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Version: 21 Aug 2024

Handling Tracking Loss

If the Magic Leap can't locate its position in an environment, it experiences "tracking loss". The Magic Leap 2 lets developers manage their own tracking loss behavior -- some developers may want to pause the update loop and display a splash image, while others may want the app to continue playing.

The positional tracking events are separated into two categories. TrackingState and MapEvents. If tracking is lost and cannot be recovered for 15 seconds, Magic Leap 2 will reset its tracking origin the next time tracking is recovered. The origin is reset to avoid virtual content from appearing in the incorrect location.

Head Pose / Origin Reset

This example uses the OnTrackingOriginChanged event to reset the meshes created by the MeshingSubsystemComponent.

    private void Start()
XRInputSubsystem inputSubsystem = XRGeneralSettings.Instance?.Manager?.activeLoader
if(inputSubsystem !=null )
inputSubsystem.trackingOriginUpdated += OnTrackingOriginChanged;

private void OnDestroy()
XRInputSubsystem inputSubsystem = XRGeneralSettings.Instance?.Manager?.activeLoader
if (inputSubsystem != null)
inputSubsystem.trackingOriginUpdated -= OnTrackingOriginChanged;

/// Use event to detect if a new session occurs
/// <param name="inputSubsystem"> The inputSubsystem that invoked this event.</param>
private void OnTrackingOriginChanged(XRInputSubsystem inputSubsystem)
MeshingSubsystemComponent meshingSubsystemComponent = FindObjectOfType<MeshingSubsystemComponent>();
if (meshingSubsystemComponent)

Polling Tracking Mode

Developers should use MLHeadTracking.HeadTrackingStatus.Valid as the preferred state, this state means tracking is fully functional.

var headDevice = InputSubsystem.Utils.FindMagicLeapDevice(
InputDeviceCharacteristics.HeadMounted | InputDeviceCharacteristics.TrackedDevice);

if (headDevice.isValid && InputSubsystem.Extensions.MLHeadTracking.TryGetStateEx(
headDevice, out InputSubsystem.Extensions.MLHeadTracking.StateEx state))

Debug.Log($"Headpose Confidence: {state.Confidence:0.00}");

switch (state.Status)
case InputSubsystem.Extensions.MLHeadTracking.HeadTrackingStatus.Invalid:
// Head tracking is unavailable.
case InputSubsystem.Extensions.MLHeadTracking.HeadTrackingStatus.Initializing:
// Head tracking is initializing.
case InputSubsystem.Extensions.MLHeadTracking.HeadTrackingStatus.Relocalizing:
// Head tracking is relocalizing.
case InputSubsystem.Extensions.MLHeadTracking.HeadTrackingStatus.Valid:
// Valid head tracking data is available.

switch (state.Error)
case InputSubsystem.Extensions.MLHeadTracking.TrackingErrorFlag.None :
// No error, tracking is nominal.
case InputSubsystem.Extensions.MLHeadTracking.TrackingErrorFlag.Unknown:
// Head tracking failed for an unknown reason.
case InputSubsystem.Extensions.MLHeadTracking.TrackingErrorFlag.NotEnoughFeatures:
// There are not enough features in the environment.
case InputSubsystem.Extensions.MLHeadTracking.TrackingErrorFlag.LowLight:
// Lighting in the environment is not sufficient to track accurately.
case InputSubsystem.Extensions.MLHeadTracking.TrackingErrorFlag.ExcessiveMotion :
// Head tracking failed due to excessive motion.

Polling Map Events

Developers may also want to create a custom prompt if the user loses localization, meaning that the device can no longer recognize the environment. If tracking is lost, it is considered a best practice to pause the experience until the headset re-localizes or starts a new session.

var headDevice = InputSubsystem.Utils.FindMagicLeapDevice(
InputDeviceCharacteristics.HeadMounted | InputDeviceCharacteristics.TrackedDevice);

if (InputSubsystem.Extensions.MLHeadTracking.TryGetMapEvents(headDevice,
out InputSubsystem.Extensions.MLHeadTracking.MapEvents mapEvents))
switch (mapEvents)
case InputSubsystem.Extensions.MLHeadTracking.MapEvents.Lost:
//Tracking lost
case InputSubsystem.Extensions.MLHeadTracking.MapEvents.Recovered:
//Previous session restored
case InputSubsystem.Extensions.MLHeadTracking.MapEvents.RecoveryFailed:
//New Session is about to start
case InputSubsystem.Extensions.MLHeadTracking.MapEvents.NewSession:
//New Session is starting

Mapping and Tracking Events Example

In this section, we have included an example of creating a script that triggers events when the headsets MappingEvent or TrackingMode change.

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Events;
using UnityEngine.XR;
using UnityEngine.XR.MagicLeap;

// Unity Events that are visible in the inspector for Tracking Mode and MapEvents
public class TrackingModeEvent : UnityEvent<InputSubsystem.Extensions.MLHeadTracking.StateEx, InputSubsystem.Extensions.MLHeadTracking.TrackingErrorFlag> { }
public class MapStateEvent:UnityEvent<InputSubsystem.Extensions.MLHeadTracking.MapEvents>{}

/// <summary>
/// Contains Unity Events that are triggered when the Headset's Tracking Mode or Mapping State have changed.
/// </summary>
public class TrackingEvents : MonoBehaviour
//Called when the headset tracking mode changes.
public TrackingModeEvent OnTrackingModeChanged;
//Called when the user loses localization in their environment
public MapStateEvent OnMapStateChanged;
//Cached version of the headset device
private InputDevice _headsetDevice;
//The previously polled TrackingStatus
private InputSubsystem.Extensions.MLHeadTracking.HeadTrackingStatus _currentTrackingStatus;
//The previously polled TrackingError (if any)
private InputSubsystem.Extensions.MLHeadTracking.TrackingErrorFlag _currentTrackingError;
//The previously polled mapping event, stored as an int due to a limitation in SDK v0.51.0.
private int _currentMapEvent;

void Update()
//Finds the headset and stores it to be used in the polling methods.
if (_headsetDevice.isValid == false)
_headsetDevice = InputSubsystem.Utils.FindMagicLeapDevice(InputDeviceCharacteristics.HeadMounted | InputDeviceCharacteristics.TrackedDevice);


/// <summary>
/// Triggers the OnTrackingModeChanged event when the polled mapping event is not the same as the one that was previously polled.
/// </summary>
private void PollTrackingState()
if (InputSubsystem.Extensions.MLHeadTracking.TryGetStateEx(_headsetDevice,
out InputSubsystem.Extensions.MLHeadTracking.StateEx state))
if (_currentTrackingStatus != state.Status || _currentTrackingError != state.Error)
_currentTrackingStatus = state.Status;
_currentTrackingError = state.Error;

/// <summary>
/// Triggers the OnMapStateChanged event when the polled mapping event is not the same as the one that was previously polled.
/// </summary>
private void PollMappingEvents()
if (InputSubsystem.Extensions.MLHeadTracking.TryGetMapEvents(_headsetDevice,
out InputSubsystem.Extensions.MLHeadTracking.MapEvents mapEvents))
int eventType = (int) mapEvents;
if (_currentMapEvent != eventType)
_currentMapEvent = eventType;
