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Version: 21 Aug 2024

Unity Soundfield (MSA) Plugin 3.4.5

New for 3.4.5:

  • The ‘Override 3D Properties’ setting under MLPointSource Distance Properties is now set to false by default. This allows consistent behavior with component-less plugin operation, with distance attenuation governed by the AudioSource 3D Sound Settings. Set this to true to restore MLPointSource distance attenuation model and settings.
  • Fixed a bug related to automatic creation of the MLListener component.
  • Note, an MLListener component is required to be present in the scene for spatial audio to be processed and audible. The Auto Create ML Listener checkbox in the MSA Global Scriptable Object, which defaults to true, will ensure one is created at startup if one is not already present in the scene.

Known Issues:

  • OS Offload mode produces audio artifacts under certain conditions and DSP buffer sizes. Recommend using MSA plugin in App-Hosted mode.
  • Sample scenes included with the MSA plugin have not been updated with the new MLSDK workflow using OpenXR. These examples can be built and deployed as is provided the package com.unity.xr.magicleap 7.0.0 is installed in the Unity project, with the OpenXR checkbox under Project Settings -> XR Plug-in Management left unchecked in the Android tab. Options under Project Settings -> XR Plug-in Management -> OpenXR should also remain unchecked to build these examples, which will be updated with the new workflow in a future release.

ChangeLog entries from 3.4.4 to 3.4.5:

  • Ensure there is always an MLListener present in the scene when autoCreateMLListener is set to true
  • Set the 3D override property definition to false by default and initialize the spatializer properties correctly