NameSpace: Native
Utility class used for converting vectors and matrices between native and unity format.
Public Methods
object ByteArrayToObject
Convert a byte array to an Object
public static object ByteArrayToObject(
byte [] byteArray
Type | Name | Description |
byte [] | byteArray | Byte array to convert |
Returns: Returns the newly converted object
string DecodeAscii
Decodes a buffer of bytes into an ASCII string.
public static string DecodeAscii(
byte [] buffer
Type | Name | Description |
byte [] | buffer | bytes to convert to a string |
Returns: A managed string
string DecodeUTF16BE
Converts an unmanaged UTF-16 string into a managed string.
public static string DecodeUTF16BE(
byte [] nativeArray
Type | Name | Description |
byte [] | nativeArray | Native byte array to convert |
Returns: A managed string
string DecodeUTF16LE
Converts an unmanaged UTF-16 string into a managed string.
public static string DecodeUTF16LE(
byte [] nativeArray
Type | Name | Description |
byte [] | nativeArray | Native byte array to convert |
Returns: A managed string
string DecodeUTF8
Decodes a buffer of bytes into a UTF8 string.
public static string DecodeUTF8(
byte [] buffer
Type | Name | Description |
byte [] | buffer | bytes to convert to a UTF8 string |
Returns: A managed string
string DecodeUTF8
Converts an unmanaged null terminated UTF-8 string into a managed string.
public static string DecodeUTF8(
IntPtr nativeString,
int maximumSize =-1
Type | Name | Description |
IntPtr | nativeString | The unmanaged string to convert |
int | maximumSize | maximum number of characters to convert |
Returns: A managed string
IntPtr EncodeToUnmanagedUTF8
Converts a managed string into an unmanaged null terminated UTF-8 string.
public static IntPtr EncodeToUnmanagedUTF8(
string s
Type | Name | Description |
string | s | The managed string to convert |
Returns: A pointer to the unmanaged string
byte [] EncodeUTF8
This encodes the string into a UTF-8 byte array.
public static byte [] EncodeUTF8(
string decodedString
Type | Name | Description |
string | decodedString | string to encode |
Returns: UTF8 string byte array
void FlipTransformMatrixHorizontally
public static void FlipTransformMatrixHorizontally(
float [] frameTransformMatColMajor
Type | Name | Description |
float [] | frameTransformMatColMajor |
void FlipTransformMatrixVertically
public static void FlipTransformMatrixVertically(
float [] frameTransformMatColMajor
Type | Name | Description |
float [] | frameTransformMatColMajor |
MagicLeapNativeBindings.MLTransform FromUnity
Creates native transform from a Unity matrix.
public static MagicLeapNativeBindings.MLTransform FromUnity(
Matrix4x4 mat,
bool transformFromRUF =true
Type | Name | Description |
Matrix4x4 | mat | A Unity matrix. |
bool | transformFromRUF | (Optional) If false, prevents conversion to the native SDK coordinate system. |
applyScale | (Optional) If false, prevents scaling to the native SDK's unit per meter scale. |
Returns: A native transform.
void FromUnity
Fills out array with values from 4x4 Unity matrix.
public static void FromUnity(
Matrix4x4 mat,
ref float [] matrixColMajor
Type | Name | Description |
Matrix4x4 | mat | An input native matrix. |
ref float [] | matrixColMajor | An array to populate in Unity format. |
MagicLeapNativeBindings.MLVec3f FromUnity
Creates native 3d vector from a Unity vector.
public static MagicLeapNativeBindings.MLVec3f FromUnity(
Vector3 vec,
bool transformFromRUF =true
Type | Name | Description |
Vector3 | vec | A Unity vector. |
bool | transformFromRUF | (Optional) If false, prevents conversion to the native SDK coordinate system. |
applyScale | (Optional) If false, prevents scaling to the native SDK's unit per meter scale. |
Returns: A native vector.
MagicLeapNativeBindings.MLQuaternionf FromUnity
Creates native quaternion from a Unity quaternion.
public static MagicLeapNativeBindings.MLQuaternionf FromUnity(
Quaternion quat,
bool transformFromRUF =true
Type | Name | Description |
Quaternion | quat | A Unity quaternion. |
bool | transformFromRUF | (Optional) If false, prevents conversion to the native SDK coordinate system. |
Returns: A native quaternion.
MagicLeapNativeBindings.MLUUID FromUnity
Creates an MLUUID from a System.Guid
public static MagicLeapNativeBindings.MLUUID FromUnity(
Guid guid
Type | Name | Description |
Guid | guid | A System.Guid |
Returns: A native MLUUID
Vector3 GetPositionFromTransformMatrix
Gets the position vector stored in a transform matrix.
public static Vector3 GetPositionFromTransformMatrix(
Matrix4x4 transformMatrix
Type | Name | Description |
Matrix4x4 | transformMatrix | A Unity matrix treated as a transform matrix. |
Returns: A Unity vector representing a position.
Quaternion GetRotationFromTransformMatrix
Gets the rotation quaternion stored in a transform matrix.
public static Quaternion GetRotationFromTransformMatrix(
Matrix4x4 transformMatrix
Type | Name | Description |
Matrix4x4 | transformMatrix | A Unity matrix treated as a transform matrix. |
Returns: A Unity quaternion.
T [] MarshalUnmanagedArray< T >
Converts an unmanged array to a managed array of type T.
public static T [] MarshalUnmanagedArray< T >(
IntPtr arrayPtr,
int count
Type | Name | Description |
IntPtr | arrayPtr | |
int | count |
byte [] ObjectToByteArray< T >
Convert an object to a byte array. Uses C# Binary formatter to serialize
public static byte [] ObjectToByteArray< T >(
T obj
Type | Name | Description |
T | obj | Object to convert |
Template Parameters:
Data type of object
Returns: Returns a binary array representation of the object
byte [] ToUTF8Snipped
Take a string, snips it to a desired length and converts it to UTF8.
public static byte [] ToUTF8Snipped(
string inString,
int snipLength
Type | Name | Description |
string | inString | String to snip and convert |
int | snipLength | length to snip to |
Returns: UTF8 string byte array
Vector3 ToUnity
Converts a Vector3 to Unity coordinate space and scale.
public static Vector3 ToUnity(
Vector3 vec,
bool transformToRUF =true
Type | Name | Description |
Vector3 | vec | Vector to convert |
bool | transformToRUF | If coordinate space should change. |
applyScale | If world scale should be applied. |
Returns: Converted Vector
Vector3 ToUnity
Creates a Unity 3D vector from a native vector.
public static Vector3 ToUnity(
MagicLeapNativeBindings.MLVec3f vec,
bool transformToRUF =true
Type | Name | Description |
MagicLeapNativeBindings.MLVec3f | vec | A native vector. |
bool | transformToRUF | (Optional) If false, prevents conversion to Unity's coordinate system. |
applyScale | (Optional) If false, prevents scaling to Unity's unit per meter scale. |
Returns: A Unity vector.
Vector2 ToUnity
Creates a Unity 2D vector from a native vector.
public static Vector2 ToUnity(
MagicLeapNativeBindings.MLVec2f vec,
bool transformToRUF =true
Type | Name | Description |
MagicLeapNativeBindings.MLVec2f | vec | A native vector. |
bool | transformToRUF | (Optional) If false, prevents conversion to Unity's coordinate system. |
applyScale | (Optional) If false, prevents scaling to Unity's unit per meter scale. |
Returns: A Unity vector.
Vector3 ToUnity
Creates a Unity 3D vector from a x, y and z parameters.
public static Vector3 ToUnity(
float x,
float y,
float z,
bool transformToRUF =true
Type | Name | Description |
float | x | X component |
float | y | Y component |
float | z | Z component |
bool | transformToRUF | (Optional) If false, prevents conversion to Unity's coordinate system. |
applyScale | (Optional) If false, prevents scaling to Unity's unit per meter scale. |
Returns: A Unity vector.
Quaternion ToUnity
Creates a Unity quaternion from a native quaternion.
public static Quaternion ToUnity(
MagicLeapNativeBindings.MLQuaternionf quat,
bool transformToRUF =true
Type | Name | Description |
MagicLeapNativeBindings.MLQuaternionf | quat | A native quaternion. |
bool | transformToRUF | (Optional) If false, prevents conversion to Unity's coordinate system. |
Returns: A Unity quaternion.
Quaternion ToUnity
Converts a Quaternion to unity space.
public static Quaternion ToUnity(
Quaternion quat,
bool transformToRUF =true
Type | Name | Description |
Quaternion | quat | Quaternion to convert. |
bool | transformToRUF | (Optional) If false, prevents conversion to Unity's coordinate system. |
Returns: A Unity quaternion.
Matrix4x4 ToUnity
Creates Unity 4x4 matrix from native matrix.
public static Matrix4x4 ToUnity(
MagicLeapNativeBindings.MLMat4f mat
Type | Name | Description |
MagicLeapNativeBindings.MLMat4f | mat | A native matrix. |
Returns: A Unity matrix.
Matrix4x4 ToUnity
Creates Unity 4x4 matrix from native transform.
public static Matrix4x4 ToUnity(
MagicLeapNativeBindings.MLTransform transform,
bool transformToRUF =true
Type | Name | Description |
MagicLeapNativeBindings.MLTransform | transform | A native transform. |
bool | transformToRUF | (Optional) If false, prevents conversion to Unity's coordinate system. |
applyScale | (Optional) If false, prevents scaling to Unity's unit per meter scale. |
Returns: A Unity matrix.
Guid ToUnity
Creates a System.Guid from an MLUUID
public static Guid ToUnity(
MagicLeapNativeBindings.MLUUID uuid
Type | Name | Description |
MagicLeapNativeBindings.MLUUID | uuid | A native UUID |
Returns: A System.Guid
Public Attributes
public static readonly float [] IdentityMatrixColMajor = { 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 };