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24 docs tagged with "Overview"

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API Overview

This guide provides a walk through of creating a custom camera capture script. The sections in this guide were written in a linear flow although each section can also be referenced individually.

API Overview

Magic Leap's Eye Tracking data is retrieved in two ways.

API Overview

This guide provides detailed instructions and examples on how to use the MagicLeap's MLPowerManager API for managing power states and properties of components in Unity. The guide first explains the concept of power states, showing how to get all available states and retrieve a specific state for a device. It then delves into the process of setting a power state with thorough examples. The guide proceeds to explain how to get and update the properties of a component, focusing on different aspects like battery info, battery level, charging state, and connection state. Lastly, it touches on how to handle power management events such as errors, state changes, and property changes through callbacks. By following this guide, developers can efficiently control and manage Magic Leap 2's power states and properties inside their Unity Application.


The Magic Leap 2 supports the Android Camera2 NDK APIs. With Android Camera allows developers to capture real and virtual content inside their applications. While the Magic Leap 2 has only one physical, it is presented as 3 separate devices in the API. The Main Camera (Camera Id 0) and Mixed Reality Camera (Camera Id 3) are mutually exclusive, however they can be accessed even while the CV Camera (Camera Id 1) is being used.

Eye Gaze Overview

Unity developers can use the OpenXR Eye Gaze Interaction Profile to determine what a user is looking at, allowing a hands-free method of interacting with their application. To access the Eye Gaze data, the interaction profile needs to be enabled in your project's OpenXR Settings (Window > XR Plugin Manager > OpenXR Settings).

Eye Tracking

Magic Leap 2 provides a set of APIs that gives you the ability to access the user's eye data. These APIs can be used to understand the position and rotation of the eyes, as well as the ability to track what the user is looking at. This page explains how you can benefit from eye tracking for various use cases, and what to look for when designing eye-gaze-based user interactions.

Eye Tracking Overview

If your Application collects, stores, transfers or otherwise uses data off the Magic Leap 2 device that is received via this API, then you must comply with the Magic Leap 2 Eye Tracking Data Transparency Policy.

Magic Leap Spectator

Magic Leap Spectator (ML Spectator) is a mobile application that makes it easy for anyone to capture and share high quality mixed reality content streamed from a Magic Leap 2 device. This powerful application supports a wide variety of use cases, for example:


Meshing is the creation of triangle-based meshes from the World Reconstruction model created by Magic Leap devices. The mesh is used for real-time occlusion rendering and for collision detection with digital content.


The Magic Leap 2 MLCamera API allows developers to capture real and virtual content inside their applications. While the Magic Leap 2 has only one camera for capturing content, two separate streams can be access from the camera at the same time. This allows you to create applications that can stream the user's point of view, while using the camera to perform computer vision tasks.

MLCamera Overview

The Magic Leap 2 MLCamera API allows developers to capture real and virtual content inside their applications.


Magic Leap 2's Occlusion API offers developers a way to enhance immersion in mixed reality applications by generating a mesh representation of nearby physical objects. This allows virtual objects to interact with the real world in a more believable way by appearing to be occluded (or "masked") by real-world objects.

Plane Detection

Plane Extraction enables users to extract rectangular planar regions from the world reconstruction model. Plane candidates are returned as simple geometric rectangles.

Power Manager Example

This example demonstrates how to manage power states and properties on a device using the Magic Leap platform's Power Manager API. It includes initialization and setup of available power states and properties, reading current power state and properties, and setting a new power state. The code also handles different events that could occur during these operations, such as changes in power state or properties, and potential errors. The detailed logging provides real-time insight into the power management process.

Power Manager Overview

Power Manager provides a set of power management APIs that allow applications to receive callbacks when the power state changes, APIs to get device components power state and properties, and to set the controller�s power states.


Magic Leap 2 allows developers to access the data from a variety of sensors. A general overview of what’s on each Magic Leap 2 headset is provided in this Learn More document. This guide details the different sensors available on the Magic Leap 2, as well as how you can access them. Some sensors are available through Magic Leap’s SDK, and many can be accessed through the Android Sensor API. Eventually, the sensors will all be standardized for use through the Android Sensor API.

Simple Grab Interaction

This document provides step-by-step instructions on how to create a cube that can be selected, grabbed and manipulated using Unity's XR Interaction Toolkit and the sample scene created in the Building a Simple App guide.

Simple Meshing Setup

In this tutorial, you'll learn how to set up the Spatial Mapping component with Magic Leap 2 in Unity. By the end of this guide, you'll have a scene capable of meshing the world around you, providing a foundation for immersive mixed reality experiences. The Spatial Mapping in Magic Leap 2 is similar to AR Foundation's Spatial Mapping component.

Spatial Mapping

Magic Leap 2's Spatial Mapping APIs build a digital representation of the real-world surfaces around the user in real-time using the ToF sensors on the device. Apps can use this representation to occlude rendering, place digital objects, and for physics-based interactions or ray-casting. The depth sensor has the resolution of 544 x 480 and a field of view of 75° (h) x 70°.

Unreal Engine 5 SDK Overview

These guides show you how to use the preview version of the Magic Leap 2 SDK for Unreal Engine 5 to create apps for Magic Leap 2 devices using Unreal Engine, the 3D graphics engine created by Epic Games.