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Version: 21 Aug 2024


NameSpace: MagicLeap

APIs for creating and retrieving media format information.

Public Fields


Handle for the underlying unmanaged object.

public ulong Handle { get; set; }

Public Methods

MLMediaFormat CreateAudio

Create a audio format object.

public static MLMediaFormat CreateAudio(
string mimeType,
int sampleRate,
int channelCount


stringmimeTypeMime type of the content
intsampleRateSample rate of the content
intchannelCountNumber of audio channels

Returns: An MLMediaFormat object if successful, null otherwise

MLMediaFormat CreateCopy

Create a copy of the format handle provided.

public static MLMediaFormat CreateCopy(
MLMediaFormat format


MLMediaFormatformatMLMediaFormat object to copy


This can be particularly useful to persist the media format handle/object that was received through the callbacks(as life cycle of those media format objects are with in the callback context only). The API call to make a copy ensures that the copied object exists until released by the app.

Returns: An MLMediaFormat object if successful, null otherwise

MLMediaFormat CreateEmpty

Create an empty format object.

public static MLMediaFormat CreateEmpty()

Returns: An MLMediaFormat object if successful, null otherwise

MLMediaFormat CreateSubtitle

Create a subtitle format object.

public static MLMediaFormat CreateSubtitle(
string mimeType,
string language


stringmimeTypeMime type of the content
stringlanguageLanguage of the content, using either ISO 639-1 or 639-2/T codes. Specify null or "und" if language information is only included in the content.

Returns: An MLMediaFormat object if successful, null otherwise

MLMediaFormat CreateVideo

Create a video format object.

public static MLMediaFormat CreateVideo(
string mimeType,
int width,
int height


stringmimeTypeMime type of the content
intwidthWidth of the content in pixels
intheightHeight of the content in pixels

Returns: An MLMediaFormat object if successful, null otherwise

MLResult GetValue

Obtain the value of an integer key.

public MLResult GetValue(
string keyName,
out int value


stringkeyNameMLMediaFormatKey name to get the value for
out intvalueOut param to get the value in

Returns: MLResult.Result.Ok if value was obtained successfully

MLResult GetValue

Obtain the value of a long key.

public MLResult GetValue(
string keyName,
out long value


stringkeyNameMLMediaFormatKey name to get the value for
out longvalueOut param to get the value in

Returns: MLResult.Result.Ok if value was obtained successfully

MLResult GetValue

Obtain the value of a float key.

public MLResult GetValue(
string keyName,
out float value


stringkeyNameMLMediaFormatKey name to get the value for
out floatvalueOut param to get the value in

Returns: MLResult.Result.Ok if value was obtained successfully

MLResult GetValue

Obtain the value of a string key.

public MLResult GetValue(
string keyName,
out string value


stringkeyNameMLMediaFormatKey name to get the value for
out stringvalueOut param to get the value in

Returns: MLResult.Result.Ok if value was obtained successfully

MLResult GetValue

Obtain the value of a byte buffer key.

public MLResult GetValue(
string keyName,
out byte [] value


stringkeyNameMLMediaFormatKey name to get the value for
out byte []valueOut param to get the value in

Returns: MLResult.Result.Ok if value was obtained successfully

MLResult GetValue

Obtain the value of an unsigned long key.

public MLResult GetValue(
string keyName,
out ulong size


stringkeyNameMLMediaFormatKey name to get the value for
out ulongvalueOut param to get the value in

Returns: MLResult.Result.Ok if value was obtained successfully

MLResult SetValue

Set the value of an integer key.

public MLResult SetValue(
string keyName,
int value


stringkeyNameMLMediaFormatKey name to set the value for
intvalueValue to set

Returns: MLResult.Result.Ok if value was set successfully

MLResult SetValue

Set the value of a long key.

public MLResult SetValue(
string keyName,
long value


stringkeyNameMLMediaFormatKey name to set the value for
longvalueValue to set

Returns: MLResult.Result.Ok if value was set successfully

MLResult SetValue

Set the value of a float key.

public MLResult SetValue(
string keyName,
float value


stringkeyNameMLMediaFormatKey name to set the value for
floatvalueValue to set

Returns: MLResult.Result.Ok if value was set successfully

MLResult SetValue

Set the value of a string key.

public MLResult SetValue(
string keyName,
string value


stringkeyNameMLMediaFormatKey name to set the value for
stringvalueValue to set

Returns: MLResult.Result.Ok if value was set successfully

MLResult SetValue

Set the value of a byte buffer key.

public MLResult SetValue(
string keyName,
byte [] value


stringkeyNameMLMediaFormatKey name to set the value for
byte []valueValue to set

Returns: MLResult.Result.Ok if value was set successfully

MLResult SetValue

Set the value of an unsigned long key.

public MLResult SetValue(
string keyName,
ulong size


stringkeyNameMLMediaFormatKey name to set the value for
ulongvalueValue to set

Returns: MLResult.Result.Ok if value was set successfully

override string ToString

Human readable representation of the format.

public override string ToString()

Returns: Human readable representation of the format.

Public Enums


Audio data format for track type.

PCM16Bits2Audio data format: PCM 16 bits per sample.
PCM8Bits3Audio data format: PCM 8 bits per sample.
PCMFloat4Audio data format: single-precision floating-point per sample.
PCM32Bits201Audio data format: PCM 32 bits per sample.