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Version: 21 Aug 2024

0.53.2 - Unity SDK Release Notes

SDK Delivered via The Lab 2.0

  • Unity Example Project
  • Magic Leap 2 Unity SDK Package
  • Lumin SDK Version 0.53.2


  • Reorganized package structure to more align with Unity conventions.
  • Added support for Eye Fit and Calibration API.
  • Renamed LuminUnity asmdef to MagicLeap.SDK.
  • Moved WorldScale to MagicLeapCamera.cs and now ensures it is updated if the main camera parent transform changes.
  • Updated to support 2022.2 a19 editor and render pipeline 14.0.3.
  • Added WebRTCSendNativeFrameError result code.
  • Post build step now checks for XR Loader toggle to determine if build is for ML2.
  • Changed input device name from MagicLeapLightwear to MagicLeapHeadset.
  • Updated XRRig prefab to use action-based controllers.
  • Refactored MLCamera to support per-frame camera intrinsics parameters as callbacks.
  • Added support for getting audio data and position data for MLAudioInput.
  • Added support to MLAudioInput to create non-streamed audio clip.
  • Added AudioInput.Clip class to record an AudioClip from the Microphone.
  • Added EyeCalibration and HeadsetFit APIs.
  • Added API for client to call MLCameraDeinit() as needed.
  • Updated MagicLeapInput action map to rename Touchpad1 to Touchpad.

Bug Fixes

  • No longer receive warnings about camera transform if its not set to identity now that XRRig is recommended.
  • MLDevice no longer derives from TrackedPoseDriver as it was unnecessary.
  • MLPermissions handles logging errors internally and no longer errors on pending requests.
  • Fixed cleanup errors of MLDevice under Zero Iteration.
  • SDK Loader now uses compile time constructed library names.
  • Fixed meshing collider generation caused by incorrect current mesh type value override in session subsystem.
  • Fixed platform wrappings for MLAudioInputClip.
  • Fixed release of render target when YcbcrRenderer cleanup is complete.
  • Marked IsBuffering, IsSeeking & Duration as c# properties to make them read-only in MLMediaPlayer class.
  • Set near clip plane on Main Camera prefab to remove warning about clip plane being too close.
  • Fixed inner planes tracker id and boundary generation.
  • Fixed rectangular boundary generation.
  • Added epsilon check to convex hull generation point on left hand side check to avoid infinite loops on straight edges.
  • Fixed permission prompts to no longer hang UI when using Zero Iteration Frontend.
  • Fixed SDK loader library path sent to xr package.
  • Fixed MLCamera VirtualOnly camera mode orientation in WebRTC.
  • Fixed browse button for picking ML SDK.
  • Renamed The Lab launch method and comments.
  • Fixed The Lab launch root option and arguments.
  • Added additional comment to MLCamera.CreateAndConnect method.
  • Added more information to MLCamera.GetStreamCapabilities function.
  • Fixed performance hit in MLTime by removing inheritance of MLAPIBase.

Deprecations & Removals

  • Removed deprecated MLSceneOptimizerBehavior.cs as this has been merged into MagicLeapCamera.cs as of 0.53.0.
  • Removed deprecated MLPermissionsRequesterBehavior.cs as this is no longer the recommended permissions requesting method.
  • Removed AndroidTargetDevices.RelishDevicesOnly, using MagicLeapLoader toggle instead.
  • Remove MLTime inheritance to MLAPIBase and fix audio function call.
  • Moved WorldScale to MagicLeapCamera.cs from MLDevice and removed unnecessary references.

Known Issues

  • Image tracking, Cloud Anchors & World Raycast & Hand Meshing support has been temporarily disabled in this release. None of these are currently supported on the device. Once re-enabled, developers can use these on ZI.
  • Eye blinking state is not reported either by the eye tracking API or the gaze recognition API (awaiting platform support).
  • Eye pupil size is always reported as 4.0 (awaiting platform support).
  • WebRTC LocalAppDefinedAudioSourceBehavior is restricted to 1 audio channel.
  • Projects built with MSA plugin fail to build with linker errors if Strip Engine Code setting is enabled. We force this to be disabled in post build.
  • Shaders using compute shader passes cause Vulkan exception in Unity player (meshing wireframe shader specifically).
  • Frame rate can deteriorate after pausing and resuming an app multiple times. Eventually will cause crash.
  • Detecting simultaneous controller input buttons does not work in Unity Input System 1.2.
  • Marker tracker transforms are upside down requiring users to rotate them by 180 degrees about the forward vector.
  • Marker tracker issues errors on exiting play mode in Zero Iteration.
  • Camera capture can freeze app after multiple captures.
  • MLCamera.CaptureVideoStop fails with UnspecifiedFailure when called by WebRTC CameraVideoSource.
  • MLCamera capture operations can crash in developer builds due to change in per frame camera intrinsics.
  • MLCamera capture of YUV frame data can lead to an application crash.
  • Spatial anchors report incorrect location for a single frame.
  • Some configurations of camera capture can produce distorted images.
  • WebRTC video sync rendering fails when non-white material is assigned.
  • WebRTC video can freeze if device is left idle for more than a minute.
  • WebRTC fails to recover from pause and resume.
  • WebRTC toggling remote audio checkbox does not affect audio from remote client.
  • MLGestureClassification's GestureTransformRotation and GestureInteractionRotation are not implemented yet and data will not be guaranteed accurate. Currently only the Positions of the Hand Transform and Interaction Point will be recommended to use.
  • WebView issues multiple errors on startup and while browsing, can lead to slowdown or crash of the application.
  • Planes issues warnings and errors, but should still detect planes in the scene.
  • Action based input now maps controller to generic XR right hand controller and in doing so can cause controller to not be detected when using hand tracking.
  • Action based input has issue with detecting the menu button and touch pad swipe actions.