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Version: 21 Aug 2024

Web View API Overview

Magic Leap 2 allows developers to display web pages directly inside their application and interact with it, similar to an iframe inside a webpage. The Magic Leap Unity SDK includes components that make embedding WebViews inside your application relatively easy. See the WebView Example in the Unity Example project for reference.


This feature requires that both WEBVIEW permissions are enabled in your project's Manifest Settings. (Edit > Project Settings > Magic Leap > Manifest Settings) and that Internet Access is set to Required in your project's settings. (Edit > Project Settings > Player > Android Platform (Android Icon) > Other Settings > Configuration(subsection))


The WebViewScreenBehavior component is included in the com.magicleap.unitysdk package. Developers can attach this component to a GameObject in the scene that will render the WebView contents. It is intended to be used as is without extensions, implementation details can be found below to provide clarity on its function.


Developers should call the CreateWebViewWindow function to create and initialize the necessary components for the WebView screen. Additionally, there is a matching DestroyWebViewWindow function that can be called to stop the service.

MLWebViewScreenBehavior snippet
public bool CreateWebViewWindow()
if (!isInitialized)
CreateTexture((int)webViewWidth, (int)webViewHeight);
isInitialized = true;
return true;
return false;

private void CreateTexture(int width, int height)
width = Mathf.Max(width, 1);
height = Mathf.Max(height, 1);

if (webViewTexture != null && (webViewTexture.width != width || webViewTexture.height != height))
webViewTexture = null;

if (webViewTexture == null)
// Create texture with given dimensions
webViewTexture = new RenderTexture(width, height, 0, RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32, RenderTextureReadWrite.Linear);

// clear the texture
RenderTexture rt =; = webViewTexture;
GL.Clear(true, true, Color.clear); = rt;

// Set texture on quad
webViewMeshRenderer.material.mainTexture = this.webViewTexture;

webViewRenderer = new MLWebView.Renderer(ColorSpace.Linear);


To allow the WebView to render, MLWebViewScreenBehavior.cs exposes a MLWebView.Renderer member which extends from the YcbcrRenderer class. It is created and configured with a RenderTexture when MLWebViewScreenBehavior.CreateWebViewWindow() is called.

MLWebViewScreenBehavior Renderer snippet

private MLWebView.Renderer webViewRenderer;


The WebViewScreenBehavior handles registering for various controller actions which will be used to interact with the running WebView as can be seen in its OnEnable function.

MLWebViewScreenBehavior OnEnable snippet

private void OnEnable()
mlInputs = new MagicLeapInputs();
controllerActions = new MagicLeapInputs.ControllerActions(mlInputs);

controllerActions.Touchpad1Position.performed += HandleOnTouchpadPosition;
controllerActions.Touchpad1Force.performed += HandleOnTouchpadForceDown;
controllerActions.Touchpad1Force.canceled += HandleOnTouchpadForceUp;
controllerActions.Trigger.performed += HandleTriggerDown;
controllerActions.Trigger.canceled += HandleTriggerUp;


To verify that the WebView Service is connected properly, developers should call the SetServiceConnected function. This can be done after receiving the MLWebView.OnServiceConnected callback. While MLWebView.OnServiceDisconnected can be used to notify the WebView that the service is disconnected .

MLWebViewScreenBehavior connection snippet

public void SetServiceConnected(bool connected)
isConnected = connected;