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Version: 21 Aug 2024

Magic Leap SDK 1.4.0-dev1

Release notes

  • MLOcclusion Experimental API: Enabled 30Hz refresh rate update when MLOcclusionSettings::max_distance set to be less or equal to 90cm.
  • Introduced new data type describing geometric relationship between two coordinate frames - MLPose (ml_types.h).
  • MLSnapshot API:
    • Introduced new data type MLSnapshotStaticData to obtain static information about the snapshot system and new API to obtain the data - MLSnapshotGetStaticData();
    • Introduced new API to obtain transform between coordinate frame 'base_id' and the coordinate frame `id' as well as any derivatives that have been calculated MLSnapshotGetPoseInBase().
  • MLVoice API: Added additional error code for MLVoiceIntentStartProcessing() to indicate voice input is disabled in system settings.
  • MLDepthCamera Experimental API: Updated minimum exposure limit for long range (250us).