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Version: 21 Aug 2024

Creating Headlocked Applications


The Magic Leap SDK allows user's to disable the headset's Time Warp Stabilization, which allows content that is locked/parented to the headset's position and rotation to be rendered without jitteriness. When the MLGraphicsFlags_Headlocked flag is enabled input devices such as Hands and controller will not be positioned correctly by default. See the Example script in this section to learn how to position these devices correctly.

Headset Tracking Lost

Enabling Head Locked Graphics does not prevent the headset from loosing tracking.


  • Unity SDK 0.53.0 or later


To configure your Unity app to be head-locked, open Project Settings and select XR Plug-in Management > Magic Leap Settings. Enable the Headlock Graphics option.

Toggle Graphics under Magic Leap Settings

Calculating Controller Pose

To make sure the controller tracks correctly when using Headlock Graphics mode, you will need a custom script that positions that controller relative to the headset.

Example Script

This script poses a transform so that it matches the controller's position and rotation.

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.XR.MagicLeap;

public class HeadLockedController : MonoBehaviour
// Transform that should follow the controller
[SerializeField] private Transform _controllerTransform;

private MagicLeapInputs _mlInputs;
private MagicLeapInputs.HMDActions _hmdActions;
private MagicLeapInputs.ControllerActions _controllerActions;

void Start()
//Initialize ML Inputs to query Position and Rotation data
_mlInputs = new MagicLeapInputs();
_hmdActions = new MagicLeapInputs.HMDActions(_mlInputs);
_controllerActions = new MagicLeapInputs.ControllerActions(_mlInputs);

void Update()
if (MagicLeapSettings.currentSettings.headlockGraphics)

// The purpose of this function is to transform the controller from
// world coordinates to HMD coordinates.
private void AdjustForHeadPoseLockedGraphics()
Vector3 controllerPosition = _controllerActions.Position.ReadValue<Vector3>();
Quaternion controllerRotation = _controllerActions.Rotation.ReadValue<Quaternion>();

Vector3 hmdPosition = _hmdActions.Position.ReadValue<Vector3>();
Quaternion hmdRotation = _hmdActions.Rotation.ReadValue<Quaternion>();
hmdRotation = hmdRotation.normalized;

Matrix4x4 hmdMatrix = Matrix4x4.TRS(hmdPosition, hmdRotation,;
Matrix4x4 inverseHmdMatrix = hmdMatrix.inverse;

// Transform the local position and rotation from world to HMD space.
Vector3 positionInHmdSpace = inverseHmdMatrix.MultiplyPoint(controllerPosition);
Quaternion rotationInHmdSpace = (inverseHmdMatrix.rotation * controllerRotation);

//Pose the transform relative to the headset
_controllerTransform.SetPositionAndRotation(positionInHmdSpace, rotationInHmdSpace);

private void OnDestroy()