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Version: 21 Aug 2024

Intrinsic/Extrinsic Parameters

This section includes details on reading the Intrinsic and Extrinsic parameters from the Magic Leap camera. These values can be queried using the MLCamera.ResultExtras value provided in the Camera Capture callbacks.

Intrinsic Parameters

Intrinsic parameters describe the mapping of the scene into the pixels in the final image (sensor). Intrinsic parameters contain information like Focal Lengths, Principle Point, and Distortion Coefficients.


The Focal Length and Principle Point are in pixel coordinate space, and the Distortion Coefficients are normalized/unitless

void RawVideoFrameAvailable(MLCamera.CameraOutput output, MLCamera.ResultExtras resultExtras, MLCamera.Metadata metadataHandle)
if (resultExtras.Intrinsics != null)
string cameraIntrinsics = "Camera Intrinsics";
cameraIntrinsics += "\n Width " + resultExtras.Intrinsics.Value.Width;
cameraIntrinsics += "\n Height " + resultExtras.Intrinsics.Value.Height;
cameraIntrinsics += "\n FOV " + resultExtras.Intrinsics.Value.FOV;
cameraIntrinsics += "\n FocalLength " + resultExtras.Intrinsics.Value.FocalLength;
cameraIntrinsics += "\n PrincipalPoint " + resultExtras.Intrinsics.Value.PrincipalPoint;

Extrinsic Parameters

Extrinsic parameters describe the pose of the camera in the world when the image was captured.


If you are using OpenXR you will need to enable Perception Snapshot in the Magic Leap Support OpenXR feature for the MLCVCamera.GetFramePose to return the correct pose of the camera. To enable Perception Snapshot follow these steps

  1. Open your Project Settings (Edit > Project Settings).
  2. Navigate to the OpenXR settings (XR Plug-in Management> OpenXR).
  3. Find the Magic Leap 2 Support feature and select the (gear) icon next to it.
  4. Enable Perception Snapshots in the settings window.

Alternatively you can use the OpenXR Pixel Sensor API to obtain the camera pose.

void RawVideoFrameAvailable(MLCamera.CameraOutput output, MLCamera.ResultExtras resultExtras, MLCamera.Metadata metadataHandle)
MLResult result = MLCVCamera.GetFramePose(resultExtras.VCamTimestamp, out Matrix4x4 outMatrix);
if (result.IsOk)
string cameraExtrinsics = "Camera Extrinsics";
cameraExtrinsics += "Position " + outMatrix.GetPosition();
cameraExtrinsics += "Rotation " + outMatrix.rotation;

Pixel To World Position

This example shows how to project a pixel position, obtained from the RGB camera, to the 3D space. This example uses a simple physics Raycast to Raycast against a world mesh. To enable this feature make sure to enable meshing inside your project. This utility script can be used by external scripts by calling CastRayFromScreenToWorldPoint or CastRayFromViewPortToWorldPoint.

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.XR.MagicLeap;

public class CameraUtilities
// The length to be used for the ray when no intersection with the WorldMesh is found.
// This prevents the ray from "popping" or suddenly changing length visually.
private static float _rayLength = 3;

/// <summary>
/// Casts a ray from a 2D screen pixel position to a point in world space.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="icp">Intrinsic Calibration parameters of the camera.</param>
/// <param name="cameraTransformMatrix">Transform matrix of the camera.</param>
/// <param name="screenPoint">2D screen point to be cast.</param>
/// <returns>The world space position where the ray intersects with the WorldMesh.</returns>
public static Vector3 CastRayFromScreenToWorldPoint(MLCamera.IntrinsicCalibrationParameters icp, Matrix4x4 cameraTransformMatrix, Vector2 screenPoint)
var width = icp.Width;
var height = icp.Height;

// Convert pixel coordinates to normalized viewport coordinates.
var viewportPoint = new Vector2(screenPoint.x / width, screenPoint.y / height);

return CastRayFromViewPortToWorldPoint(icp, cameraTransformMatrix, viewportPoint);

/// <summary>
/// Casts a ray from a 2D viewport position to a point in world space.
/// This method is used as Unity's Camera.ScreenToWorld functions are limited to Unity's virtual cameras,
/// whereas this method provides a raycast from the actual physical RGB camera.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="icp">Intrinsic Calibration parameters of the camera.</param>
/// <param name="cameraTransformMatrix">Transform matrix of the camera.</param>
/// <param name="viewportPoint">2D viewport point to be cast.</param>
/// <returns>The world space position where the ray intersects with the WorldMesh.</returns>
public static Vector3 CastRayFromViewPortToWorldPoint(MLCamera.IntrinsicCalibrationParameters icp, Matrix4x4 cameraTransformMatrix, Vector2 viewportPoint)
// Undistort the viewport point to account for lens distortion.
var undistortedViewportPoint = UndistortViewportPoint(icp, viewportPoint);

// Create a ray based on the undistorted viewport point that projects out of the RGB camera.
Ray ray = RayFromViewportPoint(icp, undistortedViewportPoint, cameraTransformMatrix.GetPosition(), cameraTransformMatrix.rotation);

// By default, set the hit point at a fixed length away.
Vector3 hitPoint = ray.GetPoint(_rayLength);

// Raycast against the WorldMesh to find where the ray intersects.
// TODO: Add a layer mask filter to prevent unwanted obstructions.
if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out RaycastHit hit, 100))
hitPoint = hit.point;
_rayLength = hit.distance;

return hitPoint;

/// <summary>
/// Undistorts a viewport point to account for lens distortion.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="icp">Intrinsic Calibration parameters of the camera.</param>
/// <param name="distortedViewportPoint">The viewport point that may have distortion.</param>
/// <returns>The corrected/undistorted viewport point.</returns>
public static Vector2 UndistortViewportPoint(MLCamera.IntrinsicCalibrationParameters icp, Vector2 distortedViewportPoint)
var normalizedToPixel = new Vector2(icp.Width / 2, icp.Height / 2).magnitude;
var pixelToNormalized = Mathf.Approximately(normalizedToPixel, 0) ? float.MaxValue : 1 / normalizedToPixel;
var viewportToNormalized = new Vector2(icp.Width * pixelToNormalized, icp.Height * pixelToNormalized);
var normalizedPrincipalPoint = icp.PrincipalPoint * pixelToNormalized;
var normalizedToViewport = new Vector2(1 / viewportToNormalized.x, 1 / viewportToNormalized.y);

Vector2 d = Vector2.Scale(distortedViewportPoint, viewportToNormalized);
Vector2 o = d - normalizedPrincipalPoint;

// Distortion coefficients.
float K1 = (float)icp.Distortion[0];
float K2 = (float)icp.Distortion[1];
float P1 = (float)icp.Distortion[2];
float P2 = (float)icp.Distortion[3];
float K3 = (float)icp.Distortion[4];

float r2 = o.sqrMagnitude;
float r4 = r2 * r2;
float r6 = r2 * r4;

float radial = K1 * r2 + K2 * r4 + K3 * r6;
Vector3 u = d + o * radial;

// Tangential distortion correction.
if (!Mathf.Approximately(P1, 0) || !Mathf.Approximately(P2, 0))
u.x += P1 * (r2 + 2 * o.x * o.x) + 2 * P2 * o.x * o.y;
u.y += P2 * (r2 + 2 * o.y * o.y) + 2 * P1 * o.x * o.y;

return Vector2.Scale(u, normalizedToViewport);

/// <summary>
/// Creates a ray projecting out from the RGB camera based on a viewport point.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="icp">Intrinsic Calibration parameters of the camera.</param>
/// <param name="viewportPoint">2D viewport point to create the ray from.</param>
/// <param name="cameraPos">Position of the camera.</param>
/// <param name="cameraRotation">Rotation of the camera.</param>
/// <returns>The created ray based on the viewport point.</returns>
public static Ray RayFromViewportPoint(MLCamera.IntrinsicCalibrationParameters icp, Vector2 viewportPoint, Vector3 cameraPos, Quaternion cameraRotation)
var width = icp.Width;
var height = icp.Height;
var principalPoint = icp.PrincipalPoint;
var focalLength = icp.FocalLength;

Vector2 pixelPoint = new Vector2(viewportPoint.x * width, viewportPoint.y * height);
Vector2 offsetPoint = new Vector2(pixelPoint.x - principalPoint.x, pixelPoint.y - (height - principalPoint.y));
Vector2 unitFocalLength = new Vector2(offsetPoint.x / focalLength.x, offsetPoint.y / focalLength.y);

Vector3 rayDirection = cameraRotation * new Vector3(unitFocalLength.x, unitFocalLength.y, 1).normalized;

return new Ray(cameraPos, rayDirection);

To use the script, use the static methods from your camera capture scripts. The snippet below shows how to position 5 objects to the corners of the received image.


If you are using OpenXR you will need to enable Perception Snapshot in the Magic Leap Support OpenXR feature for the MLCVCamera.GetFramePose to return the correct pose of the camera. To enable Perception Snapshot follow these steps

  1. Open your Project Settings (Edit > Project Settings).
  2. Navigate to the OpenXR settings (XR Plug-in Management> OpenXR).
  3. Find the Magic Leap 2 Support feature and select the (gear) icon next to it.
  4. Enable Perception Snapshots in the settings window.

Alternatively you can use the OpenXR Pixel Sensor API to obtain the camera pose.

    private void OnCaptureRawVideoFrameAvailable(MLCamera.CameraOutput capturedFrame, MLCamera.ResultExtras resultExtras, MLCamera.Metadata metadataHandle)
if (MLCVCamera.GetFramePose(resultExtras.VCamTimestamp, out Matrix4x4 cameraTransform).IsOk)
uint width = capturedFrame.Planes[0].Width;
uint height = capturedFrame.Planes[0].Height;

Vector2 topLeftPixel = new Vector2(0, 0);
Vector2 topRightPixel = new Vector2(width, 0);
Vector2 bottomLeftPixel = new Vector2(0, height);
Vector2 bottomRightPixel = new Vector2(width, height);
Vector2 centerPixel = new Vector2(width / 2f, height / 2f);

TopLeftObject.position = CameraUtilities.CastRayFromScreenToWorldPoint(resultExtras.Intrinsics.Value, cameraTransform,topLeftPixel);
TopRightObject.position = CameraUtilities.CastRayFromScreenToWorldPoint(resultExtras.Intrinsics.Value, cameraTransform, topRightPixel);
BottomLeftObject.position = CameraUtilities.CastRayFromScreenToWorldPoint(resultExtras.Intrinsics.Value, cameraTransform, bottomLeftPixel);
BottomRightObject.position = CameraUtilities.CastRayFromScreenToWorldPoint(resultExtras.Intrinsics.Value, cameraTransform, bottomRightPixel);
CenterObject.position = CameraUtilities.CastRayFromScreenToWorldPoint(resultExtras.Intrinsics.Value, cameraTransform, centerPixel);