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12 docs tagged with "Application Simulator"

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Application Simulator

The Application Simulator tool lets you iterate and test code changes without having to build and deploy the app to a device. Incorporating the Application Simulator into your workflow can result in significantly faster development cycles.

Application Simulator Setup

Follow this guide to set up Application Simulator for use in your development cycles. These steps and system requirements are for installing Magic Leap Application Simulator.

Key API Features

Application Simulator is backwards compatible with all versions of the MLSDK starting with 1.0.0. Users are encouraged to upgrade to the latest Application Simulator updates in Package Manager.

Session Files

Use session files to re-use your current scene setup for testing or to share your setup with other members of your team. Session information includes:

Start and Stop Application Simulator

This section walks through the options you have for starting a session in Application Simulator that you can use to run your app. You can use ML C API or Unity apps.


This section reviews different steps you can take to troubleshoot problems you may encounter when using Application Simulator. Topics covered include:

UI Modules

This guide describes the UI features you see in two sections. The first section describes what is common when using a device or simulator target. The second part describes what features are specific to using a simulator target.

Working with App Sim Features

This section provides details for working with the Application Simulator. It goes over features you get when you use a Device vs. a Simulator target, and describes all the available panels and views.