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Version: 21 Aug 2024

Query Planes

Depending on your application's use case, you may need the Magic Leap to query planes with different characteristics. For example, you may decide to only detect vertical surfaces or planes that only have 4 edges.


This feature requires the SPATIAL_MAPPING permission to be enabled in your project's Manifest Settings. (Edit > Project Settings > Magic Leap > Manifest Settings)

Updating the Plane Query Settings

Developers should set the PlanesSubsystem.Extensions.Query to modify the settings used in the plane's subsystem query. This can be done once or modified in the Update() loop.

        PlanesSubsystem.Extensions.Query = new PlanesSubsystem.Extensions.PlanesQuery
/// The flags to apply to this query.
Flags = PlanesSubsystem.Extensions.MLPlanesQueryFlags.Polygons
| PlanesSubsystem.Extensions.MLPlanesQueryFlags.Semantic_All,
/// The center of the bounding box which defines where planes extraction
// should occur.
BoundsCenter =,
/// The rotation of the bounding box where planes extraction will occur.
BoundsRotation = Quaternion.identity,
/// The size of the bounding box where planes extraction will occur.
BoundsExtents = * 20f,
/// The maximum number of results that should be returned.
MaxResults = 100,
// The minimum area (in squared meters) of planes to be returned. This
// value cannot be lower than 0.04 (lower values will be capped to this
// minimum).
MinPlaneArea = 0.25f

MLPlanes Query Flag Definitions

NoneInclude no planes.
VerticalInclude planes whose normal is perpendicular to gravity.
HorizontalInclude planes whose normal is parallel to gravity.
ArbitraryInclude planes with arbitrary normals.
AllOrientationsInclude all plane orientations. Vertical \| Horizontal \| Arbitrary
OrientToGravityFor non-horizontal planes, setting this flag will result in the top of the plane rectangle being perpendicular to gravity.
InnerIf this flag is set, inner planes will be returned; if it is not set, outer planes will be returned.
Semantic_CeilingInclude planes semantically tagged as ceiling.
Semantic_FloorInclude planes semantically tagged as floor.
Semantic_WallInclude planes semantically tagged as wall.
Semantic_AllInclude all planes that are semantically tagged. Semantic_Ceiling \| Semantic_Floor \| Semantic_Wall
PolygonsInclude polygonal planes.

Inner planes are the largest rectangular planes that can fill a boundary region (there can be multiple). Outer plane is the smallest rectangular plane that can encompass a boundary (there can be only one)

Detect Vertical Planes Example

This the example below demonstrates how to set the query flags to detect all vertical planes that are within 10 meters of the origin.

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.XR.MagicLeap;

public class PlaneExample : MonoBehaviour
void Start()
PlanesSubsystem.Extensions.Query = new PlanesSubsystem.Extensions.PlanesQuery
Flags = PlanesSubsystem.Extensions.MLPlanesQueryFlags.Polygons | PlanesSubsystem.Extensions.MLPlanesQueryFlags.Vertical,
BoundsCenter =,
BoundsRotation = Quaternion.identity,
BoundsExtents = * 10f,
MaxResults = 100,
MinPlaneArea = 0.04f

Detect Walls, Floors, or Ceilings Example

To detect only planes that have semantic labels, such as walls or floors. Developers should replace the default MLPlanesQueryFlags.Vertical and MLPlanesQueryFlags.Vertical flags with the target semantic labels. The example below shows how to use the Planes API to only detect planes that are semantically tagged as walls. Currently, the Magic Leap can label ceilings, floors, and walls.

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.XR.MagicLeap;

public class PlaneExample : MonoBehaviour
void Start()
PlanesSubsystem.Extensions.Query = new PlanesSubsystem.Extensions.PlanesQuery
Flags = PlanesSubsystem.Extensions.MLPlanesQueryFlags.Polygons | PlanesSubsystem.Extensions.MLPlanesQueryFlags.Semantic_Wall,
BoundsCenter =,
BoundsRotation = Quaternion.identity,
BoundsExtents = * 10f,
MaxResults = 100,
MinPlaneArea = 0.04f