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Version: 21 Aug 2024


See ml_facial_expression.h for additional comments.

Inherits from:

Public Methods

MLResult.Code MLFacialExpressionCreateClient

Creates a Facial Expression Client handle. Although multiple client handles can be created they all represent the same facial expressions backend system.

public MLResult.Code MLFacialExpressionCreateClient(
ref MLFacialExpressionSettings settings,
out ulong handle


ref MLFacialExpressionSettingssettingsSettings that configures the facial expressions system.
out ulonghandleThe handle to be created.


API Level 29

permissions com.magicleap.permission.FACIAL_EXPRESSION (protection level: dangerous)

Returns: MLResult.Code.InvalidParam: One or more input parameters are not valid. MLResult.Code.Ok: Facial expressions client was successfully created. MLResult.Code.PerceptionSystemNotStarted: Perception System has not been started. MLResult.Code.PermissionDenied: Necessary permission is missing. MLResult.Code.UnspecifiedFailure: Operation failed for unknown reason.

MLResult.Code MLFacialExpressionDestroyClient

Destroy client handle and free client resources.

public MLResult.Code MLFacialExpressionDestroyClient(
ulong handle


ulonghandleFacial expression client handle created by MLFacialExpressionCreateClient.


API Level 29

permissions None

Returns: MLResult.Code.InvalidParam: One or more input parameters are not valid. MLResult.Code.Ok: Client handle was successfully destroyed. MLResult.Code.PerceptionSystemNotStarted: Perception System has not been started. MLResult.Code.UnspecifiedFailure: Operation failed for unknown reason.

MLResult.Code MLFacialExpressionGetEyeData

Get facial expressions data. handle Facial expression client handle created by MLFacialExpressionCreateClient.

public MLResult.Code MLFacialExpressionGetEyeData(
ulong handle,
out MLFacialExpressionEyeData eye_data


ulonghandleFacial expressions client handle created by MLFacialExpressionCreateClient.
out MLFacialExpressionEyeDataout_eye_dataEye expressions data.


API Level 29

permissions None

Returns: MLResult.Code.InvalidParam: One or more input parameters are not valid. MLResult.Code.Ok: Facial expressions data was retrieved successfully. MLResult.Code.PerceptionSystemNotStarted: Perception System has not been started. MLResult.Code.UnspecifiedFailure: Operation failed for unknown reason. MLResult.Code.HeadsetFitIssue: Operation failed because unable to detect the eyes, check MLHeadsetFitStatus.

MLResult.Code MLFacialExpressionUpdateSettings

Update the Facial Expression system with new settings

public MLResult.Code MLFacialExpressionUpdateSettings(
ulong handle,
in MLFacialExpressionSettings settings


ulonghandleHandle Facial expressions client handle created by MLFacialExpressionCreateClient.
in MLFacialExpressionSettingssettingsSettings New Facial Expression settings..


API Level 29

permissions None

Returns: MLResult.Code.InvalidParam: One or more input parameters are not valid. MLResult.Code.Ok: Facial expression settings was updated successfully. MLResult.Code.PerceptionSystemNotStarted: Perception System has not been started. MLResult.Code.UnspecifiedFailure: Operation failed for unknown reason.