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Version: 21 Aug 2024

Start/Stop Input

This section provides details on how developers can start and stop tracking voice intents inside their applications.


This feature requires the VOICE_INPUT permission to be requested at runtime and enabled in your project's Manifest Settings (Edit > Project Settings > Magic Leap > Manifest Settings).


This script allows the user to toggle the voice intent service by pressing the Bumper on the controller.

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem;
using UnityEngine.XR.MagicLeap;

public class VoiceIntentsExample : MonoBehaviour
[SerializeField, Tooltip("Configuration file that holds list of voice commands.")]
private MLVoiceIntentsConfiguration _voiceConfiguration;

private MagicLeapInputs _mlInputs;
private MagicLeapInputs.ControllerActions _controllerActions;

private readonly MLPermissions.Callbacks permissionCallbacks = new MLPermissions.Callbacks();

private void Start()
// Input Events
_mlInputs = new MagicLeapInputs();
_controllerActions = new MagicLeapInputs.ControllerActions(_mlInputs);

//Permission Callbacks
permissionCallbacks.OnPermissionGranted += OnPermissionGranted;
permissionCallbacks.OnPermissionDenied += OnPermissionDenied;
permissionCallbacks.OnPermissionDeniedAndDontAskAgain += OnPermissionDenied;

//Request Permission
MLPermissions.RequestPermission(MLPermission.VoiceInput, permissionCallbacks);
var permissionRequest = MLPermissions.RequestPermission(MLPermission.VoiceInput);


private void OnPermissionDenied(string permission)
Debug.Log("Permission Denied!");

private void OnPermissionGranted(string permission)

private void Initialize()
MLVoice.OnVoiceEvent += VoiceEvent;
_controllerActions.Bumper.performed += HandleOnBumper;

// Called when a voice command is detected.
void VoiceEvent(in bool wasSuccessful, in MLVoice.IntentEvent voiceEvent)
Debug.Log("Voice Intent Triggered: " + voiceEvent.EventName);

private void HandleOnBumper(InputAction.CallbackContext obj)
bool bumperDown = obj.ReadValueAsButton();

if (bumperDown)
if (MLVoice.IsStarted)
MLResult result = MLVoice.Stop();
if (!result.IsOk)
Debug.LogError("Failed to Stop Processing Voice Intents with result: " + result);
MLResult result = MLVoice.SetupVoiceIntents(_voiceConfiguration);
if (!result.IsOk)
Debug.LogError("Failed to Re-Setup Voice Intents with result: " + result);

// Stop the service and disable the event when the script is destroyed.
private void OnDestroy()
_controllerActions.Bumper.performed -= HandleOnBumper;
MLVoice.OnVoiceEvent -= VoiceEvent;

permissionCallbacks.OnPermissionGranted -= OnPermissionGranted;
permissionCallbacks.OnPermissionDenied -= OnPermissionDenied;
permissionCallbacks.OnPermissionDeniedAndDontAskAgain -= OnPermissionDenied;