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Version: 21 Aug 2024

0.53.0 - Unity SDK Release Notes

SDK Delivered via The Lab 2.0

  • Unity Example Project
  • Magic Leap 2 Unity SDK Package

Delivered via secure email share

  • Unity Installer


  • Exposed gaze recognition API.
  • MediaPlayer support has been re-enabled in the SDK package. Only basic playback has been tested yet, support for DRM, subtitles, stereo videos etc needs to be verified.
  • Added a new function to MLMedia.Player.Track.DRM class to generate a signature using the provided algorithm and message data.
  • Added support for TTML subtitles to MLMedia.Player.
  • Controller touchpad gestures have been added to the MagicLeapInput action map and also exposed via the XR Gesture Subsystem extensions.
  • MLMediaFormat API integration has been updated to no longer be a singleton but instead be a regular C# class with different factory methods like CreateVideo(), CreateAudio(), CreateSubtitle() and CreateEmpty(). The format key specific functions have been removed in favor of general key-value getters and setter with overloads for each possible data type. All possible media format keys have been exposed in the MLMediaFormatKey class.
  • ArucoTracker & BarcodeScanner APIs have been combined into a single MLMarkerTracker API.
  • Numerous rendering performance improvements.
  • Hand tracking example has been updated to use the gesture subsystem.
  • All examples that used MLInput for controller interaction have been updated to use the new Input System.
  • Eye tracking example has been added which showcases how to use this feature via the new InputSystem, the XR Input Subsystem and the Magic Leap Extensions for the XR Input Subsystem.
  • Zero Iteration now works without needing to import the SDK libraries into the Unity project.
  • Exposed APIs for MLCamera (includes MRCamera), MLCameraMetadata and MLMediaRecorder. CameraCapture & MediaRecorder scenes have been added in the examples project to showcase the use the new APIs.
  • Exposed media events like play, pause, stop, next / prev track in the MLAudioOutput API.
  • Namespace for all scripts in the examples project has been changed to MagicLeap.Examples.
  • Update to Unity 2022.2 (Uses Android build target) Developers now deploy Android apps to ML2 by setting Target Devices to "Relish Devices Only" under Player Settings.
  • Update XR Plugin dependency to v7.0.0-preview.1.
  • Exposed MLSegmentedDimmer API, which provides basic functions to manipulate the Segmented Dimmer URP feature in scenes.
  • Added permission checks within some API calls.
  • Added permission checks to input subsystem.
  • Exposed WebView API multi-tab support.
  • Exposed Meshing API.
  • Exposed Global Dimmer API.
  • Added support to stream any Unity AudioSource via WebRTC.
  • Hand tracking API has been updated to match what is offered by the platform i.e. static gesture detection has been removed and only hand keypoints are offered via this API now. To enable hand tracking, make sure to add the "com.magicleap.permission.HAND_TRACKING" permission to your project's AndroidManifest.xml and call "InputSubsystem.Extensions.MLHandTracking.StartTracking()" before using the feature.
  • Eye tracking is protected under a dangerous level permission. To enable eye tracking, make sure to add the "com.magicleap.permission.EYE_TRACKING" permission to your project's AndroidManifest.xml, request the said permission at runtime, and then call "InputSubsystem.Extensions.MLEyes.StartTracking()" once the permission has been granted before using the feature. The eye tracking example in the MagicLeapExamples project has been updated to reflect this required workflow.
  • Gaze recognition is protected under a dangerous level permission. To enable gaze recognition, make sure to add the "com.magicleap.permission.EYE_TRACKING" permission to your project's AndroidManifest.xml, and request the said permission at runtime. Make sure the permission has been granted before using the feature.
  • MLCamera class now offers utility methods like "GetImageStreamCapabilitiesForCamera()" and "GetBestFitStreamCapabilityFromCollection()".
  • MLAudioInput and MLAudioOutput classes are now MLAutoAPISingletons. Developers no longer need to explicitly call Start() and Stop() on these APIs.
  • Exposed Headlock API, which locks left and right eye projection matrix to origin and disabled time warping.
  • Refactored MLWebView API to be more Object Oriented.
  • Added support for canceling Certificate Error operation in MLWebView.
  • Added support for MLMeshingDestroyClient parameter change.
  • Relocated MagicLeapCamera.cs from com.unity.xr.magicleap package to the com.magicleap.unitysdk package as it has been deprecated and marked for removal in the xr package but is still required.
  • Added callbacks to MLPermissoins API to make it match closer to Android permissions API.
  • Added universal library builds for Mac OSX to support x86_64 and arm64 architectures (M1 support).
  • Isolated MLAudioOutput plugin code into separate class to be used by other systems.
  • Added callback that returns list of markers for MLMarkerTracking API.
  • Added com.magicleap.permissions.SPATIAL_MAPPING dangerous permission for MLMeshing and MLPlanes APIs.
  • Added validation checks to MLVoiceIntents API.
  • Added MLGestureClassification API to Unity Input system.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed menu button binding in the MagicLeapInput action map.
  • Fixed eye calibration status not being reported correctly.
  • Fixed API reference docs.
  • Fixed broken references to virtual keyboard in the examples project which prevented Build & Run.
  • Fixed exception thrown when attempting to use any head tracking extension functions.
  • Renamed some MLResults to match what they're now called for ML2.
  • Fixed workflow involving permissions declaration in AndroidManifest.xml. Permissions are no longer added or removed at build time, and are fully in the developer's control.
  • WebRTC: Using MLCamera as AppDefinedVideoSource now allows for displaying local video stream using Preview capture.
  • Updated XR Rig prefab to use new XR Origin script.
  • Fixed padding bug with marshaling of native struct in MLAnchors API.
  • Replaced all remaining instances of Privilege with Permission.
  • Renamed CombinedTracker example scene in MagicLeapUnityExamples to MarkerTracker since Image Tracking has been removed.
  • Fixed issue in media player where a grey bar rendered at the bottom of the video screen.
  • Forced adding com.magicleap.permissions.HEAD_POSE to AndroidManifest.xml if not present.
  • Fixed WebRTC inverted video rendering.
  • Fixed WebRTC Local video and preview inverted rendering.
  • Fixed VideoSyncRenderer inverted video rendering.
  • Simplified MeshingSubsystemComponent code to no longer track default value struct.
  • Fixed polling rate of MeshingSubsystem to accurately reflect configured rate value.
  • Fixed initializaton of Magic Leap API version dropdown in manifest settings.
  • Forced setting min Android API version to 29.
  • Fixed some DLL Not Found exceptions when running Zero Iteration.
  • Fixed checking for com.magicleap.permissions.MARKER_TRACKING when using marker tracking API.
  • Unload all loaded libraries in library loader when changing lib paths to improve compatibility with Zero Iteration.
  • Improved Zero Iteration "Not Running" error output.
  • Fixed additional calls to YcbcrRenderer.SetRenderBuffer().
  • Fixed trying to run Zero Iteration when Magic Leap Zero Iteration provider is unchecked in XR Management settings.
  • Fixed crash on camera capture preview under Zero Iteration.
  • Fixed crash on requesting mesh vertex confidence.
  • Fixed texture memory leak when pausing and resuming apps.

Deprecations & Removals

  • MLHandTracking, MLHeadTracking, MLMeshing, MLPlanes, MLInput APIs have been removed in favor of their respective XR subsystems. MagicLeap specific functionality has been exposed via the extension classes in the 'UnityEngine.XR.MagicLeap.Extensions' namespace.
  • MCA / MLMA / MLMCA support has been removed from MLInput along with removal of touchpad gestures which were specific to it (LongHold, Scroll, Pinch)
  • MLAppIdentifier, MLDispatch, MLIdentity, MLIMU, MLLocale, MLLocation, MLNetworking, MLSecureStorage, MLTokenAgent APIs have been removed in favor of their existing Android counterparts.
  • MLAppConnect, MLContacts, MLConnections, MLMediaPlayer Sharing, MLController LED, MLMusicService APIs have been removed and will not be supported on the ML2.
  • Raycast, Mobile App, Hand Meshing, Light Tracking samples have been removed from the MagicLeapUnityExamples project as their APIs are not currently supported on the ML2.
  • Removed some MLResults that are no longer issued by the Lumin SDK on the ML2.
  • Deprecated MagicLeapManifestSettings.asset and simplified the manifest interface in Project Settings. Developers now directly add necessary permissions to Assets/Plugins/AndroidManifest.xml like in normal Android development.
  • MLAPISingleton base class has been deprecated and removed.
  • Merged MLSceneOptimizerBehavior.cs into MagicLeapCamera.cs.
  • Removed StabilizationMode and StabilizationDistance options from MagicLeapCamera.cs
  • Removed com.magicleap.permissions.WORLD_RECOGNITION normal permission.

Known Issues

  • Audio playback does not play at a constant speed.
  • Image tracking, Cloud Anchors & World Raycast & Hand Meshing support has been temporarily disabled in this release. None of these are currently supported on the device. Once re-enabled, developers can use these on ZI.
  • Media player currently only supports playback for web URLs. Support for files packaged in the apk will be added later.
  • Eye blinking state is not reported either by the eye tracking API or the gaze recognition API (awaiting platform support).
  • Eye pupil size is always reported as 4.0 (awaiting platform support).
  • WebRTC LocalAppDefinedAudioSourceBehavior is restricted to 1 audio channel.
  • Projects built with MSA plugin fail to build with linker errors if Strip Engine Code setting is enabled.
  • XR Framework Meshing subsystem crashes when attempting to load mesh blocks for rendering.
  • Shaders using compute shader passes cause vulkan exception in Unity player (meshing wireframe shader specifically).
  • Frame rate can deteriorate after pausing and resuming an app multiple times.
  • Detecting simultaneous controller input buttons does not work in Unity Input System 1.2.
  • Marker tracker transforms are upside down requiring users to rotate them by 180 degrees about the forward vector.
  • Camera capture can freeze app after multiple captures.
  • MLCamera.CaptureVideoStop fails with UnspecifiedFailure when called by WebRTC CameraVideoSource.
  • Collision mesh not properly generated by MeshingSubsystemComponent.
  • YcbcrRenderer.Cleanup() not fully cleaning up resources.
  • Create Voice Configuration asset menu item creates the wrong asset type.
  • Spatial anchors report incorrect location for a single frame.
  • Some configurations of camera capture can produce distored images.
  • WebRTC video sync rendering fails when non-white material is assigned.
  • MLGestureClassification's GestureTransformRotation and GestureInteractionRotation are not implemented yet and data will not be guaranteed accurate. Currently only the Positions of the Hand Transform and Interaction Point will be recommended to use.