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Version: 21 Aug 2024

Spatial Anchors API

This section provides an overview of the core API calls required to get started developing using Magic Leap 2's Spatial Anchors API.

Get Localization Info

Players must be localized in order to publish, delete or query existing anchors. This can be queried using the MLAnchors.GetLocalizationInfo API.


This feature requires the SPATIAL_ANCHORS permission to be enabled in your project's Manifest Settings. (Edit > Project Settings > Magic Leap > Manifest Settings)

    //Get the user's current Localization Info
MLResult mlResult = MLAnchors.GetLocalizationInfo(out MLAnchors.LocalizationInfo info);
//If we were able to get the localization info, debug it.
if (mlResult.IsOk)
// Debugs the current LocalizationInfo.
//(LocalizationStatus, MappingMode, SpaceId and SpaceName)
//Otherwise print the error
Debug.Log("GetLocalizationInfo Error " + mlResult);

Querying Anchors

Developers can query the anchors in the Player's current map using the MLAnchors.Request API.

Before a map can be queried, developers are required to create the requests parameters, providing a location, search radius, maximum number of results, and whether the anchor results should be sorted by distance.

If 0 is provided for the search radius or maximum number of results, the default value will be used, and the search will not be constrained.

After the Params are configured, the MLAnchors.Request needs to be initialized, started and then queried.

The MLResult return values from MLAnchors.Request.Start() and MLAnchors.Request.TryGetResult() should be used to prevent runtime errors when queries are invalid.

    //Specify the Request's parameters
MLAnchors.Request.Params anchorRequestParams = new MLAnchors.Request.Params(, 0, 0,false);
// Initialzie the Request
MLAnchors.Request mlAnchorsRequest = new MLAnchors.Request();
// Starts the search using the parameters above.
MLResult startResult = mlAnchorsRequest.Start(anchorRequestParams);
// Query the search for anchors.
MLResult resultStatus = mlAnchorsRequest.TryGetResult(out MLAnchors.Request.Result result);

Creating New Anchors

Anchors can be created inside your application or using the Mapping Tool. When creating an anchor you will need to specify a location and expiration time.

  • When the Pose is set to default, the anchor will spawn at the origin.
  • When the expiration time is set to zero, the anchor will be kept in a space indefinitely.

After an anchor is created, it needs to be published on the map.


The closer an anchor is to the place where the device localized (not necessarily the origin) the more reliable the anchor will be.


Anchors can be created at any time, but they can only be published after localization. Localization status can be obtained using the MLAnchors.GetLocalizationInfo() API.

    MLAnchors.Anchor.Create(controllerPose, 300, out MLAnchors.Anchor anchor);

Removing Anchors

Anchors can be deleted using their ID.


The user must be localized before deleting existing Spatial Anchors. Localization status can be obtained using the MLAnchors.GetLocalizationInfo() API.
