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Version: 21 Aug 2024

Magic Leap Occlusion API

Magic Leap 2's Occlusion API offers developers a way to enhance immersion in mixed reality applications by generating a mesh representation of nearby physical objects. This allows virtual objects to interact with the real world in a more believable way by appearing to be occluded (or "masked") by real-world objects.

The Magic Leap Occlusion API enables you to create a mesh representation of near field objects, so they can be used for occlusion of virtual objects for a better immersion experience.

Experimental API

The Occlusion API is an experimental API that could be changed or removed at any time.


To access the Occlusion API, Developers must declare the com.magicleap.permission.SPATIAL_MAPPING (level: Dangerous) permission in their application's Manifest and request the permissions at runtime.

Features of the Occlusion API

Distance Settings

The Occlusion API provides settings to specify the distance range within which objects contribute to the occlusion mesh:

Minimum Distance: This setting allows developers to specify the closest distance (in meters) at which objects start to be occluded. The possible range for this setting is from 0.3 meters to 7.5 meters.

Maximum Distance: This defines the furthest distance (in meters) up to which objects are occluded. Like the minimum distance, the possible range is also from 0.3 meters to 7.5 meters.

Occlusion Mesh

An occlusion mesh is a representation of the real-world environment which helps the system understand which parts of the virtual objects should be visible and which parts should be hidden behind real-world objects.

Update Rate: For long range occlusion, by default the occlusion mesh is updated at an interval of 5 frames per second (fps). This allows the system to occlude virtual content in static environments. For real-world objects in close range, the occlusion mesh dynamically updates at 30 frames per second.

You can choose the occlusion mesh update rate by setting the max_distance parameter for MLOcclusionSettings:

  • 5 fps - Set MLOcclusionSettings::max_distance to be greater than 0.9m. This is best for long-range occlusion.
  • 30 fps - Set MLOcclusionSettings::max_distance to be less than or equal to 0.9m, the system automatically generates the mesh at 30 frames per second.

Data Components:

- The mesh contains data about the number of vertices and indices.
- Vertices represent points in the 3D space concerning the world origin.
- Indices, organized in sets of three, define triangles. The order of indices is Clockwise (CW).

API Resources

You can read more about what the Object Occlusion API offers in the MagicLeap documentation:

You can learn more about what's offered for occlusion in the Magic Leap Unity or Native C Occlusion APIs: