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Version: 21 Aug 2024

1.0.0 SDK Release Notes

This document contains the Magic Leap SDK release notes including the notes for the core SDK integration.

General notes

  • All the headers distributed with via Magic Leap Hub are now officially supported.
  • Update build system to use CMake 3.21.1 and ANDROID_HOME environment variable.
  • Build system does not require setting ANDROID_NDK_ROOT environment variable anymore.
  • Sample apps updated to reflect the changes in the APIs and build system.
  • Additional error codes for MLPlanesQueryGetResultsWithBoundaries(): MLResult_Timeout and MLResult_UnspecifiedFailure.
  • New API to stringify error codes MLGlobalGetResultString().
  • Removed previously deprecated MLCameraGetIntrinsicCalibrationParameters() API.
  • Removed support for MLControllerMode_Imu3Dof and MLControllerMode_Em6Dof modes in ml_controller.h.
  • New error code for perception APIs: MLResult_PerceptionSystemNotStarted.
  • Audio output sample app: Enable spatial audio with controller tracking.
  • Sample apps updated to reflect the changes in the APIs and build system.
  • Spatial Anchor Sample app: Introduced indefinite ttl for spatial anchors.
  • OpenXR samples: Create Depth Chain using XrCreateSwapChainImage.
  • OpenXR samples: Simple Example now uses intent information to run in OpenGLES or Vulkan mode.
  • Various documentation updates.

Bug fixes

  • Spatial Anchor Sample app: Clear old nodes when pausing.
  • Hand tracking sample app: Fixes to support backward compatibility.
  • OpenXR samples: Decreased build path length to improve building on Windows.
  • OpenXR samples: Fixed Vulkan validation warnings.