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Version: 21 Aug 2024

Magic Leap SDK 1.3.0-dev1

Release notes

  • New MLPowerManager API.
  • Updated System Notifications sample app to demonstrate how to use MLPowerManager APIs.
  • Exposed new APIs to obtain and use predicted display time:
    • MLGraphics: MLGraphicsFrameInfo struct now contains a new predicted_display_time field;
    • MLPerception: new MLPerceptionGetPredictedSnapshot() API to obtain a snapshot for predicted display timestamp;
    • Application framework was updated to use predicted timestamps;
    • Controller sample app was updated to demonstrate advantages of predicted timestamp use. Use the controller bumper button to toggle between modes to see the difference;
    • api_level updated for all sample app manifests to be 27.
  • MLWebView: deprecated MLWebViewGetScrollSize() and MLWebViewGetScrollOffset() APIs.
  • MLGazeRecognition: MLGazeRecognitionStaticData now has two additional fields (eye_height_max, eye_width_max) to indicate maximum width and height values for eye_left and eye_right vectors.

Known issues

  • MLGazeRecognition API: Closing one eye causes the opposite eye-in-skull position to become zero.
  • MLMarkerTracking API: Apriltag pose is upside down.