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Version: 21 Aug 2024


Module: Magic Leap Spaces

APIs for Magic Leap Space. More...


A structure containing settings for the space manager. This structure must be initialized by calling MLSpaceManagerSettingsInit before use.
A structure containing information about a Magic Leap Space. This structure must be initialized by calling MLSpaceInit before use.
A structure containing list of MLSpace. This structure must be initialized by calling MLSpaceListInit before use.
A collection of filters for Magic Leap Spaces. This structure must be initialized by calling MLSpaceQueryFilterInit before use. There is no support for filters at this time.
A collection of parameters to be used for localization request. This structure must be initialized by calling MLSpaceLocalizationInfoInit before use.
A structure containing information about the device's localization state. This structure must be initialized by calling MLSpaceLocalizationResultInit before use.
A structure containing callbacks for events related to the Space.
A structure containing information needed to import Magic Leap Space. This structure must be initialized by calling MLSpaceImportInfoInit before use.
A structure containing information about the imported Space.
A structure containing information about the Space export settings. This structure must be initialized by calling MLSpaceExportInfoInit before use.
A structure containing information about the exported Space.


typedef struct MLSpaceManagerSettingsMLSpaceManagerSettings
A structure containing settings for the space manager. This structure must be initialized by calling MLSpaceManagerSettingsInit before use.
typedef struct MLSpaceMLSpace
A structure containing information about a Magic Leap Space. This structure must be initialized by calling MLSpaceInit before use.
typedef struct MLSpaceListMLSpaceList
A structure containing list of MLSpace. This structure must be initialized by calling MLSpaceListInit before use.
typedef struct MLSpaceQueryFilterMLSpaceQueryFilter
A collection of filters for Magic Leap Spaces. This structure must be initialized by calling MLSpaceQueryFilterInit before use. There is no support for filters at this time.
typedef struct MLSpaceLocalizationInfoMLSpaceLocalizationInfo
A collection of parameters to be used for localization request. This structure must be initialized by calling MLSpaceLocalizationInfoInit before use.
typedef struct MLSpaceLocalizationResultMLSpaceLocalizationResult
A structure containing information about the device's localization state. This structure must be initialized by calling MLSpaceLocalizationResultInit before use.
typedef struct MLSpaceCallbacksMLSpaceCallbacks
A structure containing callbacks for events related to the Space.
typedef struct MLSpaceImportInfoMLSpaceImportInfo
A structure containing information needed to import Magic Leap Space. This structure must be initialized by calling MLSpaceImportInfoInit before use.
typedef struct MLSpaceImportOutDataMLSpaceImportOutData
A structure containing information about the imported Space.
typedef struct MLSpaceExportInfoMLSpaceExportInfo
A structure containing information about the Space export settings. This structure must be initialized by calling MLSpaceExportInfoInit before use.
typedef struct MLSpaceExportOutDataMLSpaceExportOutData
A structure containing information about the exported Space.


enumAnonymous Enum 28
MLResultAPIPrefix_Space = ( 0x10cc << 16),
MLSpace_MaxSpaceNameLength = 64
MLSpaceResult_ServerError = MLResultAPIPrefix_Space,
MLSpaceResult_Ensure32Bits = 0x7FFFFFFF
Magic Leap Space specific return codes.
MLSpaceType_OnDevice = 0,
MLSpaceType_ARCloud = 1,
MLSpaceType_Ensure32Bits = 0x7FFFFFFF
Space type. Indicates the type of the Space.
MLSpaceLocalizationStatus_NotLocalized = 0,
MLSpaceLocalizationStatus_Localized = 1,
MLSpaceLocalizationStatus_LocalizationPending = 2,
MLSpaceLocalizationStatus_SleepingBeforeRetry = 3,
MLSpaceLocalizationStatus_Ensure32Bits = 0x7FFFFFFF
The current localization status.
MLSpaceLocalizationConfidence_Poor = 0,
MLSpaceLocalizationConfidence_Fair = 1,
MLSpaceLocalizationConfidence_Good = 2,
MLSpaceLocalizationConfidence_Excellent = 3,
MLSpaceLocalizationConfidence_Ensure32Bits = 0x7FFFFFFF
The confidence of the current localization.
MLSpaceLocalizationErrorFlag_None = 0,
MLSpaceLocalizationErrorFlag_Unknown = 1 << 0,
MLSpaceLocalizationErrorFlag_OutOfMappedArea = 1 << 1,
MLSpaceLocalizationErrorFlag_LowFeatureCount = 1 << 2,
MLSpaceLocalizationErrorFlag_ExcessiveMotion = 1 << 3,
MLSpaceLocalizationErrorFlag_LowLight = 1 << 4,
MLSpaceLocalizationErrorFlag_HeadposeFailure = 1 << 5,
MLSpaceLocalizationErrorFlag_AlgorithmFailure = 1 << 6,
MLSpaceLocalizationErrorFlag_Ensure32Bits = 0x7FFFFFFF
A set of possible reasons that a localization attempt may be unsuccessful.


voidMLSpaceManagerSettingsInit(MLSpaceManagerSettings * inout_info)
Initializes default values for MLSpaceManagerSettings.
voidMLSpaceInit(MLSpace * inout_info)
Initializes default values for MLSpace.
voidMLSpaceListInit(MLSpaceList * inout_info)
Initializes default values for MLSpaceList.
voidMLSpaceQueryFilterInit(MLSpaceQueryFilter * inout_query_filter)
Initializes the default values for a query filter.
voidMLSpaceLocalizationInfoInit(MLSpaceLocalizationInfo * inout_info)
Initializes the default values for localization info.
voidMLSpaceLocalizationResultInit(MLSpaceLocalizationResult * inout_info)
Initialize default values for MLSpaceLocalizationResult.
voidMLSpaceCallbacksInit(MLSpaceCallbacks * inout_callbacks)
Initialize defaults for MLSpaceCallbacks.
voidMLSpaceImportInfoInit(MLSpaceImportInfo * inout_info)
Initialize default values for MLSpaceImportInfo.
voidMLSpaceExportInfoInit(MLSpaceExportInfo * inout_info)
Initialize default values for MLSpaceExportInfo.
const char *MLSpaceGetResultString(MLResult result)
Returns an ASCII string for MLSpaceResult and MLResult codes.
MLResultMLSpaceManagerCreate(const MLSpaceManagerSettings settings, MLHandle out_handle)
Creates a Magic Leap Space manager handle.
MLResultMLSpaceSetCallbacks(MLHandle handle, const MLSpaceCallbacks callbacks, void user_data)
Set the callbacks for events related to the Magic Leap Space.
MLResultMLSpaceGetSpaceList(MLHandle handle, const MLSpaceQueryFilter query_filter, MLSpaceList out_space_list)
Get the list of available spaces.
MLResultMLSpaceReleaseSpaceList(MLHandle handle, MLSpaceList * space_list)
Release the list of available spaces.
MLResultMLSpaceRequestLocalization(MLHandle handle, const MLSpaceLocalizationInfo * localization_info)
Send a request to localize to a given Magic Leap Space.
MLResultMLSpaceGetLocalizationResult(MLHandle handle, MLSpaceLocalizationResult * out_localization_result)
Get the localization results.
MLResultMLSpaceManagerDestroy(MLHandle handle)
Destroys a Space manager handle.
MLResultMLSpaceImportSpace(const MLSpaceImportInfo import_info, MLSpaceImportOutData out_data)
Import a Magic Leap Space.
MLResultMLSpaceExportSpace(const MLSpaceExportInfo export_info, MLSpaceExportOutData out_data)
Export an on device Magic Leap Space.
MLResultMLSpaceReleaseExportData(MLSpaceExportOutData * space_data)
Release resources acquired in MLSpaceExportSpace.

Detailed Description

APIs for Magic Leap Space.

Magic Leap Space is a container that holds metadata about your scanned environment. It is a digital copy of a physical place and could include spatial anchors, environment meshes, environment objects, etc. Spaces can be created on device or in the Magic Leap AR Cloud. Spaces created in the AR Cloud can be easily shared between other devices.

==> APIs for localization requests:

Magic Leap Space API allows an application to query the list of Spaces available to the application and determine the Space that the device should localize into. Applications needs to create a Space Manager to list the spaces and trigger localization. Application can create only one manager instance and the API is not thread safe.

==> APIs for importing and exporting Spaces:

Magic Leap Space API supports exporting and importing on device Spaces. Applications cannot export AR Cloud spaces. There is no need to create a Magic Leap Space manager to import/export spaces but the application will need additional permissions to import/export spaces. See the API for more details.

The format of the exported Space data can change with OS version updates. Backwards compatibility: Space exported using OS version n should work on OS versions up to and including OS version n-4. Forwards compatibility: Space exported using OS version n is not guaranteed to work on OS versions > n.

Developers are strongly encouraged to encrypt the exported Magic Leap Spaces.

Shared Object:

  • space.magicleap*

Enums Documentation

Anonymous Enum 28

MLResultAPIPrefix_Space( 0x10cc << 16)Defines the prefix for MLSpaceResult codes.
MLSpace_MaxSpaceNameLength64Maximum size for the name of a Magic Leap Space.


MLSpaceResult_ServerErrorMLResultAPIPrefix_SpaceThere was an error communicating with the server.
MLSpaceResult_ServiceUnavailableThe operation failed because the underlying service is not yet available, retry later.
MLSpaceResult_UnavailableSpaceSpace is not available. This can happen when the selected space is in AR Cloud but the device is configured for On Device spaces or vice-versa.
MLSpaceResult_IncompatibleSpaceSpace is not compatible with the current OS version. This can happen when a space exported from an older version of the OS is imported to a device running a newer version of the OS. Refer to the documentation at the top of this header for more notes on Space compatibility.
MLSpaceResult_SpaceAlreadyExistsThe operation failed because the Space being imported already exists in the device.
MLSpaceResult_Ensure32Bits0x7FFFFFFFEnsure enum is represented as 32 bits.

Magic Leap Space specific return codes.

API Level:

  • 26


MLSpaceType_OnDevice0On device space.
MLSpaceType_ARCloud1AR Cloud based space.
MLSpaceType_Ensure32Bits0x7FFFFFFFEnsure enum is represented as 32 bits.

Space type. Indicates the type of the Space.

API Level:

  • 26


MLSpaceLocalizationStatus_NotLocalized0The device is currently not localized.
MLSpaceLocalizationStatus_Localized1The device has localized successfully.
MLSpaceLocalizationStatus_LocalizationPending2Localization attempt is currently in progress.
MLSpaceLocalizationStatus_SleepingBeforeRetry3The device will attempt to localize after sleep duration is complete.
MLSpaceLocalizationStatus_Ensure32Bits0x7FFFFFFFEnsure enum is represented as 32 bits.

The current localization status.

API Level:

  • 26


MLSpaceLocalizationConfidence_Poor0Localization confidence is very poor and should be reattempted.
MLSpaceLocalizationConfidence_Fair1The confidence is low, current environmental conditions may adversely affect localization.
MLSpaceLocalizationConfidence_Good2The confidence is high, persistent content should be stable.
MLSpaceLocalizationConfidence_Excellent3This is a very high-confidence localization, persistent content will be very stable.
MLSpaceLocalizationConfidence_Ensure32Bits0x7FFFFFFFEnsure enum is represented as 32 bits.

The confidence of the current localization.

API Level:

  • 31


MLSpaceLocalizationErrorFlag_None0No error, localization was successful.
MLSpaceLocalizationErrorFlag_Unknown1 << 0Localization failed for an unknown reason.
MLSpaceLocalizationErrorFlag_OutOfMappedArea1 << 1Localization failed becuase the user is outside of the mapped area.
MLSpaceLocalizationErrorFlag_LowFeatureCount1 << 2There are not enough features in the environment to successfully localize.
MLSpaceLocalizationErrorFlag_ExcessiveMotion1 << 3Localization failed due to excessive motion.
MLSpaceLocalizationErrorFlag_LowLight1 << 4Localization failed because the lighting levels are too low in the environment.
MLSpaceLocalizationErrorFlag_HeadposeFailure1 << 5A headpose failure caused localization to be unsuccessful.
MLSpaceLocalizationErrorFlag_AlgorithmFailure1 << 6There was an internal algorithm failure that prevented localization.
MLSpaceLocalizationErrorFlag_Ensure32Bits0x7FFFFFFFEnsure enum is represented as 32 bits.

A set of possible reasons that a localization attempt may be unsuccessful.

API Level:

  • 31

Types Documentation


typedef struct MLSpaceManagerSettings MLSpaceManagerSettings;

A structure containing settings for the space manager. This structure must be initialized by calling MLSpaceManagerSettingsInit before use.

More Info

API Level:

  • 26


typedef struct MLSpace MLSpace;

A structure containing information about a Magic Leap Space. This structure must be initialized by calling MLSpaceInit before use.

More Info

API Level:

  • 26


typedef struct MLSpaceList MLSpaceList;

A structure containing list of MLSpace. This structure must be initialized by calling MLSpaceListInit before use.

More Info

API Level:

  • 26


typedef struct MLSpaceQueryFilter MLSpaceQueryFilter;

A collection of filters for Magic Leap Spaces. This structure must be initialized by calling MLSpaceQueryFilterInit before use. There is no support for filters at this time.

More Info

API Level:

  • 26


typedef struct MLSpaceLocalizationInfo MLSpaceLocalizationInfo;

A collection of parameters to be used for localization request. This structure must be initialized by calling MLSpaceLocalizationInfoInit before use.

More Info

API Level:

  • 26


typedef struct MLSpaceLocalizationResult MLSpaceLocalizationResult;

A structure containing information about the device's localization state. This structure must be initialized by calling MLSpaceLocalizationResultInit before use.

More Info

API Level:

  • 31


typedef struct MLSpaceCallbacks MLSpaceCallbacks;

A structure containing callbacks for events related to the Space.

This structure must be initialized by calling MLSpaceCallbacksInit before use. Application can unregister (stop receiving callbacks) at any time by setting the corresponding callback to NULL.

More Info

API Level:

  • 26


typedef struct MLSpaceImportInfo MLSpaceImportInfo;

A structure containing information needed to import Magic Leap Space. This structure must be initialized by calling MLSpaceImportInfoInit before use.

More Info

API Level:

  • 26


typedef struct MLSpaceImportOutData MLSpaceImportOutData;

A structure containing information about the imported Space.

More Info

API Level:

  • 26


typedef struct MLSpaceExportInfo MLSpaceExportInfo;

A structure containing information about the Space export settings. This structure must be initialized by calling MLSpaceExportInfoInit before use.

More Info

API Level:

  • 26


typedef struct MLSpaceExportOutData MLSpaceExportOutData;

A structure containing information about the exported Space.

More Info

API Level:

  • 26

Functions Documentation


static inline void MLSpaceManagerSettingsInit(
MLSpaceManagerSettings * inout_info

Initializes default values for MLSpaceManagerSettings.


MLSpaceManagerSettings *inout_infoThe object to initialize with default values.

Required Permissions:

  • None

API Level:

  • 26


static inline void MLSpaceInit(
MLSpace * inout_info

Initializes default values for MLSpace.


MLSpace *inout_infoThe object to initialize with default values.

Required Permissions:

  • None

API Level:

  • 26


static inline void MLSpaceListInit(
MLSpaceList * inout_info

Initializes default values for MLSpaceList.


MLSpaceList *inout_infoThe object to initialize with default values.

Required Permissions:

  • None

API Level:

  • 26


static inline void MLSpaceQueryFilterInit(
MLSpaceQueryFilter * inout_query_filter

Initializes the default values for a query filter.


MLSpaceQueryFilter *inout_query_filterThe filter to initialize.

Required Permissions:

  • None

API Level:

  • 26


static inline void MLSpaceLocalizationInfoInit(
MLSpaceLocalizationInfo * inout_info

Initializes the default values for localization info.


MLSpaceLocalizationInfo *inout_infoThe object to initialize with default values.

Required Permissions:

  • None

API Level:

  • 26


static inline void MLSpaceLocalizationResultInit(
MLSpaceLocalizationResult * inout_info

Initialize default values for MLSpaceLocalizationResult.


MLSpaceLocalizationResult *inout_infoThe localization result to initialize.

Required Permissions:

  • None

API Level:

  • 31


static inline void MLSpaceCallbacksInit(
MLSpaceCallbacks * inout_callbacks

Initialize defaults for MLSpaceCallbacks.


MLSpaceCallbacks *inout_callbacksThe callback structure to initialize.

Required Permissions:

  • None

API Level:

  • 26


static inline void MLSpaceImportInfoInit(
MLSpaceImportInfo * inout_info

Initialize default values for MLSpaceImportInfo.


MLSpaceImportInfo *inout_infoThe object to initialize with default values.

Required Permissions:

  • None

API Level:

  • 26


static inline void MLSpaceExportInfoInit(
MLSpaceExportInfo * inout_info

Initialize default values for MLSpaceExportInfo.


MLSpaceExportInfo *inout_infoThe object to initialize with default values.

Required Permissions:

  • None

API Level:

  • 26


const char * MLSpaceGetResultString(
MLResult result

Returns an ASCII string for MLSpaceResult and MLResult codes.


MLResultresultThe input MLResult enum from MLSpace functions.

Required Permissions:

  • None

Return: ASCII string containing readable version of result code.

API Level:

  • 26


MLResult MLSpaceManagerCreate(
const MLSpaceManagerSettings * settings,
MLHandle * out_handle

Creates a Magic Leap Space manager handle.


const MLSpaceManagerSettings *settingsSettings that configures the space manager.
MLHandle *out_handleThe handle to be created.


MLResultMLResult_ClientLimitExceededFailed due to an existing manager.
MLResultMLResult_InvalidParamOne or more input parameters are not valid.
MLResultMLResult_OkSpace manager handle was successfully created.
MLResultMLResult_PermissionDeniedNecessary permission is missing.
MLResultMLResult_UnspecifiedFailureOperation failed for unknown reason.

Required Permissions:

  • com.magicleap.permission.SPACE_MANAGER (protection level: normal)

Application can create only one Magic Leap Space manager handle. Multiple calls to create a manager handle will result in a failure. The handle is valid for the lifecycle of the application.

API Level:

  • 26


MLResult MLSpaceSetCallbacks(
MLHandle handle,
const MLSpaceCallbacks * callbacks,
void * user_data

Set the callbacks for events related to the Magic Leap Space.


MLHandlehandleSpace manager handle created by MLSpaceManagerCreate.
const MLSpaceCallbacks *callbacksPointer to the MLSpaceCallbacks structure containing the callbacks.
void *user_dataPointer that will be returned in the callback.


MLResultMLResult_InvalidParamOne or more input parameters are not valid.
MLResultMLResult_OkThe callbacks were registered successfully.
MLResultMLResult_UnspecifiedFailureOperation failed for unknown reason.

API Level:

  • 26


MLResult MLSpaceGetSpaceList(
MLHandle handle,
const MLSpaceQueryFilter * query_filter,
MLSpaceList * out_space_list

Get the list of available spaces.


MLHandlehandleSpace manager handle created by MLSpaceManagerCreate.
const MLSpaceQueryFilter *query_filterThe filter structure for the query.
MLSpaceList *out_space_listList of Spaces currently available to the device.


MLResultMLResult_InvalidParamOne or more input parameters are not valid.
MLResultMLResult_OkList of spaces retrieved successfully.
MLResultMLResult_UnauthenticatedInvalid authentication credentials for this operation.
MLResultMLResult_UnspecifiedFailureOperation failed for unknown reason.
MLResultMLSpaceResult_ServerErrorOperation failed due to server side error.
MLResultMLSpaceResult_ServiceUnavailableOperation failed because service is not ready.

Required Permissions:

  • None

The list of spaces returned will depend on the current device mapping mode. Only the Spaces associated with the current mapping mode will be returned by this call. Device mapping mode can be changed via the system application(s).

The list memory is owned by the library, call MLSpaceReleaseSpaceList to release the memory. Each get MLSpaceGetSpaceList should have a corresponding MLSpaceReleaseSpaceList.

API Level:

  • 26


MLResult MLSpaceReleaseSpaceList(
MLHandle handle,
MLSpaceList * space_list

Release the list of available spaces.


MLHandlehandleSpace manager handle created by MLSpaceManagerCreate.
MLSpaceList *space_listList Magic Leap Spaces that needs to be released.


MLResultMLResult_InvalidParamOne or more input parameters are not valid.
MLResultMLResult_OkList resources was successfully released.
MLResultMLResult_UnspecifiedFailureOperation failed for unknown reason.

Required Permissions:

  • None

API Level:

  • 26


MLResult MLSpaceRequestLocalization(
MLHandle handle,
const MLSpaceLocalizationInfo * localization_info

Send a request to localize to a given Magic Leap Space.


MLHandlehandleSpace manager handle created by MLSpaceManagerCreate.
const MLSpaceLocalizationInfo *localization_infoMagic Leap Space to localize into.


MLResultMLResult_InvalidParamOne or more input parameters are not valid.
MLResultMLResult_OkLocalization request was submitted successfully.
MLResultMLResult_UnauthenticatedInvalid authentication credentials for this operation.
MLResultMLResult_UnspecifiedFailureOperation failed for unknown reason.
MLResultMLSpaceResult_UnavailableSpaceOperation failed due an unavailable Space.
MLResultMLSpaceResult_ServerErrorOperation failed due to server side error.
MLResultMLSpaceResult_ServiceUnavailableOperation failed because service is not ready.

Required Permissions:

  • None

This is an asynchronous request. Use MLSpaceGetLocalizationResult to get the results of the localization or use MLSpaceCallbacks to listen to on_localization_changed events.

A new request for localization will override all the past requests for localization that are yet to be completed.

API Level:

  • 26


MLResult MLSpaceGetLocalizationResult(
MLHandle handle,
MLSpaceLocalizationResult * out_localization_result

Get the localization results.


MLHandlehandleSpace manager handle created by MLSpaceManagerCreate.
MLSpaceLocalizationResult *out_localization_resultContains the result of the localization request.


MLResultMLResult_InvalidParamOne or more input parameters are not valid.
MLResultMLResult_OkLocalization result was retrieved successfully.
MLResultMLResult_UnauthenticatedInvalid authentication credentials for this operation.
MLResultMLResult_UnspecifiedFailureOperation failed for unknown reason.

Required Permissions:

  • None

Returns the results of the most recent localization request.

API Level:

  • 26


MLResult MLSpaceManagerDestroy(
MLHandle handle

Destroys a Space manager handle.


MLHandlehandleThe handle to be destroyed.


MLResultMLResult_InvalidParamOne or more input parameters are not valid.
MLResultMLResult_OkSpace manager handle was successfully destroyed.

Required Permissions:

  • None

API Level:

  • 26


MLResult MLSpaceImportSpace(
const MLSpaceImportInfo * import_info,
MLSpaceImportOutData * out_data

Import a Magic Leap Space.


const MLSpaceImportInfo *import_infoInformation need to import the space.
MLSpaceImportOutData *out_dataInformation about the imported space.


MLResultMLResult_InvalidParamOne or more input parameters are not valid.
MLResultMLResult_PermissionDeniedNecessary permission is missing.
MLResultMLResult_UnspecifiedFailureOperation failed for unknown reason.
MLResultMLSpaceResult_IncompatibleSpaceOperation failed due an incompatible Space.
MLResultMLSpaceResult_SpaceAlreadyExistsOperation failed because Space being imported already exists.

Required Permissions:

  • com.magicleap.permission.SPACE_IMPORT_EXPORT (protection level: dangerous)

The MLSpaceImportInfo memory is owned by the app and the app should make sure to release the memory once the API call has returned.

API Level:

  • 26


MLResult MLSpaceExportSpace(
const MLSpaceExportInfo * export_info,
MLSpaceExportOutData * out_data

Export an on device Magic Leap Space.


const MLSpaceExportInfo *export_infoInformation needed to export the space.
MLSpaceExportOutData *out_dataExported space data.


MLResultMLResult_InvalidParamOne or more input parameters are not valid.
MLResultMLResult_PermissionDeniedNecessary permission is missing.
MLResultMLResult_UnspecifiedFailureOperation failed for unknown reason.
MLResultMLSpaceResult_UnavailableSpaceOperation failed due an unavailable Space.

Required Permissions:

  • com.magicleap.permission.SPACE_IMPORT_EXPORT (protection level: dangerous)

The MLSpaceExportOutData is owned by the library, call MLSpaceReleaseExportData to release the memory. Each MLSpaceExportSpace call should have a corresponding MLSpaceReleaseExportData.

API Level:

  • 26


MLResult MLSpaceReleaseExportData(
MLSpaceExportOutData * space_data

Release resources acquired in MLSpaceExportSpace.


MLSpaceExportOutData *space_dataMLSpaceExportOutData that needs to be released.


MLResultMLResult_InvalidParamOne or more input parameters are not valid.
MLResultMLResult_OkList resources was successfully released.
MLResultMLResult_UnspecifiedFailureOperation failed for unknown reason.

Required Permissions:

  • None

API Level:

  • 26