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Version: 21 Aug 2024

Magic Leap SDK 1.3.0-dev2

Release notes

  • New MLOcclusion API (experimental).
  • MLSpace API: updates to include CFUID in the MLSpaceLocalizationResult to provide pose data.
  • MLSpatialAnchor API: deprecated MLSpatialAnchorGetLocalizationInfo(), replaced with MLSpaceGetLocalizationResult().
  • MLHandTracking API: added support for unfiltered keypoints.
  • MLHandTrakcing API: deprecated MLHandTrackingCreate(), replaced with MLHandTrackingCreateEx().
  • Updated CAPI Application Framework and CAPI Samples apps to remove the usage of deprecated APIs.

Bug fixes

  • MLMarkerTrakcing API: update to fix the marker orientation for April tags.
  • MLGazeRecognition API: Closing one eye causes the opposite eye-in-skull position to become zero.