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Version: 21 Aug 2024


See ml_gaze_recognition.h for additional comments.

Inherits from:

Public Methods

MLResult.Code MLGazeRecognitionCreate

Create Gaze Recognition.

public MLResult.Code MLGazeRecognitionCreate(
out ulong handle


out ulonghandleA pointer to an #MLHandle which will contain a handle to Gaze Recognition. If this operation fails, out_handle will be #ML_INVALID_HANDLE.

Returns: MLResult_InvalidParam The out_handle parameter was not valid (null). MLResult_Ok Gaze Recognition was successfully created. MLResult_UnspecifiedFaiure Gaze Recognition was not created successfully. MLResult_PermissionDenied

MLResult.Code MLGazeRecognitionDestroy

Destroy Gaze Recognition.

public MLResult.Code MLGazeRecognitionDestroy(
ulong handle


ulonghandleA handle to Gaze Recognition created by MLGazeRecognitionCreate()

Returns: MLResult_Ok The Gaze Recognition was successfully destroyed. MLResult_UnspecifiedFailure The Gaze Recognition was not successfully destroyed. MLResult_InvalidParam The Gaze Recognition handle was not valid.

MLResult.Code MLGazeRecognitionGetState

Get information about the user's gaze.

public MLResult.Code MLGazeRecognitionGetState(
ulong handle,
ref MLGazeRecognitionState state


ulonghandleA handle to Gaze Recognition created byvMLGazeRecognitionCreate().
ref MLGazeRecognitionStatestateInformation about the gaze.

Returns: MLResult_InvalidParam The state parameter was not valid (null). MLResult_Ok gaze Recognition static was successfully received. MLResult_UnspecifiedFailure Failed to receive gaze Recognition state data.

MLResult.Code MLGazeRecognitionGetStaticData

Get static information about Gaze Recognition.

public MLResult.Code MLGazeRecognitionGetStaticData(
ulong handle,
ref MLGazeRecognitionStaticData data


ulonghandleA handle to Gaze Recognition created by MLGazeRecognitionCreate().
ref MLGazeRecognitionStaticDatadataTarget to populate the data about Gaze Recognition..

Returns: MLResult_InvalidParam The data parameter was not valid (null). MLResult_Ok gaze Recognition data was successfully received. MLResult_UnspecifiedFailure Failed to receive gaze Recognition static data.