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Version: 21 Aug 2024


Information about the state of the Gaze Recognition system.

Public Methods

override string ToString

public override string ToString()

Public Attributes


Metadata field for amplitude of the current movement, which is eye-position displacement in degrees of visual angle. Amplitude applies to saccades and pursuit, otherwise NaN.

public readonly float AmplitudeDeg;


Represents what known gaze Recognition behavior is present.

public readonly Behavior Behavior;

readonly BehaviorA set of mutually-exclusive behaviors that the Gaze Recognition system can report.


Metadata field for direction of the current movement, in radial degrees (0-360). Direction field applies to saccades and pursuit, otherwise NaN

public readonly float DirectionRadial;


Metadata field for duration of the current behavior (gaze type), in seconds. Duration applies to all gaze types

public readonly float DurationS;


Represents what gaze Recognition error (if any) is present.

public readonly Error Error;

readonly ErrorA set of possible error codes that the Gaze Recognition system can report.


A vector for eye-in-skull position of left eye, even if right eye is closed

public readonly Vector2 EyeLeft;


A vector for eye-in-skull position of right eye, even if left eye is closed.

public readonly Vector2 EyeRight;


Metadata field for onset of the current behavior, in seconds. Onset applies to all behaviors and marks the time when the current behavior began.

public readonly float OnsetS;


The timestamp accociated with all data fields in this struct, giving the headset clock.

public readonly MLTime TimeStamp;

readonly MLTimeRepresents an ML API wide timestamp in nanoseconds that is not guaranteed to be synced with any system time. If OpenXR is used, MLTime is synonymous with the XrTime type.


Metadata field for velocity of the current movement, in degrees per second. Velocity field applies to saccades and pursuit, otherwise NaN

public readonly float VelocityDegps;