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Version: 21 Aug 2024

Power Manager

Power Manager provides a set of power management APIs that allow applications to receive callbacks when the power state, properties or error conditions of components change, as well as APIs to get device components power state and properties, and to set certain component power states. More...


A structure to encapsulate the data for each MLPowerManagerPropertyType.
A structure to encapsulate output data when getting the current properties.
A structure to encapsulate output data when getting a component's available property types.
A structure to encapsulate information used by the Power Manager when getting the available property types.
A structure to encapsulate info data used by the Power Manager when getting the current properties.
A structure to encapsulate settings used by the Power Manager when requesting the power state to be changed.
A structure to encapsulate info data used by the Power Manager when getting the current power state.
A structure to encapsulate output data when either getting available power states, or the current power state.
A structure containing Power Manager callback events. Individual callbacks which are not required by the Power Manager can be NULL.


typedef struct MLPowerManagerComponentPropertyMLPowerManagerComponentProperty
A structure to encapsulate the data for each MLPowerManagerPropertyType.
typedef struct MLPowerManagerPropertyDataMLPowerManagerPropertyData
A structure to encapsulate output data when getting the current properties.
typedef struct MLPowerManagerPropertyTypeDataMLPowerManagerPropertyTypeData
A structure to encapsulate output data when getting a component's available property types.
typedef struct MLPowerManagerPropertyTypeInfoMLPowerManagerPropertyTypeInfo
A structure to encapsulate information used by the Power Manager when getting the available property types.
typedef struct MLPowerManagerPropertyInfoMLPowerManagerPropertyInfo
A structure to encapsulate info data used by the Power Manager when getting the current properties.
typedef struct MLPowerManagerPowerStateSettingsMLPowerManagerPowerStateSettings
A structure to encapsulate settings used by the Power Manager when requesting the power state to be changed.
typedef struct MLPowerManagerPowerStateInfoMLPowerManagerPowerStateInfo
A structure to encapsulate info data used by the Power Manager when getting the current power state.
typedef struct MLPowerManagerPowerStateDataMLPowerManagerPowerStateData
A structure to encapsulate output data when either getting available power states, or the current power state.
typedef struct MLPowerManagerCallbacksMLPowerManagerCallbacks
A structure containing Power Manager callback events. Individual callbacks which are not required by the Power Manager can be NULL.


enumAnonymous Enum 24
MLResultAPIPrefix_PowerManager = ( 0x4c8a << 16)
MLPowerManagerResult_NotConnected = MLResultAPIPrefix_PowerManager,
MLPowerManagerResult_Ensure32Bits = 0x7FFFFFFF
Power Manager specific return codes.
MLPowerManagerComponent_None = 0,
MLPowerManagerComponent_Controller = 1,
MLPowerManagerComponent_Ensure32Bits = 0x7FFFFFFF
Represents the different components which can be accessed/controlled using the Power Manager.
MLPowerManagerError_InvalidSKU = 0,
MLPowerManagerError_Ensure32Bits = 0x7FFFFFFF
Power Manager error codes.
MLPowerManagerPowerState_None = 0,
MLPowerManagerPowerState_Normal = 1,
MLPowerManagerPowerState_DisabledWhileCharging = 2,
MLPowerManagerPowerState_Standby = 3,
MLPowerManagerPowerState_Sleep = 4,
MLPowerManagerPowerState_Ensure32Bits = 0x7FFFFFFF
Power states. Query MLPowerManagerGetAvailablePowerStates() to determine which power state is available for each component.
MLPowerManagerChargingState_NotCharging = 0,
MLPowerManagerChargingState_ChargingNormally = 1,
MLPowerManagerChargingState_Ensure32Bits = 0x7FFFFFFF
Power Manager charging states.
MLPowerManagerConnectionState_Connected = 0,
MLPowerManagerConnectionState_Disconnected = 1,
MLPowerManagerConnectionState_Ensure32Bits = 0x7FFFFFFF
Connection state of the component.
MLPowerManagerBatteryInfo_OK = 0,
MLPowerManagerBatteryInfo_BatteryLow = 1,
MLPowerManagerBatteryInfo_BatteryCritical = 2,
MLPowerManagerBatteryInfo_Ensure32Bits = 0x7FFFFFFF
Battery info/warning codes.
MLPowerManagerPropertyType_BatteryInfo = 0,
MLPowerManagerPropertyType_BatteryLevel = 1,
MLPowerManagerPropertyType_ChargingState = 2,
MLPowerManagerPropertyType_ConnectionState = 3,
MLPowerManagerPropertyType_Ensure32Bits = 0x7FFFFFFF
Power Manager property types. Query MLPowerManagerGetAvailableProperties() to determine which Power Manager properties are available for each component.


voidMLPowerManagerPropertyTypeInfoInit(MLPowerManagerPropertyTypeInfo * inout_property_type_info)
Initializes the default values for MLPowerManagerPropertyTypeInfo.
voidMLPowerManagerPropertyInfoInit(MLPowerManagerPropertyInfo * inout_property_info)
Initializes the default values for MLPowerManagerPropertyInfo.
voidMLPowerManagerPowerStateSettingsInit(MLPowerManagerPowerStateSettings * inout_power_settings)
Initializes the default values for MLPowerManagerPowerStateSettings.
voidMLPowerManagerPowerStateInfoInit(MLPowerManagerPowerStateInfo * inout_power_info)
Initializes the default values for MLPowerManagerPowerStateInfo.
voidMLPowerManagerCallbacksInit(MLPowerManagerCallbacks * inout_cb)
Initializes the default values for MLPowerManagerCallbacks.
MLResultMLPowerManagerCreate(MLPowerManagerComponent component, MLHandle * out_handle)
Creates a Power Manager handle for a specified component.
MLResultMLPowerManagerDestroy(MLHandle handle)
Destroys a Power Manager handle.
MLResultMLPowerManagerSetCallbacks(MLHandle handle, MLPowerManagerCallbacks cb, void user_data)
Register Power Manager callbacks for a specific handle.
MLResultMLPowerManagerSetPowerState(MLHandle handle, const MLPowerManagerPowerStateSettings * settings)
Sets the power state of a component. The new power state of a component will persist if the application loses focus, or exits.
MLResultMLPowerManagerGetComponentProperties(MLHandle handle, const MLPowerManagerPropertyInfo in_info, MLPowerManagerPropertyData out_properties)
Gets the power manager properties of a component.
MLResultMLPowerManagerReleasePropertyData(MLHandle handle, MLPowerManagerPropertyData * properties)
Releases specified MLPowerManagerPropertyData.
MLResultMLPowerManagerGetAvailablePowerStates(MLHandle handle, const MLPowerManagerPowerStateInfo in_info, MLPowerManagerPowerStateData out_states)
Query available power states for a component.
MLResultMLPowerManagerGetPowerState(MLHandle handle, const MLPowerManagerPowerStateInfo in_info, MLPowerManagerPowerStateData out_state)
Gets the power state of a component.
MLResultMLPowerManagerReleasePowerStateData(MLHandle handle, MLPowerManagerPowerStateData * power_states)
Releases specified MLPowerManagerPowerStateData.
MLResultMLPowerManagerGetAvailableProperties(MLHandle handle, const MLPowerManagerPropertyTypeInfo in_info, MLPowerManagerPropertyTypeData out_properties)
Request a list of the available MLPowerManagerPropertyType.
MLResultMLPowerManagerReleasePropertyTypeData(MLHandle handle, MLPowerManagerPropertyTypeData * properties)
Releases specified MLPowerManagerPropertyTypeData.
const char *MLPowerManagerGetResultString(MLResult result_code)
Returns an ASCII string for each result code.

Detailed Description

Power Manager provides a set of power management APIs that allow applications to receive callbacks when the power state, properties or error conditions of components change, as well as APIs to get device components power state and properties, and to set certain component power states.

The API uses component specific handles, as such an application should create a handle for each kind of component it wishes to get/set power state or properties for.

Shared Object:

  • power_manager.magicleap*

Enums Documentation

Anonymous Enum 24

MLResultAPIPrefix_PowerManager( 0x4c8a << 16)Defines the prefix for Power Manager return codes.


MLPowerManagerResult_NotConnectedMLResultAPIPrefix_PowerManagerIndicates the component is not connected.
MLPowerManagerResult_InvalidStateTransitionIndicates the component does not currently support transitioning to requested state.
MLPowerManagerResult_StateTransitionsDisabledIndicates the component does not currently support transitioning to a different state.
MLPowerManagerResult_UnsupportedStateIndicates the component does not support the requested power state.
MLPowerManagerResult_Ensure32Bits0x7FFFFFFFEnsure enum is represented as 32 bits.

Power Manager specific return codes.

API Level:

  • 27


MLPowerManagerComponent_None0Invalid or no component.
MLPowerManagerComponent_Ensure32Bits0x7FFFFFFFEnsure enum is represented as 32 bits.

Represents the different components which can be accessed/controlled using the Power Manager.

API Level:

  • 27


MLPowerManagerError_InvalidSKU0Controller component could not be connected due to Invalid SKU.
MLPowerManagerError_Ensure32Bits0x7FFFFFFFEnsure enum is represented as 32 bits.

Power Manager error codes.

API Level:

  • 27


MLPowerManagerPowerState_None0Invalid or no power state.
MLPowerManagerPowerState_Normal1Normal mode, this is the default or active state of the component.
MLPowerManagerPowerState_DisabledWhileCharging2Charging only mode. When charging component it cannot be used.
MLPowerManagerPowerState_Standby3Standby mode.
MLPowerManagerPowerState_Sleep4Sleep mode.
MLPowerManagerPowerState_Ensure32Bits0x7FFFFFFFEnsure enum is represented as 32 bits.

Power states. Query MLPowerManagerGetAvailablePowerStates() to determine which power state is available for each component.

ComponentPower StateDescription
ControllerNormalController is active
Disabled While ChargingCertain SKUs cannot use controller while charging
StandbyController is turned on but inactive, press home button to switch to active manually
SleepNot supported for this component

API Level:

  • 27


MLPowerManagerChargingState_NotCharging0Not charging.
MLPowerManagerChargingState_ChargingNormally1Charging normally.
MLPowerManagerChargingState_Ensure32Bits0x7FFFFFFFEnsure enum is represented as 32 bits.

Power Manager charging states.

API Level:

  • 27


MLPowerManagerConnectionState_Connected0Component is connected.
MLPowerManagerConnectionState_Disconnected1Component is disconnected.
MLPowerManagerConnectionState_Ensure32Bits0x7FFFFFFFEnsure enum is represented as 32 bits.

Connection state of the component.

API Level:

  • 27


MLPowerManagerBatteryInfo_OK0No issues reported.
MLPowerManagerBatteryInfo_BatteryLow1Charge the component soon.
MLPowerManagerBatteryInfo_BatteryCritical2Charge the component immediately.
MLPowerManagerBatteryInfo_Ensure32Bits0x7FFFFFFFEnsure enum is represented as 32 bits.

Battery info/warning codes.

API Level:

  • 27


MLPowerManagerPropertyType_BatteryInfo0Extra info about battery, as represented by MLPowerManagerBatteryInfo.
MLPowerManagerPropertyType_BatteryLevel1Battery level. Range is between 0 and 100.
MLPowerManagerPropertyType_ChargingState2Charging state.
MLPowerManagerPropertyType_ConnectionState3Connection state.
MLPowerManagerPropertyType_Ensure32Bits0x7FFFFFFFEnsure enum is represented as 32 bits.

Power Manager property types. Query MLPowerManagerGetAvailableProperties() to determine which Power Manager properties are available for each component.

API Level:

  • 27

Types Documentation


typedef struct MLPowerManagerComponentProperty MLPowerManagerComponentProperty;

A structure to encapsulate the data for each MLPowerManagerPropertyType.

This struct and union is used as a flexible way for each component to output an array containing distinct types of data.

The below code shows how a Controller could output battery_info, battery_level, charging_state or connection_state. Where data is an instance of MLPowerManagerPropertyData returned from MLPowerManagerGetComponentProperties.

auto properties =;
for (int num = 0; num < data.size; num++) {
switch (properties[num]->property_type) {
case (MLPowerManagerPropertyType_BatteryInfo):
// Process properties[num]->battery_info enum
case (MLPowerManagerPropertyType_BatteryLevel):
// Process properties[num]->battery_level as integer
case (MLPowerManagerPropertyType_ChargingState):
// Process properties[num]->charging_state as enum
case (MLPowerManagerPropertyType_ConnectionState):
// Process properties[num]->connection_state as enum
// Error handle if default case

More Info

API Level:

  • 27


typedef struct MLPowerManagerPropertyData MLPowerManagerPropertyData;

A structure to encapsulate output data when getting the current properties.

More Info

API Level:

  • 27


typedef struct MLPowerManagerPropertyTypeData MLPowerManagerPropertyTypeData;

A structure to encapsulate output data when getting a component's available property types.

More Info

API Level:

  • 27


typedef struct MLPowerManagerPropertyTypeInfo MLPowerManagerPropertyTypeInfo;

A structure to encapsulate information used by the Power Manager when getting the available property types.

This structure must be initialized by calling MLPowerManagerPropertyTypeInfoInit before use.

More Info

API Level:

  • 27


typedef struct MLPowerManagerPropertyInfo MLPowerManagerPropertyInfo;

A structure to encapsulate info data used by the Power Manager when getting the current properties.

This structure must be initialized by calling MLPowerManagerPropertyInfoInit before use.

More Info

API Level:

  • 27


typedef struct MLPowerManagerPowerStateSettings MLPowerManagerPowerStateSettings;

A structure to encapsulate settings used by the Power Manager when requesting the power state to be changed.

This structure must be initialized by calling MLPowerManagerPowerStateSettingsInit before use.

More Info

API Level:

  • 27


typedef struct MLPowerManagerPowerStateInfo MLPowerManagerPowerStateInfo;

A structure to encapsulate info data used by the Power Manager when getting the current power state.

This structure must be initialized by calling MLPowerManagerPowerStateInfoInit before use.

More Info

API Level:

  • 27


typedef struct MLPowerManagerPowerStateData MLPowerManagerPowerStateData;

A structure to encapsulate output data when either getting available power states, or the current power state.

More Info

API Level:

  • 27


typedef struct MLPowerManagerCallbacks MLPowerManagerCallbacks;

A structure containing Power Manager callback events. Individual callbacks which are not required by the Power Manager can be NULL.

More Info

API Level:

  • 27

Functions Documentation


static inline void MLPowerManagerPropertyTypeInfoInit(
MLPowerManagerPropertyTypeInfo * inout_property_type_info

Initializes the default values for MLPowerManagerPropertyTypeInfo.


MLPowerManagerPropertyTypeInfo *inout_property_type_infoThe object to initialize with default values.

API Level:

  • 27


static inline void MLPowerManagerPropertyInfoInit(
MLPowerManagerPropertyInfo * inout_property_info

Initializes the default values for MLPowerManagerPropertyInfo.


MLPowerManagerPropertyInfo *inout_property_infoThe object to initialize with default values.

API Level:

  • 27


static inline void MLPowerManagerPowerStateSettingsInit(
MLPowerManagerPowerStateSettings * inout_power_settings

Initializes the default values for MLPowerManagerPowerStateSettings.


MLPowerManagerPowerStateSettings *inout_power_settingsThe object to initialize with default values.

API Level:

  • 27


static inline void MLPowerManagerPowerStateInfoInit(
MLPowerManagerPowerStateInfo * inout_power_info

Initializes the default values for MLPowerManagerPowerStateInfo.


MLPowerManagerPowerStateInfo *inout_power_infoThe object to initialize with default values.

API Level:

  • 27


static inline void MLPowerManagerCallbacksInit(
MLPowerManagerCallbacks * inout_cb

Initializes the default values for MLPowerManagerCallbacks.


MLPowerManagerCallbacks *inout_cbThe object to initialize with default values.

API Level:

  • 27


MLResult MLPowerManagerCreate(
MLPowerManagerComponent component,
MLHandle * out_handle

Creates a Power Manager handle for a specified component.


MLPowerManagerComponentcomponentThe component specific to the handle to be created.
MLHandle *out_handleThe handle to be created.


MLResultMLResult_InvalidParamFailed due to an invalid parameter.
MLResultMlResult_HandleExistsHandle for this component already exists.
MLResultMLResult_OkPower Manager handle was successfully created.
MLResultMLResult_UnspecifiedFailurePower Manager handle failed to be created.

Required Permissions:

  • none

In a single application multiple calls to this API method, for the same component type will return a new handle each time. The handle is valid until MLPowerManagerDestroy for that specific handle is called.

API Level:

  • 27


MLResult MLPowerManagerDestroy(
MLHandle handle

Destroys a Power Manager handle.


MLHandlehandleThe Power Manager handle for a specific component to be destroyed.


MLResultMLResult_InvalidParamPassed handle was invalid.
MLResultMLResult_OkPower Manager handle was successfully destroyed.

Required Permissions:

  • None

API Level:

  • 27


MLResult MLPowerManagerSetCallbacks(
MLHandle handle,
MLPowerManagerCallbacks * cb,
void * user_data

Register Power Manager callbacks for a specific handle.


MLHandlehandlePower Manager handle for component to set MLPowerManagerCallbacks for.
MLPowerManagerCallbacks *cbCallbacks to receive Power Manager events. Set this to NULL to unregister callbacks.
void *user_dataThe caller can pass in user context data that will be returned in the callback (can be NULL).


MLResultMLResult_InvalidParamFailed due to an invalid parameter.
MLResultMLResult_OkThe callbacks have been registered.
MLResultMLResult_UnspecifiedFailureThe operation failed with an unspecified error.

Required Permissions:

  • None

The MLPowerManagerCallbacks structure can be set for each handle, whether those handles are for the same or different component types.

API Level:

  • 27


MLResult MLPowerManagerSetPowerState(
MLHandle handle,
const MLPowerManagerPowerStateSettings * settings

Sets the power state of a component. The new power state of a component will persist if the application loses focus, or exits.


MLHandlehandlePower Manager handle for component to set power state for.
const MLPowerManagerPowerStateSettings *settingsSettings used by the Power Manager updating a component's power state.


MLResultMLResult_IllegalStateThe component does not support the requested power state.
MLResultMLResult_InvalidParamFailed due to an invalid parameter.
MLResultMLPowerManagerResult_InvalidStateTransitionThe component does not support transitioning to the requested state.
MLResultMLPowerManagerResult_NotConnectedThe component is not connected.
MLResultMLResult_OkThe power state of the controller was set successfully.
MLResultMLPowerManagerResult_StateTransitionsDisabledThe component currently does not support transitioning to a different state.
MLResultMLResult_UnspecifiedFailureThe operation failed with an unspecified error.
MLResultMLPowerManagerResult_UnsupportedStateThe component does not support the requested power state.

Required Permissions:

  • None

API Level:

  • 27


MLResult MLPowerManagerGetComponentProperties(
MLHandle handle,
const MLPowerManagerPropertyInfo * in_info,
MLPowerManagerPropertyData * out_properties

Gets the power manager properties of a component.


MLHandlehandlePower Manager handle for component to get properties of.
const MLPowerManagerPropertyInfo *in_infoMLPowerManagerPropertyInfo struct filled with information about the power manager properties of a component to request.
MLPowerManagerPropertyData *out_propertiesInformation about the properties of a component. Must be released using MLPowerManagerReleasePropertyData after each successful call.


MLResultMLResult_AllocFailedFailed due to memory allocation failure.
MLResultMLResult_InvalidParamFailed due to an invalid parameter.
MLResultMLResult_OkThe property of the controller was retrieved successfully.
MLResultMLResult_UnspecifiedFailureThe operation failed with an unspecified error.

Required Permissions:

  • None

API Level:

  • 27


MLResult MLPowerManagerReleasePropertyData(
MLHandle handle,
MLPowerManagerPropertyData * properties

Releases specified MLPowerManagerPropertyData.


MLHandlehandlePower Manager handle for component relating to MLPowerManagerPropertyData.
MLPowerManagerPropertyData *propertiesPointer to a MLPowerManagerPropertyData returned from MLPowerManagerGetComponentProperties.


MLResultMLResult_OkSuccessfully released MLPowerManagerPropertyData.
MLResultMLResult_InvalidParamproperties parameter was not valid (NULL).
MLResultMLResult_UnspecifiedFailureFailed due to internal error.

Required Permissions:

  • None

This function should be called exactly once for each successful call to MLPowerManagerGetComponentProperties.


MLResult MLPowerManagerGetAvailablePowerStates(
MLHandle handle,
const MLPowerManagerPowerStateInfo * in_info,
MLPowerManagerPowerStateData * out_states

Query available power states for a component.


MLHandlehandlePower Manager handle for component to get list of all available power states for.
const MLPowerManagerPowerStateInfo *in_infoMLPowerManagerPowerStateInfo struct filled with data to be used by the Power Manager when requesting/receiving all available power states.
MLPowerManagerPowerStateData *out_statesMLPowerManagerPowerStateData holding list of available power states. Must be released using MLPowerManagerReleasePowerStateData after each successful call.


MLResultMLResult_AllocFailedFailed due to memory allocation failure.
MLResultMLResult_InvalidParamFailed due to an invalid parameter.
MLResultMLResult_OkQuery completed and out_states has been populated.
MLResultMLResult_UnspecifiedFailureThe operation failed with an unspecified error.

Required Permissions:

  • None

API Level:

  • 27


MLResult MLPowerManagerGetPowerState(
MLHandle handle,
const MLPowerManagerPowerStateInfo * in_info,
MLPowerManagerPowerStateData * out_state

Gets the power state of a component.


MLHandlehandlePower Manager handle for component to get power state from.
const MLPowerManagerPowerStateInfo *in_infoMLPowerManagerPowerStateInfo struct filled with data to be used by the Power Manager when requesting/receiving power state.
MLPowerManagerPowerStateData *power_stateMLPowerManagerPowerStateData with the current power state. Must be released using MLPowerManagerReleasePowerStateData after each successful call.


MLResultMLPowerManagerResult_NotConnectedThe component is not connected.
MLResultMLResult_InvalidParamFailed due to an invalid parameter.
MLResultMLResult_OkThe power state of the controller was retrieved successfully.
MLResultMLResult_UnspecifiedFailureThe operation failed with an unspecified error.

Required Permissions:

  • None

API Level:

  • 27


MLResult MLPowerManagerReleasePowerStateData(
MLHandle handle,
MLPowerManagerPowerStateData * power_states

Releases specified MLPowerManagerPowerStateData.


MLHandlehandlePower Manager handle for component relating to MLPowerManagerPowerStateData.
MLPowerManagerPowerStateData *power_statesPointer to a MLPowerManagerPowerStateData.


MLResultMLResult_OkSuccessfully released MLPowerManagerPowerStateData.
MLResultMLResult_InvalidParampower_states parameter was not valid (NULL).
MLResultMLResult_UnspecifiedFailureFailed due to internal error.

Required Permissions:

  • None

This function should be called exactly once for each successful call to MLPowerManagerGetAvailablePowerStates.


MLResult MLPowerManagerGetAvailableProperties(
MLHandle handle,
const MLPowerManagerPropertyTypeInfo * in_info,
MLPowerManagerPropertyTypeData * out_properties

Request a list of the available MLPowerManagerPropertyType.


MLHandlehandlePower Manager handle for component to get properties from.
const MLPowerManagerPropertyTypeInfo *in_infoMLPowerManagerPropertyTypeInfo struct filled with data to be used by the Power Manager when requesting/receiving available property types.
MLPowerManagerPropertyTypeData *out_propertiesInformation about the properties of a component. Must be released using MLPowerManagerReleasePropertyTypeData after each successful call.


MLResultMLResult_AllocFailedFailed due to memory allocation failure.
MLResultMLResult_InvalidParamFailed due to an invalid parameter.
MLResultMLResult_OkQuery completed and out_properties has been populated.
MLResultMLResult_UnspecifiedFailureThe operation failed with an unspecified error.

Required Permissions:

  • None

API Level:

  • 27


MLResult MLPowerManagerReleasePropertyTypeData(
MLHandle handle,
MLPowerManagerPropertyTypeData * properties

Releases specified MLPowerManagerPropertyTypeData.


MLHandlehandlePower Manager handle for component relating to MLPowerManagerPropertyTypeData.
MLPowerManagerPropertyTypeData *propertiesPointer to a MLPowerManagerPropertyTypeData.


MLResultMLResult_OkSuccessfully MLPowerManagerPropertyTypeData.
MLResultMLResult_InvalidParamproperties parameter was not valid (NULL).
MLResultMLResult_UnspecifiedFailureFailed due to internal error.

Required Permissions:

  • None

This function should be called exactly once for each successful call to MLPowerManagerGetAvailableProperties.


const char * MLPowerManagerGetResultString(
MLResult result_code

Returns an ASCII string for each result code.


MLResultresult_codeMLResult to select the result code.


const char *ASCIIstring containing readable version of result code.

Required Permissions:

  • None

API Level:

  • 27