 << 7Include planes semantically tagged as floor.
Semantic_Wall1 << 8Include planes semantically tagged as wall.
Semantic_WallInclude all planes that are semantically tagged.
Polygons1 << 9Include polygonal planes. (Planes that have more than 4 edges. <note> The MLPlanesReleaseBoundariesList, MLPlanesQueryGetResultsWithBoundaries, MLPlanesQueryGetResults calls are handled automatically when using the Magic Leap Plane subsystem </note> When this flag is set:
  • MLPlanesQueryGetResultsWithBoundaries returns polygons along with other applicable rectangular planes. MLPlanesReleaseBoundariesList MUST be called before the next call to MLPlanesQueryGetResultsWithBoundaries or MLPlanesQueryGetResults, otherwise UnspecifiedFailure will be returned.
  • MLPlanesQueryGetResults returns just the rectangular planes. polygons (if any) extracted during the query will be discarded. No need to call MLPlanesReleaseBoundariesList before the next MLPlanesQueryGetResultsWithBoundaries or MLPlanesQueryGetResults.

When this flag is not set:

  • both the APIs MLPlanesQueryGetResultsWithBoundaries and MLPlanesQueryGetResults returns just rectangular planes. No need to call MLPlanesReleaseBoundariesList.

/remarks> |