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Version: 21 Aug 2024


Types Documentation


using Utils =  MagicLeap.OpenXR.Utils;

Source code

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using MagicLeap.OpenXR;
using MagicLeap.OpenXR.Features;
using UnityEngine.XR.OpenXR;
using Utils = MagicLeap.OpenXR.Utils;
using MagicLeapXRRenderSettings = UnityEngine.XR.MagicLeap.Rendering.RenderingSettings;
using MagicLeapXRRenderUtility = UnityEngine.XR.MagicLeap.Rendering.RenderingUtility;

namespace UnityEngine.XR.MagicLeap
[Obsolete("The MagicLeapCamera component is not recommended for use with OpenXR. It has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release.")]
public sealed class MagicLeapCamera : MonoBehaviour
private const int ScriptOrder = -15000;

private new Camera camera;

private List<Transform> transforms = new List<Transform>();
private Unity.Jobs.JobHandle jobHandle;

private bool enforceFarClip = false;
private Transform stereoConvergencePoint;
private bool protectedSurface;

private bool vignette;

private bool fixProblemsOnStartup = true;

private bool recenterXROriginAtStart = true;

private static readonly float MINIMUM_NEAR_CLIP_METERS = MLDevice.MinimumNearClipDistance;

private static readonly CameraClearFlags DEFAULT_CLEAR_FLAGS = CameraClearFlags.SolidColor;

private static readonly Color DEFAULT_CLEAR_COLOR = new Color(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

private static readonly Vector3 DEFAULT_CAMERA_POSITION =;

private static readonly Quaternion DEFAULT_CAMERA_ROTATION = Quaternion.identity;

private static readonly Vector3 DEFAULT_CAMERA_SCALE =;

private static float systemSettingClippingPlaneVal = MLDevice.DefaultNearClipDistance;

public Transform StereoConvergencePoint
get => stereoConvergencePoint;
set => stereoConvergencePoint = value;

public bool ProtectedSurface
get => protectedSurface;
set => protectedSurface = value;

public bool EnforceFarClip
get => enforceFarClip;
set => enforceFarClip = value;

public bool RecenterXROriginAtStart
get => recenterXROriginAtStart;
set => recenterXROriginAtStart = value;

private void Awake()
camera = GetComponent<Camera>();

systemSettingClippingPlaneVal = GetNearClipPlaneFromSystem();

if (!Application.isEditor)
Debug.Log($"Acquired clipping plane value from system: {systemSettingClippingPlaneVal}");

if (MLDevice.IsOpenXRLoaderActive())
var renderFeature = OpenXRSettings.Instance.GetFeature<MagicLeapRenderingExtensionsFeature>();
if (renderFeature == null)
renderFeature.FocusDistance = camera.stereoConvergence;
renderFeature.UseProtectedSurface = protectedSurface;
renderFeature.UseVignetteMode = vignette;

private IEnumerator Start()
yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();
if (recenterXROriginAtStart)
var xro = FindObjectOfType<Unity.XR.CoreUtils.XROrigin>();
xro?.MatchOriginUpCameraForward(Vector3.up, Vector3.forward);

private void Reset()

private void LateUpdate()
if (!(Application.isPlaying && MLDevice.IsMagicLeapLoaderActive()))

if (MLDevice.IsMagicLeapLoaderActive())
MagicLeapXRRenderSettings.cameraScale = MagicLeapXRRenderUtility.GetParentScale(transform);

camera.stereoConvergence = CalculateFocusDistance();
if (MLDevice.IsOpenXRLoaderActive())
if (!Utils.TryGetOpenXRFeature<MagicLeapRenderingExtensionsFeature>(out var renderFeature))
renderFeature.FocusDistance = camera.stereoConvergence;
renderFeature.UseProtectedSurface = protectedSurface;
renderFeature.UseVignetteMode = vignette;
else if (MLDevice.IsMagicLeapLoaderActive())
MagicLeapXRRenderSettings.focusDistance = camera.stereoConvergence;
MagicLeapXRRenderSettings.farClipDistance = camera.farClipPlane;
MagicLeapXRRenderSettings.nearClipDistance = camera.nearClipPlane;

private void OnApplicationPause(bool pause)

private void ValidateNearClip()
if (camera.nearClipPlane < systemSettingClippingPlaneVal)
// reacquire from system just in case
systemSettingClippingPlaneVal = GetNearClipPlaneFromSystem();
if (camera.nearClipPlane < systemSettingClippingPlaneVal)
// unity camera nearClipPlane cannot go below what is set in system settings
camera.nearClipPlane = Mathf.Max(camera.nearClipPlane, systemSettingClippingPlaneVal);

public void ValidateFarClip()
if (MLDevice.IsMagicLeapLoaderActive())
var farClip = camera.farClipPlane;
float max = 100f;
max = MagicLeapXRRenderSettings.maxFarClipDistance;
if (farClip > max)
if (enforceFarClip)
camera.farClipPlane = max;

private float CalculateFocusDistance()
// Get Focus Distance and log warnings if not within the allowed value bounds.
float focusDistance = camera.stereoConvergence;
if (StereoConvergencePoint != null)
// From Unity documentation:
// Note that camera space matches OpenGL convention: camera's forward is the negative Z axis.
// This is different from Unity's convention, where forward is the positive Z axis.
Vector3 worldForward = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f);
Vector3 camForward = camera.cameraToWorldMatrix.MultiplyVector(worldForward);
camForward = camForward.normalized;

// We are only interested in the focus object's distance to the camera forward tangent plane.
focusDistance = Vector3.Dot(StereoConvergencePoint.position - transform.position, camForward);

float nearClip = camera.nearClipPlane;
if (focusDistance < nearClip)
focusDistance = nearClip;

return focusDistance;

public float ClampToClippingPlanes(float value)
return Mathf.Clamp(value, systemSettingClippingPlaneVal,

private void FixupCamera(bool fixIssues)
Vector3 cameraScale = GetCameraScale();
float scale;
if (!(Mathf.Approximately(cameraScale.x, cameraScale.y) && Mathf.Approximately(cameraScale.x, cameraScale.z)))
// Non uniform scale
scale = (cameraScale.x + cameraScale.y + cameraScale.z) / 3.0f;
scale = cameraScale.x;

if ((camera.nearClipPlane / scale) < MINIMUM_NEAR_CLIP_METERS)
Debug.LogWarning("[Magic Leap] The near clipping plane of the main camera is closer than " + MINIMUM_NEAR_CLIP_METERS + "m, which can cause artifacts.");

if (fixIssues)
camera.nearClipPlane = MINIMUM_NEAR_CLIP_METERS * scale;

if ((camera.clearFlags != DEFAULT_CLEAR_FLAGS) ||
(camera.backgroundColor != DEFAULT_CLEAR_COLOR))
Debug.LogWarning("[Magic Leap] The main camera background is not solid black with an alpha of zero, which is recommended for the Magic Leap platform.");

if (fixIssues)
camera.clearFlags = DEFAULT_CLEAR_FLAGS;
camera.backgroundColor = DEFAULT_CLEAR_COLOR;

if ((camera.transform.localPosition != DEFAULT_CAMERA_POSITION) ||
(camera.transform.localRotation != DEFAULT_CAMERA_ROTATION) ||
(camera.transform.localScale != DEFAULT_CAMERA_SCALE))
Debug.LogWarning("[Magic Leap] The main camera isn't at the origin. This will cause head tracking problems.");

if (fixIssues)
camera.transform.localPosition = DEFAULT_CAMERA_POSITION;
camera.transform.localRotation = DEFAULT_CAMERA_ROTATION;
camera.transform.localScale = DEFAULT_CAMERA_SCALE;

private Vector3 GetCameraScale()
Vector3 scale =;

if (camera && camera == Camera.main)
if (transform.parent)
scale = transform.parent.lossyScale;

return scale;

private float GetNearClipPlaneFromSystem()
if (!Application.isEditor)
using (var actClass = new AndroidJavaClass("com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer"))
var context = actClass.GetStatic<AndroidJavaObject>("currentActivity");
AndroidJavaClass systemGlobal = new AndroidJavaClass("android.provider.Settings$Secure");

var clipPlaneDist = systemGlobal.CallStatic<float>("getFloat", context.Call<AndroidJavaObject>("getContentResolver"), "clipping_plane_distance", MLDevice.DefaultNearClipDistance);

// if the setting doesn't exist we'll get the default value from MLDevice in meters.
if (clipPlaneDist < 1f)
return clipPlaneDist;

// Otherwise the setting returns centimeters and we need to convert.
return clipPlaneDist / 100f;

return MLDevice.DefaultNearClipDistance;

public void CheckForClipPlaneSettingChange()
systemSettingClippingPlaneVal = GetNearClipPlaneFromSystem();
if (!Application.isEditor)
Debug.Log($"Acquired clipping plane value from system: {systemSettingClippingPlaneVal}");