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Version: 21 Aug 2024

1.8.0 - Unity SDK Release Notes

SDK Delivered via The Magic Leap Hub

  • Unity Example Project
  • Magic Leap 2 Unity SDK Package
  • Magic Leap SDK Version 1.3.0-dev2
  • Unity Version: 1.8.0

Unity® Package 1.8.0


  • Minimum ML API level updated to 28.

Bug Fixes

  • MLEyes: Updated leftEyeOpenAmount and rightEyeOpenAmount on UnityEngine.InputSystem.XR.Eyes to return values between 0.0 and 1.0.
  • Added support for EyeHeightMax and EyeWidthMax in MLGazeRecognitionStaticData.
  • MLSpace: Added a new API for importing and exporting spaces without the need for scanning the environment.
  • MLDepthCamera: Added RawDepthImage to support raw camera stream with IR Projector ON.
  • Added MLEyeCamera API.
  • MLPowerManager: Added a new API to obtain current controller state and control controller state transitions.
  • MLHeadTracking: Modified headpose lost notifications with new API for MLHeadTrackingStateEx..

Deprecations & Removals

  • MLHeadTracking: MLHeadTrackingState and related dependencies marked Obsolete.

Known Issues

  • MLWebRTC: When disconnecting from a session, the camera does not shut down cleanly if the NativeSurface buffer format was used, causing the application to hang for as much as 30 seconds.