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Version: 21 Aug 2024

Migrating from ML1

Upgrade to Magic Leap's new Eye Tracking APIs

The Magic Leap 2's eye tracking input can largely be accessed using Unity's Input System. However, some platform specific values are accessed via the TrackingState, which can be retrieved using Magic Leaps InputSubsystem.Extensions.


If your Application collects, stores, transfers or otherwise uses data off the Magic Leap 2 device that is received via this API, then you must comply with the Magic Leap 2 Eye Tracking Data Transparency Policy.

When upgrading an ML1 app please note:

  • The MLEyesStarterKit class has been removed
  • Use the Unity Input System to obtain generic eye trying input data such fixation point and eye rotation.
  • Use InputSubsystem.Extensions.TryGetEyeTrackingState to obtain the eye tracking state and access device specific input values such as fixation confidence and blink state.

These changes to the API were made to better support and align with existing Unity frameworks like AR Foundation, XR Interaction Toolkit and the new Input System.

API Transition Table

TopicMagic Leap 1Magic Leap 2
Fixation pointMLEyes.FixationPointeyesActions.Data.ReadValue<UnityEngine.InputSystem.XR.Eyes>().fixationPoint
Left / Right eye centerMLEyes.LeftEye.Center


Fixation confidenceMLEyes.FixationConfidenceMLEyes.TryGetState(eyesDevice, out MLEyes.State trackingState);
Left / Right eye confidenceMLEyes.LeftEye.CenterConfidenceMLEyes.TryGetState(eyesDevice, out MLEyes.State trackingState);
Left / Right blink stateMLEyes.LeftEye.IsBlinkingMLEyes.TryGetState(eyesDevice, out MLEyes.State trackingState);
Calibration statusCurrently Not AvailableMLEyes.TryGetState(eyesDevice, out MLEyes.State trackingState);
TimestampMLEyes.TimestampMLEyes.TryGetState(eyesDevice, out MLEyes.State trackingState);
Left / Right pupil sizeMLEyes.LeftEye.PupilSizeThis API is not currently Available on Magic Leap 2.


Reference the example script below to see how the eye tracking APIs have changed.

The differences between the Magic Leap 1 and Magic Leap 2 script.
 using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.XR.MagicLeap;
+ using UnityEngine.XR;
+ using Eyes = UnityEngine.InputSystem.XR.Eyes;

public class ExampleEyeScript : MonoBehaviour
+ private MagicLeapInputs mlInputs;
+ private MagicLeapInputs.EyesActions eyesActions;
+ private InputDevice eyesDevice;

+ void Start()
+ {
+ //Initialize Magic Leap Eye Tracking
+ InputSubsystem.Extensions.MLEyes.StartTracking();
+ //Initialize Magic Leap inputs to capture input data
+ mlInputs = new MagicLeapInputs();
+ mlInputs.Enable();
+ eyesActions = new MagicLeapInputs.EyesActions(mlInputs);
+ }

// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
+ if (!eyesDevice.isValid)
+ {
+ this.eyesDevice = InputSubsystem.Utils.FindMagicLeapDevice(
+ InputDeviceCharacteristics.EyeTracking | InputDeviceCharacteristics.TrackedDevice);
+ return;
+ }

+ InputSubsystem.Extensions.TryGetEyeTrackingState(eyesDevice, out var trackingState);
+ Eyes eyes = eyesActions.Data.ReadValue<UnityEngine.InputSystem.XR.Eyes>();

+ if (trackingState.FixationConfidence > 0.5f)
- if (MLEyes.IsStarted && MLEyes.CalibrationStatus == MLEyes.Calibration.Good)
Vector3 worldPosition = Camera.main.transform.position;
+ Vector3 worldRotation = (eyes.fixationPoint - worldPosition).normalized;
- Vector3 worldRotation = (MLEyes.FixationPoint - worldPosition).normalized;
// Will only be visible in editor when using App Simulator
Debug.DrawRay(worldPosition, worldRotation);

+ Debug.Log("Left Eye Is Blinking: " + trackingState.LeftBlink);
- Debug.Log("Left Eye Is Blinking: " + MLEyes.LeftEye.IsBlinking);
+ Debug.Log("Left Eye Center: " + eyes.leftEyePosition);
- Debug.Log("Left Eye Center: " + MLEyes.LeftEye.Center);
+ Debug.Log("Left Eye Rotation: " + eyes.leftEyeRotation);
- Debug.Log("Left Eye Rotation: " + MLEyes.LeftEye.Gaze);
+ private void OnDestroy()
+ {
+ mlInputs.Disable();
+ mlInputs.Dispose();
+ }