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Version: 21 Aug 2024

1.10.0 - Unity SDK Release Notes

SDK Delivered via The Magic Leap Hub

Unity® Package 1.10.0


  • Added MLOcclusion API.
  • Added public properties MagicLeapCamera.EnforceFarClip and MagicLeapCamera.RecenterXROriginAtStart

Bug Fixes

  • MLSegmentedDimmer: Fixed crash when playing scene twice in editor.
  • MLMediaPlayerBehavior: Fixed unresponsive UI after pressing stop button in MediaPlayer example.
  • Added missing dropdown for short-range depth camera in DepthCamera example.
  • MLCamera: Fixed error on sleep mode and doze mode.
  • MLCameraBase: Fixed failure to render preview capture more than once.
  • MLNativeSurface: Fixed AccessRenderBufferTexture() rendering failure when reusing same player.
  • MLMediaPlayer: Fixed erroneuous error logging on pending result from Streaming Assets path prepare.
  • Fixed MLMeshing on map reset.
  • MLMeshing: Fixed Null Reference Exception on Meshing example scene start up.
  • Fixed second disconnect attempt in WebRTC example.
  • HandTrackingExample: Fixed PoseNotFound errors that might occur after HandTracking scene changes.
  • MLGestureClassification: Fixed errors thrown when hands not detected.