Spatial Anchor
Module: Magic Leap Spaces
APIs for managing Spatial Anchors. More...
Name | |
struct | MLSpatialAnchorLocalizationInfo A structure containing information about the device's localization state. |
struct | MLSpatialAnchor A structure representing a user-defined Spatial Anchor. |
struct | MLSpatialAnchorCreateInfo A structure used to populate anchor creation info when creating a new Spatial Anchor. |
struct | MLSpatialAnchorQueryFilter A collection of filters for Spatial Anchor queries. |
Name | |
typedef struct MLSpatialAnchorLocalizationInfo | MLSpatialAnchorLocalizationInfo A structure containing information about the device's localization state. |
typedef struct MLSpatialAnchor | MLSpatialAnchor A structure representing a user-defined Spatial Anchor. |
typedef struct MLSpatialAnchorCreateInfo | MLSpatialAnchorCreateInfo A structure used to populate anchor creation info when creating a new Spatial Anchor. |
typedef struct MLSpatialAnchorQueryFilter | MLSpatialAnchorQueryFilter A collection of filters for Spatial Anchor queries. |
Name | |
void | MLSpatialAnchorLocalizationInfoInit(MLSpatialAnchorLocalizationInfo * inout_info) Initialize default values for MLSpatialAnchorLocalizationInfo. |
void | MLSpatialAnchorInit(MLSpatialAnchor * inout_anchor) Initialize default values for a MLSpatialAnchor structure. |
void | MLSpatialAnchorCreateInfoInit(MLSpatialAnchorCreateInfo * inout_info) Initialize default values for a MLSpatialAnchorCreateInfo structure. |
void | MLSpatialAnchorQueryFilterInit(MLSpatialAnchorQueryFilter * inout_query_filter) Initializes the default values for a query filter. |
MLResult | MLSpatialAnchorTrackerCreate(MLHandle * out_handle) Create a Spatial Anchor tracker. |
MLResult | MLSpatialAnchorTrackerDestroy(MLHandle handle) Destroy a previously created Spatial Anchor tracker. |
MLResult | MLSpatialAnchorCreate(MLHandle handle, const MLSpatialAnchorCreateInfo create_info, MLSpatialAnchor out_anchor) Create a new local Spatial Anchor at the desired location. |
MLResult | MLSpatialAnchorPublish(MLHandle handle, MLUUID anchor_id) Publish an existing local Spatial Anchor to the persistent backend. |
MLResult | MLSpatialAnchorDelete(MLHandle handle, MLUUID anchor_id) Delete an existing Spatial Anchor. |
MLResult | MLSpatialAnchorUpdate(MLHandle handle, const MLSpatialAnchor * anchor) Update a Spatial Anchor's properties. |
MLResult | MLSpatialAnchorQueryCreate(MLHandle handle, const MLSpatialAnchorQueryFilter query_filter, MLHandle out_query_handle, uint32_t * out_results_count) Create a new query for Spatial Anchors in the current space. |
MLResult | MLSpatialAnchorQueryDestroy(MLHandle handle, MLHandle query_handle) Destroy a previously created query handle and release its associated resources. |
MLResult | MLSpatialAnchorQueryGetResult(MLHandle handle, MLHandle query_handle, uint32_t first_index, uint32_t last_index, MLSpatialAnchor * out_results) Get the result of a previous Spatial Anchor query. |
const char * | MLSpatialAnchorGetResultString(MLResult result) Returns an ASCII string for MLSpatialAnchorResult and MLResult codes. |
MLResult | MLSpatialAnchorGetLocalizationInfo(MLHandle handle, MLSpatialAnchorLocalizationInfo * out_localization_info) Get the current localization status of the device. |
Detailed Description
APIs for managing Spatial Anchors.
Spatial Anchor management is closely tied to the selected mapping mode on the device. The modes are mutually exclusive and affect the functionality of these APIs. The available mapping modes are:
On-Device Mode - A persistent mode in which anchors are persisted locally and will be available in multiple sessions when localized to the same space in which they were published.
AR Cloud Mode - A persistent mode in which anchors are persisted in the cloud environment and will be available in multiple sessions to devices that are localized to the same space in which they were published.
Shared Object:
- perception.magicleap*
Enums Documentation
Anonymous Enum 29
Enumerator | Value | Description |
MLResultAPIPrefix_SpatialAnchor | ( 0x439 << 16) | Defines the prefix for MLSpatialAnchorResult codes. |
MLSpatialAnchor_MaxSpaceNameLength | 64 | Maximum size for the name of the space in the MLSpatialAnchorLocalizationInfo structure. |
Enumerator | Value | Description |
MLSpatialAnchorResult_MaxAnchorLimitReached | MLResultAPIPrefix_SpatialAnchor | The maximum number of anchors for the current space has been reached. |
MLSpatialAnchorResult_MinDistanceThresholdExceeded | The minimum distance between anchors was not met. | |
MLSpatialAnchorResult_InsufficientMapping | The space has not been sufficiently mapped to allow this operation. | |
MLSpatialAnchorResult_InvalidId | The provided anchor Id was not valid. | |
MLSpatialAnchorResult_InvalidExpirationTimestamp | The provided expiration suggestion was not valid. | |
MLSpatialAnchorResult_NotLocalized | The operation cannot be completed because the device has not yet localized. | |
MLSpatialAnchorResult_ServerError | There was an error communicating with the server. | |
MLSpatialAnchorResult_ServiceUnavailable | The operation failed because the underlying service is not yet available, retry later. | |
MLSpatialAnchorResult_Ensure32Bits | 0x7FFFFFFF | Ensure enum is represented as 32 bits. |
SpatialAnchor-specific return codes.
API Level:
- 20
Enumerator | Value | Description |
MLSpatialAnchorLocalizationStatus_NotLocalized | The device is not currently localized. | |
MLSpatialAnchorLocalizationStatus_Localized | The device has localized successfully. | |
MLSpatialAnchorLocalizationStatus_LocalizationPending | A localization attempt is currently in progress. | |
MLSpatialAnchorLocalizationStatus_Ensure32Bits | 0x7FFFFFFF | Ensure enum is represented as 32 bits. |
The current localization status.
Deprecated since 1.3.0. Scheduled for removal. Replaced by MLSpaceLocalizationStatus.
API Level:
- 20
Enumerator | Value | Description |
MLSpatialAnchorMappingMode_OnDevice | Using on-device mapping. | |
MLSpatialAnchorMappingMode_ARCloud | Using cloud-based mapping. | |
MLSpatialAnchorMappingMode_Ensure32Bits | 0x7FFFFFFF | Ensure enum is represented as 32 bits. |
Mapping mode.
Deprecated since 1.3.0. Scheduled for removal.
API Level:
- 20
Enumerator | Value | Description |
MLSpatialAnchorQuality_Low | Low quality, this anchor can be expected to move significantly. | |
MLSpatialAnchorQuality_Medium | Medium quality, this anchor may move slightly. | |
MLSpatialAnchorQuality_High | High quality, this anchor is stable and suitable for digital content attachment. | |
MLSpatialAnchorQuality_Ensure32Bits | 0x7FFFFFFF | Ensure enum is represented as 32 bits. |
The quality of the local space around the anchor.
This can change over time as the user continues to scan the space.
API Level:
- 31
Types Documentation
typedef struct MLSpatialAnchorLocalizationInfo MLSpatialAnchorLocalizationInfo;
A structure containing information about the device's localization state.
Deprecated since 1.3.0. Scheduled for removal. Replaced by MLSpaceLocalizationResult.
API Level:
- 20
typedef struct MLSpatialAnchor MLSpatialAnchor;
A structure representing a user-defined Spatial Anchor.
API Level:
- 31
typedef struct MLSpatialAnchorCreateInfo MLSpatialAnchorCreateInfo;
A structure used to populate anchor creation info when creating a new Spatial Anchor.
API Level:
- 20
typedef struct MLSpatialAnchorQueryFilter MLSpatialAnchorQueryFilter;
A collection of filters for Spatial Anchor queries.
Filters that have been set will be combined via logical conjunction. E.g. results must match the ids filter AND fall within the radius constraint when both have been set.
This struct must be initialized by calling MLSpatialAnchorQueryFilterInit before use.
API Level:
- 20
Functions Documentation
static inline void MLSpatialAnchorLocalizationInfoInit(
MLSpatialAnchorLocalizationInfo * inout_info
Initialize default values for MLSpatialAnchorLocalizationInfo.
MLSpatialAnchorLocalizationInfo * | inout_info | The localization info to initialize. |
Required Permissions:
- None
Deprecated since 1.3.0. Scheduled for removal. Replaced by MLSpaceLocalizationResultInit.
API Level:
- 20
static inline void MLSpatialAnchorInit(
MLSpatialAnchor * inout_anchor
Initialize default values for a MLSpatialAnchor structure.
MLSpatialAnchor * | inout_anchor | The anchor to initialize. |
Required Permissions:
- None
API Level:
- 31
static inline void MLSpatialAnchorCreateInfoInit(
MLSpatialAnchorCreateInfo * inout_info
Initialize default values for a MLSpatialAnchorCreateInfo structure.
MLSpatialAnchorCreateInfo * | inout_info | The info struct to initialize. |
Required Permissions:
- None
API Level:
- 20
static inline void MLSpatialAnchorQueryFilterInit(
MLSpatialAnchorQueryFilter * inout_query_filter
Initializes the default values for a query filter.
MLSpatialAnchorQueryFilter * | inout_query_filter | The filter to initialize. |
Required Permissions:
- None
API Level:
- 20
MLResult MLSpatialAnchorTrackerCreate(
MLHandle * out_handle
Create a Spatial Anchor tracker.
MLHandle * | out_handle | A pointer to an MLHandle which will contain a handle for a Spatial Anchor tracker if successful, otherwise it will be ML_INVALID_HANDLE. |
MLResult | MLResult_InvalidParam | The out_handle parameter was not valid. |
MLResult | MLResult_Ok | Successfully created the tracker. |
MLResult | MLResult_PermissionDenied | Necessary permission is missing. |
MLResult | MLResult_UnspecifiedFailure | The tracker was not created. |
Required Permissions:
- com.magicleap.permission.SPATIAL_ANCHOR (protection level: normal)
API Level:
- 20
MLResult MLSpatialAnchorTrackerDestroy(
MLHandle handle
Destroy a previously created Spatial Anchor tracker.
MLHandle | handle | A handle to a Spatial Anchor tracker created by MLSpatialAnchorCreate(). |
MLResult | MLResult_InvalidParam | The handle parameter was not valid. |
MLResult | MLResult_Ok | Successfully destroyed the tracker. |
MLResult | MLResult_UnspecifiedFailure | The tracker was not destroyed. |
Required Permissions:
- None
API Level:
- 20
MLResult MLSpatialAnchorCreate(
MLHandle handle,
const MLSpatialAnchorCreateInfo * create_info,
MLSpatialAnchor * out_anchor
Create a new local Spatial Anchor at the desired location.
MLHandle | handle | Handle to a Spatial Anchor tracker. |
const MLSpatialAnchorCreateInfo * | create_info | A struct containing the creation info for the new anchor. |
MLSpatialAnchor * | out_anchor | The created anchor. |
MLResult | MLResult_InvalidParam | One of the parameters was null. |
MLResult | MLResult_Ok | The anchor was successfully created. |
MLResult | MLSpatialAnchorResult_InsufficientMapping | Insufficient mapping. |
MLResult | MLSpatialAnchorResult_InvalidExpirationTimestamp | Invalid expiration timestamp. |
MLResult | MLSpatialAnchorResult_MaxAnchorLimitReached | Maximum anchor limit reached. |
MLResult | MLSpatialAnchorResult_MinDistanceThresholdExceeded | Minimum distance threshold exceeded. |
Required Permissions:
- None
On success, out_anchor will be returned with a newly generated ID.
Any unpublished anchor will be lost if the Headpose session is lost. See MLHeadTrackingGetMapEvents for more details.
API Level:
- 20
MLResult MLSpatialAnchorPublish(
MLHandle handle,
MLUUID anchor_id
Publish an existing local Spatial Anchor to the persistent backend.
MLHandle | handle | Handle to a Spatial Anchor tracker. |
MLUUID | anchor_id | The Id of the local anchor to publish. |
MLResult | MLResult_InvalidParam | One of the parameters was null. |
MLResult | MLResult_Ok | The anchor was successfully published and persisted. |
MLResult | MLResult_Unauthenticated | Invalid authentication credentials for this operation. |
MLResult | MLSpatialAnchorResult_NotLocalized | Not localized. |
MLResult | MLSpatialAnchorResult_InvalidId | Invalid Id provided. |
MLResult | MLSpatialAnchorResult_MaxAnchorLimitReached | Maximum anchor limit reached. |
MLResult | MLSpatialAnchorResult_MinDistanceThresholdExceeded | Minimum distance threshold exceeded. |
MLResult | MLSpatialAnchorResult_ServerError | Server error occurred. |
Required Permissions:
- None
Depending on the currently selected mapping mode, this can store the anchor locally or in the cloud. This call will fail if the device is not localized to a space.
Any unpublished anchor will be lost if the Headpose session is lost. See MLHeadTrackingGetMapEvents for more details.
API Level:
- 20
MLResult MLSpatialAnchorDelete(
MLHandle handle,
MLUUID anchor_id
Delete an existing Spatial Anchor.
MLHandle | handle | Handle to a Spatial Anchor tracker. |
MLUUID | anchor_id | The Id of the anchor to delete. |
MLResult | MLResult_InvalidParam | One of the parameters was null. |
MLResult | MLResult_Ok | The anchor was successfully deleted. |
MLResult | MLResult_Unauthenticated | Invalid authentication credentials for this operation. |
MLResult | MLSpatialAnchorResult_InvalidId | Invalid Id provided. |
MLResult | MLSpatialAnchorResult_ServerError | Server error occurred. |
Required Permissions:
- None
If successful, this will delete the anchor from persistent storage based on the currently selected mapping mode.
API Level:
- 20
MLResult MLSpatialAnchorUpdate(
MLHandle handle,
const MLSpatialAnchor * anchor
Update a Spatial Anchor's properties.
MLHandle | handle | Handle to a Spatial Anchor tracker. |
const MLSpatialAnchor * | anchor | The anchor containing the desired updated properties. |
MLResult | MLResult_InvalidParam | One of the parameters was null. |
MLResult | MLResult_Ok | The anchor was successfully updated. |
MLResult | MLResult_Unauthenticated | Invalid authentication credentials for this operation. |
MLResult | MLSpatialAnchorResult_InvalidId | Invalid Id provided. |
MLResult | MLSpatialAnchorResult_InvalidExpirationTimestamp | Invalid expiration timestamp. |
MLResult | MLSpatialAnchorResult_ServerError | Server error occurred. |
Required Permissions:
- None
The only property that can currently be updated is the expiration timestamp.
API Level:
- 20
MLResult MLSpatialAnchorQueryCreate(
MLHandle handle,
const MLSpatialAnchorQueryFilter * query_filter,
MLHandle * out_query_handle,
uint32_t * out_results_count
Create a new query for Spatial Anchors in the current space.
MLHandle | handle | Handle to a Spatial Anchor tracker. |
const MLSpatialAnchorQueryFilter * | query_filter | The filter structure for the query. |
MLHandle * | out_query_handle | The handle for this query to be used with MLSpatialAnchorQueryGetResult. |
uint32_t * | out_results_count | The total number of entries found by the query. This can be any number between 0 and max_results. |
MLResult | MLResult_InvalidParam | One of the parameters was null. |
MLResult | MLResult_Ok | The query executed successfully. |
MLResult | MLResult_UnspecifiedFailure | Unspecified error occurred. |
MLResult | MLSpatialAnchorResult_NotLocalized | Not localized to a space. |
Required Permissions:
- None
It is the responsibility of the caller to call MLSpatialAnchorQueryDestroy with the query handle returned from this function after the results are no longer needed.
API Level:
- 20
MLResult MLSpatialAnchorQueryDestroy(
MLHandle handle,
MLHandle query_handle
Destroy a previously created query handle and release its associated resources.
MLHandle | handle | Handle to a Spatial Anchor tracker. |
MLHandle | query_handle | Handle to a Spatial Anchor query. |
MLResult | MLResult_InvalidParam | One of the parameters was null. |
MLResult | MLResult_Ok | The handle was successfully destroyed. |
Required Permissions:
- None
API Level:
- 20
MLResult MLSpatialAnchorQueryGetResult(
MLHandle handle,
MLHandle query_handle,
uint32_t first_index,
uint32_t last_index,
MLSpatialAnchor * out_results
Get the result of a previous Spatial Anchor query.
MLHandle | handle | Handle to a Spatial Anchor tracker. |
MLHandle | query_handle | Handle to a query obtained from MLSpatialAnchorQuery. |
uint32_t | first_index | The first index. |
uint32_t | last_index | The last index. |
MLSpatialAnchor * | out_results | An array of (last_index - first_index + 1) size to hold the query results. |
MLResult | MLResult_Ok | The query executed successfully. |
MLResult | MLResult_InvalidParam | One of the parameters was incorrect. |
MLResult | MLResult_UnspecifiedFailure | Unspecified failure occurred. |
MLResult | MLSpatialAnchorResult_NotLocalized | Not localized to a space. |
Required Permissions:
- None
Putting index bounds on the results allows the caller to only receive a subset of the total number of results generated by the query. This is useful as a form of pagination in the case of a large number of anchors in the current space. Indexing is zero-based so if there are N results in the query, then it is required that 0 <= first_index <= last_index < N.
API Level:
- 20
const char * MLSpatialAnchorGetResultString(
MLResult result
Returns an ASCII string for MLSpatialAnchorResult and MLResult codes.
MLResult | result | The input MLResult enum from MLSpatialAnchor functions. |
Required Permissions:
- None
Return: ASCII string containing readable version of result code.
API Level:
- 31
MLResult MLSpatialAnchorGetLocalizationInfo(
MLHandle handle,
MLSpatialAnchorLocalizationInfo * out_localization_info
Get the current localization status of the device.
MLHandle | handle | Handle to a Spatial Anchor tracker. |
MLSpatialAnchorLocalizationInfo * | out_localization_info | The localization info structure to be populated. |
MLResult | MLResult_Ok | The query executed successfully. |
MLResult | MLResult_InvalidParam | One of the parameters was incorrect. |
MLResult | MLResult_UnspecifiedFailure | Unspecified failure occurred. |
Required Permissions:
- None
Deprecated since 1.3.0. Scheduled for removal. Replaced by MLSpaceGetLocalizationResult.
API Level:
- 20