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7 docs tagged with "Hand Tracking"

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C-API Samples Overview

The list below contains descriptions of each of the C-API samples available in the ML Hub. The files of each example contain instructions on how to build, install and uninstall the example, as well as its expected behavior and GUI.

Hand Tracking Overview

The Magic Leap 2 OpenXR Unity SDK supports hand tracking via the Hand Interaction Profile. The interaction profile can be enabled by selecting Edit > Project Settings > XR Plug-in Management > OpenXR, then adding the interaction profile into the Enabled Interaction Profiles section.

Hand Tracking Overview

This section provides information on the core Hand Tracking API and how to enable it inside your applications.

Input Bindings

This guide provides information the Input Control Paths and Interaction Profiles that are supported on Magic Leap 2. For general information about the OpenXR Hand Interaction Profile in Unity. See the Unity OpenXR Hand Interaction Input Manual.

XR Hand Interaction Demo

This guide will demonstrate how to configure the Unity XRI Hands Demo Scene to work with the Magic Leap 2.