Name | |
struct | MLMediaCodecBufferInfo |
struct | MLMediaCodecInputBufferInfo MediaCodec Input buffer information. |
struct | MLMediaCodecOutputBufferInfo MediaCodec Output buffer information. |
struct | MLMediaCodecOutputFormatInfo MediaCodec Output Format information. |
struct | MLMediaCodecErrorInfo MediaCodec Output Format information. |
struct | MLMediaCodecCallbacksEx Callbacks for notifying asynchronously of various codec events to the user/client. If user intends to use codec in asynchronous mode, then the user/client is expected to implement these callbacks and take proper actions where appropriate. |
struct | MLMediaCodecFrameRenderedInfo MediaCodec Output Frame Rendered information. |
struct | MLMediaCodecOutputFrameListener Callbacks for notifying when an output frame is available for consumption or has been rendered on the output surface. |
struct | MLMediaCodecCryptoPattern Metadata describing an encryption pattern for the protected bytes in a subsample. |
struct | MLMediaCodecCryptoInfo Metadata describing the structure of a (at least partially) encrypted input sample. A buffer's data is considered to be partitioned into "subSamples", each subSample starts with a (potentially empty) run of plain, unencrypted bytes followed by a (also potentially empty) run of encrypted bytes. If pattern encryption applies, each of the encrypted runs is encrypted only partly, according to a repeating pattern of "encrypt" and "skip" blocks. This information encapsulates per-sample metadata as outlined in ISO/IEC FDIS 23001-7:2011 "Common encryption in ISO base media file format files". |
Name | |
typedef struct MLMediaCodecBufferInfo | MLMediaCodecBufferInfo |
typedef struct MLMediaCodecInputBufferInfo | MLMediaCodecInputBufferInfo MediaCodec Input buffer information. |
typedef struct MLMediaCodecOutputBufferInfo | MLMediaCodecOutputBufferInfo MediaCodec Output buffer information. |
typedef struct MLMediaCodecOutputFormatInfo | MLMediaCodecOutputFormatInfo MediaCodec Output Format information. |
typedef struct MLMediaCodecErrorInfo | MLMediaCodecErrorInfo MediaCodec Output Format information. |
typedef struct MLMediaCodecCallbacksEx | MLMediaCodecCallbacksEx Callbacks for notifying asynchronously of various codec events to the user/client. If user intends to use codec in asynchronous mode, then the user/client is expected to implement these callbacks and take proper actions where appropriate. |
typedef struct MLMediaCodecFrameRenderedInfo | MLMediaCodecFrameRenderedInfo MediaCodec Output Frame Rendered information. |
typedef struct MLMediaCodecOutputFrameListener | MLMediaCodecOutputFrameListener Callbacks for notifying when an output frame is available for consumption or has been rendered on the output surface. |
typedef struct MLMediaCodecCryptoPattern | MLMediaCodecCryptoPattern Metadata describing an encryption pattern for the protected bytes in a subsample. |
typedef struct MLMediaCodecCryptoInfo | MLMediaCodecCryptoInfo Metadata describing the structure of a (at least partially) encrypted input sample. A buffer's data is considered to be partitioned into "subSamples", each subSample starts with a (potentially empty) run of plain, unencrypted bytes followed by a (also potentially empty) run of encrypted bytes. If pattern encryption applies, each of the encrypted runs is encrypted only partly, according to a repeating pattern of "encrypt" and "skip" blocks. This information encapsulates per-sample metadata as outlined in ISO/IEC FDIS 23001-7:2011 "Common encryption in ISO base media file format files". |
Name | |
void | MLMediaCodecCallbacksExInit(MLMediaCodecCallbacksEx * inout_callbacks) Initializes MLMediaCodecCallbacksEx with default values. |
void | MLMediaCodecOutputFrameListenerInit(MLMediaCodecOutputFrameListener * inout_callbacks) Initializes MLMediaCodecOutputFrameListener with default values. |
void | MLMediaCodecCryptoInfoInit(MLMediaCodecCryptoInfo * inout_crypto_info) Initializes MLMediaCodecCryptoInfo with default values. |
MLResult | MLMediaCodecCreateCryptoInfo(const MLMediaCodecCryptoInfo crypto_info, MLHandle out_crypto_info_handle) Create a Crypto Info object. |
MLResult | MLMediaCodecReleaseCryptoInfo(MLHandle crypto_info_handle) Release the Crypto Info created by MLMediaCodecCreateCryptoInfo. |
MLResult | MLMediaCodecCreateCodec(MLMediaCodecCreation method, MLMediaCodecType type, const char name_str, MLHandle out_handle) Create a new MLMediaCodec. |
MLResult | MLMediaCodecDestroy(MLHandle handle) Destroy a MLMediaCodec. |
MLResult | MLMediaCodecSetCallbacksEx(MLHandle handle, MLMediaCodecCallbacksEx callbacks, void user_data) Set callbacks to notify client codec events. Client needs to implement the callback functions. |
MLResult | MLMediaCodecSetOutputFrameListener(MLHandle handle, MLMediaCodecOutputFrameListener callbacks, void user_data) Registers a callback to be invoked when an output frame is available or rendered on the output surface. |
MLResult | MLMediaCodecGetName(MLHandle handle, char * out_name) Obtain the name of the created codec. |
MLResult | MLMediaCodecConfigure(MLHandle handle, MLHandle format_handle, MLHandle surface_handle, MLHandle crypto_handle) Configure the MLMediaCodec. |
MLResult | MLMediaCodecStart(MLHandle handle) Start the codec. |
MLResult | MLMediaCodecStop(MLHandle handle) Stop the codec. |
MLResult | MLMediaCodecReset(MLHandle handle) Reset the codec. |
MLResult | MLMediaCodecFlush(MLHandle handle) Flush the both the input and output ports of the codec. |
MLResult | MLMediaCodecSetParameters(MLHandle handle, MLHandle format_handle) Communicate additional parameter changes to a codec. |
MLResult | MLMediaCodecGetInputBufferPointer(MLHandle handle, int64_t buffer_index, uint8_t * out_buffer_ptr, size_t out_buffer_size) Obtain a writable buffer pointer for a dequeued input buffer index to contain the input data. |
MLResult | MLMediaCodecGetOutputBufferPointer(MLHandle handle, int64_t buffer_index, const uint8_t * out_buffer_ptr, size_t out_buffer_size) Obtain a read-only buffer pointer for a dequeued output buffer index. |
MLResult | MLMediaCodecQueueInputBuffer(MLHandle handle, int64_t buffer_index, int64_t offset, size_t size, uint64_t time_us, int flags) After filling a range of the input buffer at the specified index submit it to the component. |
MLResult | MLMediaCodecQueueSecureInputBuffer(MLHandle handle, int64_t buffer_index, int64_t offset, MLHandle crypto_info_handle, uint64_t time_us, int flags) Similar to queueInputBuffer but submits a buffer that is potentially encrypted. |
MLResult | MLMediaCodecDequeueInputBuffer(MLHandle handle, int64_t timeout_us, int64_t * out_buffer_index) Dequeue an input buffer from buffer queue. |
MLResult | MLMediaCodecDequeueOutputBuffer(MLHandle handle, MLMediaCodecBufferInfo out_buffer_info, int64_t timeout_us, int64_t out_buffer_index) Dequeue an output buffer from buffer queue. |
MLResult | MLMediaCodecGetInputFormat(MLHandle handle, MLHandle * out_format_handle) Obtain input format supported by the codec. |
MLResult | MLMediaCodecGetOutputFormat(MLHandle handle, MLHandle * out_format_handle) Return output format supported by the codec, or the format to which the configuration has changed. |
MLResult | MLMediaCodecCreateInputSurface(MLHandle handle, MLHandle * out_input_surface_handle) Create an input surface for a hardware encoder. |
MLResult | MLMediaCodecDestroyInputSurface(MLHandle handle, MLHandle input_surface_handle) Release the Surface that was created by MLMediaCodecCreateInputSurface. |
MLResult | MLMediaCodecSignalEndOfInputStream(MLHandle handle) Signal end-of-stream on input to a surface. |
MLResult | MLMediaCodecReleaseOutputBuffer(MLHandle handle, int64_t buffer_index, bool render) Release buffer to codec or to render it on output surface. |
MLResult | MLMediaCodecReleaseOutputBufferAtTime(MLHandle handle, int64_t buffer_index, int64_t timestamp_ns) Update surface timestamp and returns it to the codec to render it on the output surface. If codec is not configured with output surface, this call simply returns the buffer to codec. |
Name | |
Enums Documentation
Enumerator | Value | Description |
MLMediaCodecCreation_ByName | Create by name. | |
MLMediaCodecCreation_ByType | Create by type. | |
MLMediaCodecCreation_Ensure32Bits | 0x7FFFFFFF | Ensure enum is represented as 32 bits. |
Media codec creation method.
Enumerator | Value | Description |
MLMediaCodecType_Encoder | Encoder. | |
MLMediaCodecType_Decoder | Decoder. | |
MLMediaCodecType_Ensure32Bits | 0x7FFFFFFF | Ensure enum is represented as 32 bits. |
Media codec type.
Enumerator | Value | Description |
MLMediaCodecBufferFlag_KeyFrame | 1 | The (encoded) buffer contains the data for a key frame. |
MLMediaCodecBufferFlag_CodecConfig | 2 | Buffer contains codec initialization OR codec specific data instead of media data. |
MLMediaCodecBufferFlag_EOS | 4 | Signals the end of stream, i.e. no buffers will be available after this. |
MLMediaCodecBufferFlag_PartialFrame | 8 | Buffer only contains part of a frame, and the decoder should batch the data until a buffer without this flag appears before decoding the frame. |
MLMediaCodecBufferFlag_MuxerData | 16 | Buffer contains muxer data - Supported only for Exif data block. |
MLMediaCodecBufferFlag_Ensure32Bits | 0x7FFFFFFF | Ensure enum is represented as 32 bits. |
Indicate the type of data when queuing the input buffer via MLMediaCodecQueueInputBuffer() or MLMediaCodecQueueSecureInputBuffer().
Deprecated since 1.4.0. Scheduled for removal.
Enumerator | Value | Description |
MLMediaCodec_OutputBuffersChanged | -1014 | Output buffer changed. |
MLMediaCodec_FormatChanged | -1012 | Format changed. |
MLMediaCodec_TryAgainLater | -11 | Try again later. |
MLMediaCodecOutputBufferStatus_Ensure32Bits | 0x7FFFFFFF | Ensure enum is represented as 32 bits. |
Other than the normal buffer index, the output of MLMediaCodecDequeueOutputBuffer() can take on one of these statuses.
Deprecated since 1.4.0. Scheduled for removal.
Enumerator | Value | Description |
MLMediaCodecCryptoMode_Clear | Clear samples. | |
MLMediaCodecCryptoMode_CTR | Sample encrypted with AES CTR mode. | |
MLMediaCodecCryptoMode_CBC | Sample encrypted with AES CBC mode. | |
MLMediaCodecCryptoMode_Ensure32Bits | 0x7FFFFFFF | Ensure enum is represented as 32 bits. |
Crypto mode using which media samples are encrypted.
Types Documentation
typedef struct MLMediaCodecBufferInfo MLMediaCodecBufferInfo;
Media codec buffer info.
typedef struct MLMediaCodecInputBufferInfo MLMediaCodecInputBufferInfo;
MediaCodec Input buffer information.
Deprecated since 1.4.0. Scheduled for removal.
API Level:
- 20
typedef struct MLMediaCodecOutputBufferInfo MLMediaCodecOutputBufferInfo;
MediaCodec Output buffer information.
Deprecated since 1.4.0. Scheduled for removal.
API Level:
- 20
typedef struct MLMediaCodecOutputFormatInfo MLMediaCodecOutputFormatInfo;
MediaCodec Output Format information.
Deprecated since 1.4.0. Scheduled for removal.
API Level:
- 20
typedef struct MLMediaCodecErrorInfo MLMediaCodecErrorInfo;
MediaCodec Output Format information.
Deprecated since 1.4.0. Scheduled for removal.
API Level:
- 20
typedef struct MLMediaCodecCallbacksEx MLMediaCodecCallbacksEx;
Callbacks for notifying asynchronously of various codec events to the user/client. If user intends to use codec in asynchronous mode, then the user/client is expected to implement these callbacks and take proper actions where appropriate.
Deprecated since 1.4.0. Scheduled for removal.
API Level:
- 20
typedef struct MLMediaCodecFrameRenderedInfo MLMediaCodecFrameRenderedInfo;
MediaCodec Output Frame Rendered information.
Deprecated since 1.4.0. Scheduled for removal.
API Level:
- 20
typedef struct MLMediaCodecOutputFrameListener MLMediaCodecOutputFrameListener;
Callbacks for notifying when an output frame is available for consumption or has been rendered on the output surface.
Deprecated since 1.4.0. Scheduled for removal.
API Level:
- 20
typedef struct MLMediaCodecCryptoPattern MLMediaCodecCryptoPattern;
Metadata describing an encryption pattern for the protected bytes in a subsample.
Deprecated since 1.4.0. Scheduled for removal.
API Level:
- 20
typedef struct MLMediaCodecCryptoInfo MLMediaCodecCryptoInfo;
Metadata describing the structure of a (at least partially) encrypted input sample. A buffer's data is considered to be partitioned into "subSamples", each subSample starts with a (potentially empty) run of plain, unencrypted bytes followed by a (also potentially empty) run of encrypted bytes. If pattern encryption applies, each of the encrypted runs is encrypted only partly, according to a repeating pattern of "encrypt" and "skip" blocks. This information encapsulates per-sample metadata as outlined in ISO/IEC FDIS 23001-7:2011 "Common encryption in ISO base media file format files".
Deprecated since 1.4.0. Scheduled for removal.
API Level:
- 20
Functions Documentation
static inline void MLMediaCodecCallbacksExInit(
MLMediaCodecCallbacksEx * inout_callbacks
Initializes MLMediaCodecCallbacksEx with default values.
MLMediaCodecCallbacksEx * | inout_callbacks | MediaCodec Callback structure defined by MLMediaCodecCallbacksEx that needs to be initialized. |
Deprecated since 1.4.0. Scheduled for removal.
static inline void MLMediaCodecOutputFrameListenerInit(
MLMediaCodecOutputFrameListener * inout_callbacks
Initializes MLMediaCodecOutputFrameListener with default values.
MLMediaCodecOutputFrameListener * | inout_callbacks | MediaCodec Callback structure defined by MLMediaCodecOutputFrameListener that needs to be initialized. |
Deprecated since 1.4.0. Scheduled for removal.
static inline void MLMediaCodecCryptoInfoInit(
MLMediaCodecCryptoInfo * inout_crypto_info
Initializes MLMediaCodecCryptoInfo with default values.
MLMediaCodecCryptoInfo * | inout_crypto_info | CryptoInfo structure defined by MLMediaCodecCryptoInfo that needs to be initialized. |
Deprecated since 1.4.0. Scheduled for removal.
MLResult MLMediaCodecCreateCryptoInfo(
const MLMediaCodecCryptoInfo * crypto_info,
MLHandle * out_crypto_info_handle
Create a Crypto Info object.
const MLMediaCodecCryptoInfo * | crypto_info | Input Structure that encapsulates sample crypto info. |
MLHandle * | out_crypto_info_handle | Upon successful return will point to handle to the created Crypto info. Or else, it will point to ML_INVALID_HANDLE. |
MLResult | MLResult_InvalidParam | If one of parameters is invalid. |
MLResult | MLResult_Ok | If operation succeeded. |
Required Permissions:
- None
The CryptoInfo object should be released by calling MLMediaCodecReleaseCryptoInfo.
Deprecated since 1.4.0. Scheduled for removal.
API Level:
- 20
MLResult MLMediaCodecReleaseCryptoInfo(
MLHandle crypto_info_handle
Release the Crypto Info created by MLMediaCodecCreateCryptoInfo.
MLHandle | crypto_info_handle | Handle to Crypto info that needs to be released. |
MLResult | MLResult_InvalidParam | If one of parameters is invalid. |
MLResult | MLResult_Ok | If operation succeeded. |
Required Permissions:
- None
Deprecated since 1.4.0. Scheduled for removal.
API Level:
- 20
MLResult MLMediaCodecCreateCodec(
MLMediaCodecCreation method,
MLMediaCodecType type,
const char * name_str,
MLHandle * out_handle
Create a new MLMediaCodec.
MLMediaCodecCreation | method | One of the creation methods defined by MLMediaCodecCreation. |
MLMediaCodecType | type | One of the codec types defined by MLMediaCodecType. |
const char * | name_str | If creating a codec by name, this is the name of the codec. If creating a codec by type, this is the mime type of the codec. Refer to APIs in MLMediaCodecList for retrieving the list of names and mime types of supported codecs. |
MLHandle * | out_handle | Upon successful return will point to handle to the created MLMediaCodec. Or else, it will point to ML_INVALID_HANDLE. |
MLResult | MLResult_InvalidParam | One of the parameters is invalid. |
MLResult | MLResult_Ok | MLMediaCodec object was created successfully. |
MLResult | MLResult_UnspecifiedFailure | The operation failed with an unspecified error. |
Required Permissions:
- None
Deprecated since 1.4.0. Scheduled for removal.
MLResult MLMediaCodecDestroy(
MLHandle handle
Destroy a MLMediaCodec.
MLHandle | handle | MLHandle to the MLMediaCodec. |
MLResult | MLResult_InvalidParam | MLMediaCodec object is invalid. |
MLResult | MLResult_Ok | MLMediaCodec object was successfully destroyed. |
MLResult | MLResult_UnspecifiedFailure | The operation failed with an unspecified error. |
Required Permissions:
- None
Deprecated since 1.4.0. Scheduled for removal.
MLResult MLMediaCodecSetCallbacksEx(
MLHandle handle,
MLMediaCodecCallbacksEx * callbacks,
void * user_data
Set callbacks to notify client codec events. Client needs to implement the callback functions.
MLHandle | handle | MLHandle to the MLMediaCodec. |
MLMediaCodecCallbacksEx * | callbacks | Set of codec callbacks. Can be set to NULL to unset all the callback altogether. |
void * | user_data | Pointer to user payload data. |
MLResult | MLResult_InvalidParam | MLMediaCodec object is invalid. |
MLResult | MLResult_Ok | callback was set successfully. |
MLResult | MLResult_UnspecifiedFailure | The operation failed with an unspecified error. |
Required Permissions:
- None
If the client intends to use the codec component in asynchronous mode, a valid callback should be provided before MLMediaCodecConfigure is called. When asynchronous callback is enabled, the client should not call:
- MLMediaCodecDequeueInputBuffer
- MLMediaCodecDequeueOutputBuffer Calling those functions will return MLMediaGenericResult_InvalidOperation. Also, MLMediaCodecFlush() behaves differently in asynchronous mode. After calling MLMediaCodecFlush, you must call MLMediaCodecStart() to "resume" receiving input buffers, even if an input surface was created.
Deprecated since 1.4.0. Scheduled for removal.
API Level:
- 20
MLResult MLMediaCodecSetOutputFrameListener(
MLHandle handle,
MLMediaCodecOutputFrameListener * callbacks,
void * user_data
Registers a callback to be invoked when an output frame is available or rendered on the output surface.
MLHandle | handle | MLHandle to the MLMediaCodec. |
MLMediaCodecOutputFrameListener * | callbacks | Set of codec callbacks. Can be set to NULL to unset all the callback altogether. |
void * | user_data | Pointer to user payload data. |
MLResult | MLResult_InvalidParam | MLMediaCodec object is invalid. |
MLResult | MLResult_Ok | callback was set successfully. |
MLResult | MLResult_UnspecifiedFailure | The operation failed with an unspecified error. |
Required Permissions:
- None
This method can be called in any codec state, but will only have an effect in the "Executing" state for codecs that render buffers to the output surface.
- This callback is for informational purposes only: to get precise render timing samples, and can be significantly delayed and batched. Some frames may have been rendered even if there was no callback generated.
- This callback doesn't set the codec to operate in asynchrous mode.
- Since audio codec doesn't use Surface, this callback as no effect when audio codec is instantiated.
Deprecated since 1.4.0. Scheduled for removal.
API Level:
- 20
MLResult MLMediaCodecGetName(
MLHandle handle,
char * out_name
Obtain the name of the created codec.
MLHandle | handle | MLHandle to the MLMediaCodec. |
char * | out_name | Pointer to the user-maintained buffer for storing the output C-style name string. |
MLResult | MLResult_InvalidParam | One of the parameters is invalid. |
MLResult | MLResult_Ok | MLMediaCodec name was retrieved successfully. |
MLResult | MLResult_UnspecifiedFailure | The operation failed with an unspecified error. |
Required Permissions:
- None
User shall allocate at least MAX_CODEC_NAME_SIZE bytes of memory for storing the output name string.
Deprecated since 1.4.0. Scheduled for removal.
MLResult MLMediaCodecConfigure(
MLHandle handle,
MLHandle format_handle,
MLHandle surface_handle,
MLHandle crypto_handle
Configure the MLMediaCodec.
MLHandle | handle | MLHandle to the MLMediaCodec. |
MLHandle | format_handle | MLHandle to the #MediaFormat object. |
MLHandle | surface_handle | MLHandle to the Surface object. |
MLHandle | crypto_handle | MLHandle to the #MediaCrypto object. Pass 0 for clear content. |
MLResult | MLResult_InvalidParam | One of the parameters is invalid. |
MLResult | MLResult_Ok | MLMediaCodec was configured successfully. |
MLResult | MLResult_UnspecifiedFailure | The operation failed with an unspecified error. |
Required Permissions:
- None
Encoder configuration: surface_handle and crypto_handle should be 0. Decoder Configuration: The surface_handle should be provided if using output surface. The crypto_handle should be provided for encrypted content.
The output surface can be:
- Native surface created by MLNativeSurfaceCreate().
- Native surface texture created by MLNativeSurfaceTextureCreate().
- The surface object created on an encoder using MLMediaCodecCreateInputSurface().
- Pass 0 or ML_INVALID_HANDLE if the codec does not generate raw video output (e.g. not a video decoder) and/or if you want to configure the codec with CPU bound output buffers. NOTE that:
- For the first 3 cases (above), the decoded output of the decoder will be consumed direclty by the surface. This allows implementation of fast, zero-copy raw video consumption operation. Also, calling MLMediaCodecGetOutputBufferPointer will return MLMediaGenericResult_InvalidOperation
- For the last case, user will have to explictly consume the output of the decoder by calling MLMediaCodecGetOutputBufferPointer.
Deprecated since 1.4.0. Scheduled for removal.
API Level:
- 6
MLResult MLMediaCodecStart(
MLHandle handle
Start the codec.
MLHandle | handle | MLHandle to the MLMediaCodec. |
MLResult | MLResult_InvalidParam | MLMediaCodec object is invalid. |
MLResult | MLResult_Ok | MLMediaCodec was started successfully. |
MLResult | MLResult_UnspecifiedFailure | The operation failed with an unspecified error. |
Required Permissions:
- None
Shall be called upon successful configuration.
Deprecated since 1.4.0. Scheduled for removal.
MLResult MLMediaCodecStop(
MLHandle handle
Stop the codec.
MLHandle | handle | MLHandle to the MLMediaCodec. |
MLResult | MLResult_InvalidParam | MLMediaCodec object is invalid. |
MLResult | MLResult_Ok | MLMediaCodec was stopped successfully. |
MLResult | MLResult_UnspecifiedFailure | The operation failed with an unspecified error. |
Required Permissions:
- None
Codec is stopped and not destroyed, therefore can be started again.
Deprecated since 1.4.0. Scheduled for removal.
MLResult MLMediaCodecReset(
MLHandle handle
Reset the codec.
MLHandle | handle | MLHandle to the MLMediaCodec. |
MLResult | MLResult_InvalidParam | MLMediaCodec object is invalid. |
MLResult | MLResult_Ok | MLMediaCodec was stopped successfully. |
MLResult | MLResult_UnspecifiedFailure | The operation failed with an unspecified error. |
Required Permissions:
- None
This will reset the codec to initial (Uninitialized) state. Call this when:
- Input or output queuing operation fails.
- An error is notified through the asynchronous event MLMediaCodecCallbacks.on_error. Resetting a codec can fail when an unrecoverable error occurs (which is Hardare codec implementation specific), in which case codec will be in unusable state and should be destroyed using MLMediaCodecDestroy.
Deprecated since 1.4.0. Scheduled for removal.
API Level:
- 20
MLResult MLMediaCodecFlush(
MLHandle handle
Flush the both the input and output ports of the codec.
MLHandle | handle | MLHandle to the MLMediaCodec. |
MLResult | MLResult_InvalidParam | MLMediaCodec object is invalid. |
MLResult | MLResult_Ok | MLMediaCodec was flushed successfully. |
MLResult | MLResult_UnspecifiedFailure | The operation failed with an unspecified error. |
Required Permissions:
- None
Upon return, all indices previously returned in calls to MLMediaCodecDequeueInputBuffer() and MLMediaCodecDequeueOutputBuffer() become invalid, and all buffers are owned by the codec.
Deprecated since 1.4.0. Scheduled for removal.
MLResult MLMediaCodecSetParameters(
MLHandle handle,
MLHandle format_handle
Communicate additional parameter changes to a codec.
MLHandle | handle | MLHandle to the MLMediaCodec. |
MLHandle | format_handle | MLHandle to the MLMediaFormat containing the parameters to set. |
MLResult | MLResult_InvalidParam | At least one of the input parameters or one of the format parameter values is invalid. |
MLResult | MLResult_Ok | The operation was successful. |
MLResult | MLResult_UnspecifiedFailure | The operation failed with an unspecified error. |
MLResult | MLMediaGenericResult_InvalidOperation | At least one format parameter is not applicable. |
MLResult | MLMediaGenericResult_NoInit | MLMediaCodec was not initialized. |
Dynamically modify or add configuration parameters to a configured or started codec.
Create an empty MLMediaFormat object using MLMediaFormatCreate() and set the appropriate parameters. For more details, refer to ml_media_format.h.
Parameters and associated values that may be applied are:
- MLMediaFormat_Key_Parameter_Video_Bitrate: Dynamically change the video encoder's target bitrate. Associated value is an int32_t representing the new encode bitrate in bits-per-second. Applicable to any video encoder.
- MLMediaFormat_Key_Parameter_Request_Sync_Frame: Communicate to the encoder to produce a sync frame soon. Associated value is an int32_t with the value 0. Applicable to any video encoder.
- MLMediaFormat_Key_Parameter_Drop_After: Set the time after which samples should be dropped and not submitted to the encoder. Associated value is an int64_t value representing the system time in micro-seconds. Applicable to an encoder receiving input from a surface.
- MLMediaFormat_Key_Parameter_Drop_Before: Set the time before which samples should be dropped and not submitted to the encoder. Associated value is an int64_t value representing the system time in micro-seconds. Applicable to an encoder receiving input from a surface.
- MLMediaFormat_Key_Parameter_Set_Suspend: Temporarily suspend or resume video encoding of input data. When suspended, all incoming buffers are discarded until suspension is lifted. Used in conjunction with MLMediaFormat_Key_Parameter_Set_Suspend_Time to speficy the time of suspension or resumption. Associated value is an int32_t value with the value 1 or 0 to suspend or resume, respectively. Applicable to an encoder receiving input from a surface.
- MLMediaFormat_Key_Parameter_Set_Suspend_Time: Specifies the time when the action associated with the value of MLMediaFormat_Key_Parameter_Set_Suspend should take effect. Associated value is an int64_t value representing the system time, in micro-seconds, indicating when suspendion or resumption takes effect. Applicable to an encoder receiving input from a surface.
- MLMediaFormat_Key_Parameter_Time_Offset: Describes an offset to adjust timestamps going forward on a video endcoder. Associated value is an int64_t value representing the offset timestamp, in micro-seconds. Applicable to an encoder receiving input from a surface.
- MLMediaFormat_Key_Operating_Rate: Describes the rate at which a codec is expected to operate. For video, this is the operating frame rate; for audio, this is the sample rate. Associated value is a float value representing either the frames-per-second or the samples-per-second for video or audio, respectively. Applicable to any codec. Note: This key is ignored if it fails to apply. Note: This key can also be set as part of the MLMediaFormat provided at configure-time.
- MLMediaFormat_Key_Intra_Refresh_Period: Describes the period of intra refresh in frames. Associated value is a int32_t value representing the period in frames after which the whole frame is completely refreshed. Applicable to any video encoder. Note: This key is ignored if not supported by the codec or it fails to apply. Note: This key can also be set as part of the MLMediaFormat provided at configure-time.
- MLMediaFormat_Key_Latency: Describes the latency, in frames, a video encoder should have queued up before outputting at least one output frame. Associated value is an int32_t value representing the latency, in number of frames. Applicable to any video encoder. Note: This key is ignored if not supported by the codec or it fails to apply. Note: This key can also be set as part of the MLMediaFormat provided at configure-time.
Deprecated since 1.4.0. Scheduled for removal.
Some of these parameter changes may silently fail to apply. Unless specified below, an error will be returned on unsuccesful application.
API Level:
- 9
MLResult MLMediaCodecGetInputBufferPointer(
MLHandle handle,
int64_t buffer_index,
uint8_t ** out_buffer_ptr,
size_t * out_buffer_size
Obtain a writable buffer pointer for a dequeued input buffer index to contain the input data.
MLHandle | handle | MLHandle to the MLMediaCodec. |
int64_t | buffer_index | The index of a client-owned input buffer previously returned from a call to MLMediaCodecDequeueInputBuffer(). |
uint8_t ** | out_buffer_ptr | Pointer to returned input buffer. |
size_t * | out_buffer_size | Size of returned input buffer. |
MLResult | MLResult_InvalidParam | One of the parameters is invalid. |
MLResult | MLResult_Ok | Input buffer pointer is retrieved successfully. |
MLResult | MLResult_UnspecifiedFailure | The operation failed with an unspecified error. |
MLResult | MLMediaGenericResult_InvalidOperation | Buffer pointer could not be retrieved. Note that this API returns MLMediaGenericResult_InvalidOperation especially if video encoder has hardware input surface (see MLMediaCodecCreateInputSurface), and thus, out_buffer_ptr will be set to NULL and out_buffer_size set to 0. |
Required Permissions:
- None
After calling this method any buffer pointer previously returned for the same input index MUST no longer be used.
Note: For VIDEO encoder, this API will fail if an input surface was created by MLMediaCodecCreateInputSurface (see return value documentation below).
Deprecated since 1.4.0. Scheduled for removal.
API Level:
- 20
MLResult MLMediaCodecGetOutputBufferPointer(
MLHandle handle,
int64_t buffer_index,
const uint8_t ** out_buffer_ptr,
size_t * out_buffer_size
Obtain a read-only buffer pointer for a dequeued output buffer index.
MLHandle | handle | MLHandle to the MLMediaCodec. |
int64_t | buffer_index | The index of a client-owned output buffer previously returned from a call to MLMediaCodecDequeueOutputBuffer(). |
const uint8_t ** | out_buffer_ptr | Pointer to returned output buffer. |
size_t * | out_buffer_size | Size of returned output buffer. |
MLResult | MLResult_InvalidParam | One of the parameters is invalid. |
MLResult | MLResult_Ok | Output buffer pointer is retrieved successfully. |
MLResult | MLResult_UnspecifiedFailure | The operation failed with an unspecified error. |
MLResult | MLMediaGenericResult_InvalidOperation | Buffer pointer could not be retrieved. Note that this API returns MLMediaGenericResult_InvalidOperation especially if codec was VIDEO and configured with a hardware surface using MLMediaCodecConfigure(), and thus, out_buffer_ptr will be set to NULL and out_buffer_size set to 0 since decoded buffer lives in GPU memory and is not accessible via a pointer. |
Required Permissions:
- None
The position and limit of the returned buffer are set to the valid output data. After calling this method any buffer pointer previously returned for the same output index MUST no longer be used.
Note: For VIDEO decoder, this API will fail if codec was configured with a hardware surface (see return value documentation below).
Deprecated since 1.4.0. Scheduled for removal.
API Level:
- 20
MLResult MLMediaCodecQueueInputBuffer(
MLHandle handle,
int64_t buffer_index,
int64_t offset,
size_t size,
uint64_t time_us,
int flags
After filling a range of the input buffer at the specified index submit it to the component.
MLHandle | handle | MLHandle to the MLMediaCodec. |
int64_t | buffer_index | Index of a client-owned input buffer previously returned in a call to MLMediaCodecDequeueInputBuffer(). |
int64_t | offset | Byte offset into the input buffer at which the data starts. |
size_t | size | Number of bytes of valid input data. |
uint64_t | time_us | Presentation timestamp in microseconds for this buffer. This is normally the media time at which this buffer should be presented (rendered). |
int | flags | A bitmask of flags defined by MLMediaCodecBufferFlag. While not prohibited, most codecs do not use the MLMediaCodecBufferFlag_KeyFrame flag for input buffers. |
MLResult | MLResult_InvalidParam | One of the parameters is invalid. |
MLResult | MLResult_Ok | Intput buffer is queued successfully. |
MLResult | MLResult_UnspecifiedFailure | The operation failed with an unspecified error. |
Required Permissions:
- None
Once an input buffer is queued to the codec, it MUST NOT be used until it is later retrieved by MLMediaCodecGetInputBufferPointer() in response to a MLMediaCodecDequeueInputBuffer() return value.
Deprecated since 1.4.0. Scheduled for removal.
API Level:
- 20
MLResult MLMediaCodecQueueSecureInputBuffer(
MLHandle handle,
int64_t buffer_index,
int64_t offset,
MLHandle crypto_info_handle,
uint64_t time_us,
int flags
Similar to queueInputBuffer but submits a buffer that is potentially encrypted.
MLHandle | handle | MLHandle to the MLMediaCodec. |
int64_t | buffer_index | Index of a client-owned input buffer previously returned in a call to MLMediaCodecDequeueInputBuffer(). |
int64_t | offset | Byte offset into the input buffer at which the data starts. |
MLHandle | crypto_info_handle | Metadata required to facilitate decryption, the object can be reused immediately after this call returns. |
uint64_t | time_us | Presentation timestamp in microseconds for this buffer. This is normally the media time at which this buffer should be presented (rendered). |
int | flags | A bitmask of flags defined by MLMediaCodecBufferFlag. While not prohibited, most codecs do not use the MLMediaCodecBufferFlag_KeyFrame flag for input buffers. |
MLResult | MLResult_InvalidParam | One of the parameters is invalid. |
MLResult | MLResult_Ok | Secure Intput buffer is queued successfully. |
MLResult | MLResult_UnspecifiedFailure | The operation failed with an unspecified error. |
Required Permissions:
- None
Deprecated since 1.4.0. Scheduled for removal.
API Level:
- 20
MLResult MLMediaCodecDequeueInputBuffer(
MLHandle handle,
int64_t timeout_us,
int64_t * out_buffer_index
Dequeue an input buffer from buffer queue.
MLHandle | handle | MLHandle to the MLMediaCodec. |
int64_t | timeout_us | Timeout in microseconds. Negative timeout indicates "infinite". |
int64_t * | out_buffer_index | Index of an Input buffer from buffer queue, or MLMediaCodec_TryAgainLater status. |
MLResult | MLResult_InvalidParam | One of the parameters is invalid. |
MLResult | MLResult_Ok | Intput buffer is dequeued successfully. |
MLResult | MLResult_UnspecifiedFailure | The operation failed with an unspecified error. |
MLResult | MLMediaGenericResult_InvalidOperation | if the codec is configured to operate in async mode. |
Required Permissions:
- None
This method will return immediately if timeoutUs == 0, wait indefinitely for the availability of an input buffer if timeoutUs < 0 or wait up to "timeoutUs" microseconds if timeoutUs > 0.
Deprecated since 1.4.0. Scheduled for removal.
API Level:
- 20
MLResult MLMediaCodecDequeueOutputBuffer(
MLHandle handle,
MLMediaCodecBufferInfo * out_buffer_info,
int64_t timeout_us,
int64_t * out_buffer_index
Dequeue an output buffer from buffer queue.
MLHandle | handle | MLHandle to the MLMediaCodec. |
MLMediaCodecBufferInfo * | out_buffer_info | Will be filled with buffer meta data. |
int64_t | timeout_us | Timeout in microseconds. Negative timeout indicates "infinite". |
int64_t * | out_buffer_index | Index of an output buffer from buffer queue, or one of the statuses defined by MLMediaCodecOutputBufferStatus. |
MLResult | MLResult_InvalidParam | One of the parameters is invalid. |
MLResult | MLResult_Ok | Output buffer is dequeued successfully. |
MLResult | MLResult_UnspecifiedFailure | The operation failed with an unspecified error. |
MLResult | MLMediaGenericResult_InvalidOperation | if the codec is configured to operate in async mode. |
Required Permissions:
- None
This method will return immediately if timeoutUs == 0, wait indefinitely for the availability of an input buffer if timeoutUs < 0 or wait up to "timeoutUs" microseconds if timeoutUs > 0.
Deprecated since 1.4.0. Scheduled for removal.
API Level:
- 20
MLResult MLMediaCodecGetInputFormat(
MLHandle handle,
MLHandle * out_format_handle
Obtain input format supported by the codec.
MLHandle | handle | MLHandle to the MLMediaCodec. |
MLHandle * | out_format_handle | Input format supported by the codec. |
MLResult | MLResult_InvalidParam | One of the parameters is invalid. |
MLResult | MLResult_Ok | Input Media format is retrieved successfully. |
MLResult | MLResult_UnspecifiedFailure | The operation failed with an unspecified error. |
Required Permissions:
- None
Call this function, after successful codec configuration, to determine what optional configuration parameters were supported by the codec.
Deprecated since 1.4.0. Scheduled for removal.
MLResult MLMediaCodecGetOutputFormat(
MLHandle handle,
MLHandle * out_format_handle
Return output format supported by the codec, or the format to which the configuration has changed.
MLHandle | handle | MLHandle to the MLMediaCodec. |
MLHandle * | out_format_handle | Output format supported by the codec, or the format to which the configuration has changed. |
MLResult | MLResult_InvalidParam | One of the parameters is invalid. |
MLResult | MLResult_Ok | Output Media format is retrieved successfully. |
MLResult | MLResult_UnspecifiedFailure | The operation failed with an unspecified error. |
Required Permissions:
- None
Deprecated since 1.4.0. Scheduled for removal.
MLResult MLMediaCodecCreateInputSurface(
MLHandle handle,
MLHandle * out_input_surface_handle
Create an input surface for a hardware encoder.
MLHandle | handle | MLHandle to the MLMediaCodec. |
MLHandle * | out_input_surface_handle | MLHandle to created input native surface. Valid only if result is MLResult_Ok. |
MLResult | MLResult_AllocFailed | The operation failed to allocate the surface. |
MLResult | MLResult_InvalidParam | One of the parameters is invalid. |
MLResult | MLResult_Ok | Input input surface was created successfully. |
MLResult | MLMediaGenericResult_AlreadyExists | An input surface has already been created for the given handle. |
MLResult | MLMediaGenericResult_InvalidOperation | MLMediaCodec is not an encoder. |
MLResult | MLMediaGenericResult_NoInit | MLMediaCodec was not initialized. |
MLResult | MLMediaGenericResult_UnspecifiedFailure | Input surface could not be created. |
Required Permissions:
- None
Requests an input surface to use as the input to an encoder, in place of input buffers.
This API must only be called after MLMediaCodecConfigure() and before MLMediaCodecStart() otherwise the operation will fail and an input surface cannot be created.
An input surface allows video consumers, such as a video encoder, to process raw input video buffers natively. The input surface is intended to act as a destination surface for your input data.
When using an input surface, there are no accessible input buffers, as buffers are automatically passed from the input surface to the codec. In synchronous mode, calling MLMediaCodecDequeueInputBuffer() will return MLMediaGenericResult_InvalidOperation. In asynchronous mode, the client will not be notified when an input buffer is available (i.e. the on_input_buffer_available callback will not fire).
The returned input surface can be passed as a destination surface to a decoder when calling MLMediaCodecConfigure(). Decoded output of the decoder can be consumed direclty as input to an encoder without copying. This allows implementation of fast, zero-copy transcoding.
The returned input surface can also be passed as a destination surface to:
- A video capture session when using MLCameraConnectFlag_CamOnly.
- A virtual capture session when using MLCameraConnectFlag_VirtualOnly .
- A mixed reality capture session when using MLCameraConnectFlag_MR. Captured raw video frames will be consumed directly as input to an encoder without copying. The user of this API is responsible for calling #MLMediaCodecReleaseSurface() on the Surface when done.
Deprecated since 1.4.0. Scheduled for removal.
API Level:
- 9
MLResult MLMediaCodecDestroyInputSurface(
MLHandle handle,
MLHandle input_surface_handle
Release the Surface that was created by MLMediaCodecCreateInputSurface.
MLHandle | handle | MLHandle to the MLMediaCodec. |
MLHandle | input_surface_handle | MLHandle to the internal Surface object. |
MLResult | MLResult_InvalidParam | MLHandle is invalid. |
MLResult | MLResult_Ok | Surface object was successfully released. |
MLResult | MLResult_UnspecifiedFailure | The operation failed with an unspecified error. |
MLResult | MLMediaGenericResult_InvalidOperation | MLMediaCodec is not an encoder. |
MLResult | MLMediaGenericResult_NoInit | MLMediaCodec was not initialized. |
Required Permissions:
- None
Deprecated since 1.4.0. Scheduled for removal.
API Level:
- 9
MLResult MLMediaCodecSignalEndOfInputStream(
MLHandle handle
Signal end-of-stream on input to a surface.
MLHandle | handle | MLHandle to the MLMediaCodec. |
MLResult | MLResult_InvalidOperation | MLMediaCodec is not an encoder or MLMediaCodec is not receving input from a surface. |
MLResult | MLResult_InvalidParam | One of the parameters is invalid. |
MLResult | MLResult_Ok | The operation was successful. |
MLResult | MLMediaGenericResult_NoInit | MLMediaCodec was not initialized. |
This may only be used with encoders receiving input from a surface created by MLMediaCodecCreateInputSurface().
Equivalent to submitting an empty buffer with MLMediaCodecBufferFlag_EOS set when queueing an input buffer.
Deprecated since 1.4.0. Scheduled for removal.
API Level:
- 9
MLResult MLMediaCodecReleaseOutputBuffer(
MLHandle handle,
int64_t buffer_index,
bool render
Release buffer to codec or to render it on output surface.
MLHandle | handle | MLHandle to the MLMediaCodec object. |
int64_t | buffer_index | Index of a client-owned output buffer previously returned from a call to MLMediaCodecDequeueOutputBuffer(). |
bool | render | If a valid surface was specified when configuring the codec, passing true renders this output buffer to the surface. |
MLResult | MLResult_InvalidParam | One of the parameters is invalid. |
MLResult | MLResult_Ok | Output buffer was released successfully. |
MLResult | MLResult_UnspecifiedFailure | The operation failed with an unspecified error. |
Required Permissions:
- None
If codec is configured with an output surface, setting render to true
will send the buffer to that output surface. The surface will release the buffer back to the codec once it is no longer used/displayed.
Once an output buffer is released to codec, it MUST NOT be used until it is later retrieved by MLMediaCodecGetOutputBufferPointer() in response to a MLMediaCodecDequeueOutputBuffer() return value.
Deprecated since 1.4.0. Scheduled for removal.
API Level:
- 20
MLResult MLMediaCodecReleaseOutputBufferAtTime(
MLHandle handle,
int64_t buffer_index,
int64_t timestamp_ns
Update surface timestamp and returns it to the codec to render it on the output surface. If codec is not configured with output surface, this call simply returns the buffer to codec.
MLHandle | handle | MLHandle to the MLMediaCodec object. |
int64_t | buffer_index | Index of a client-owned output buffer previously returned from a call to MLMediaCodecDequeueOutputBuffer(). |
int64_t | timestamp_ns | The timestamp in nanoseconds to associate with this buffer when it is sent to the Surface. |
MLResult | MLResult_InvalidParam | One of the parameters is invalid. |
MLResult | MLResult_Ok | Output buffer was released successfully. |
MLResult | MLResult_UnspecifiedFailure | The operation failed with an unspecified error. |
Required Permissions:
- None
The timestamp may have special meaning depending on the destination surface.
Deprecated since 1.4.0. Scheduled for removal.
API Level:
- 20
Macros Documentation
Source code
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copyright (c) 2017 Magic Leap, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Use of this file is governed by the Software License Agreement,
// located here:
// Terms and conditions applicable to third-party materials accompanying
// this distribution may also be found in the top-level NOTICE file
// appearing herein.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
#pragma once
#include "ml_api.h"
typedef ML_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use standard Android SDK and NDK APIs.") struct MLMediaCodecBufferInfo {
size_t offset;
size_t size;
size_t flags;
int64_t presentation_time_us;
} MLMediaCodecBufferInfo;
typedef enum MLMediaCodecCreation {
MLMediaCodecCreation_Ensure32Bits = 0x7FFFFFFF
} MLMediaCodecCreation;
typedef enum MLMediaCodecType {
MLMediaCodecType_Ensure32Bits = 0x7FFFFFFF
} MLMediaCodecType;
typedef enum MLMediaCodecBufferFlag {
MLMediaCodecBufferFlag_KeyFrame = 1,
MLMediaCodecBufferFlag_CodecConfig = 2,
MLMediaCodecBufferFlag_EOS = 4,
MLMediaCodecBufferFlag_PartialFrame = 8,
MLMediaCodecBufferFlag_MuxerData = 16,
MLMediaCodecBufferFlag_Ensure32Bits = 0x7FFFFFFF
} MLMediaCodecBufferFlag;
typedef enum MLMediaCodecOutputBufferStatus {
MLMediaCodec_OutputBuffersChanged = -1014,
MLMediaCodec_FormatChanged = -1012,
MLMediaCodec_TryAgainLater = -11,
MLMediaCodecOutputBufferStatus_Ensure32Bits = 0x7FFFFFFF
} MLMediaCodecOutputBufferStatus;
typedef ML_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use standard Android SDK and NDK APIs.") struct MLMediaCodecInputBufferInfo {
int64_t input_buffer_index;
void *data;
} MLMediaCodecInputBufferInfo;
typedef ML_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use standard Android SDK and NDK APIs.") struct MLMediaCodecOutputBufferInfo {
int64_t output_buffer_index;
MLMediaCodecBufferInfo *buffer_info;
void *data;
} MLMediaCodecOutputBufferInfo;
typedef ML_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use standard Android SDK and NDK APIs.") struct MLMediaCodecOutputFormatInfo {
MLHandle new_output_format;
void *data;
} MLMediaCodecOutputFormatInfo;
typedef ML_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use standard Android SDK and NDK APIs.") struct MLMediaCodecErrorInfo {
int error_code;
void *data;
} MLMediaCodecErrorInfo;
typedef ML_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use standard Android SDK and NDK APIs.") struct MLMediaCodecCallbacksEx {
uint32_t version;
void (*on_input_buffer_available)(MLHandle media_codec, const MLMediaCodecInputBufferInfo *info);
void (*on_output_buffer_available)(MLHandle media_codec, const MLMediaCodecOutputBufferInfo *info);
void (*on_output_format_changed)(MLHandle media_codec, const MLMediaCodecOutputFormatInfo *info);
void (*on_error)(MLHandle media_codec, const MLMediaCodecErrorInfo *info);
} MLMediaCodecCallbacksEx;
ML_STATIC_INLINE void MLMediaCodecCallbacksExInit(MLMediaCodecCallbacksEx *inout_callbacks) {
if (inout_callbacks) {
inout_callbacks->version = 1;
inout_callbacks->on_input_buffer_available = NULL;
inout_callbacks->on_output_buffer_available = NULL;
inout_callbacks->on_output_format_changed = NULL;
inout_callbacks->on_error = NULL;
typedef ML_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use standard Android SDK and NDK APIs.") struct MLMediaCodecFrameRenderedInfo {
int64_t presentation_time_us;
int64_t system_time_nano;
void *data;
} MLMediaCodecFrameRenderedInfo;
typedef ML_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use standard Android SDK and NDK APIs.") struct MLMediaCodecOutputFrameListener {
uint32_t version;
void (*on_frame_rendered)(MLHandle media_codec, const MLMediaCodecFrameRenderedInfo *info);
} MLMediaCodecOutputFrameListener;
ML_STATIC_INLINE void MLMediaCodecOutputFrameListenerInit(MLMediaCodecOutputFrameListener *inout_callbacks) {
if (inout_callbacks) {
inout_callbacks->version = 1;
inout_callbacks->on_frame_rendered = NULL;
typedef enum MLMediaCodecCryptoMode {
MLMediaCodecCryptoMode_Ensure32Bits = 0x7FFFFFFF
} MLMediaCodecCryptoMode;
typedef ML_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use standard Android SDK and NDK APIs.") struct MLMediaCodecCryptoPattern {
size_t encrypt_blocks;
size_t skip_blocks;
} MLMediaCodecCryptoPattern;
typedef ML_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use standard Android SDK and NDK APIs.") struct MLMediaCodecCryptoInfo {
uint32_t version;
size_t number_of_subsamples;
MLMediaCodecCryptoMode crypto_mode;
MLMediaCodecCryptoPattern crypto_pattern;
const uint8_t* key;
const uint8_t* iv;
const size_t* bytes_of_clear_data;
const size_t* bytes_of_encrypted_data;
} MLMediaCodecCryptoInfo;
ML_STATIC_INLINE void MLMediaCodecCryptoInfoInit(MLMediaCodecCryptoInfo *inout_crypto_info) {
if (inout_crypto_info) {
inout_crypto_info->version = 1;
inout_crypto_info->number_of_subsamples = 0;
inout_crypto_info->crypto_mode = MLMediaCodecCryptoMode_Clear;
inout_crypto_info->crypto_pattern.encrypt_blocks = 0;
inout_crypto_info->crypto_pattern.skip_blocks = 0;
inout_crypto_info->key = NULL;
inout_crypto_info->iv = NULL;
inout_crypto_info->bytes_of_clear_data = NULL;
inout_crypto_info->bytes_of_encrypted_data = NULL;
ML_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use standard Android SDK and NDK APIs.")
ML_API MLResult ML_CALL MLMediaCodecCreateCryptoInfo(const MLMediaCodecCryptoInfo *crypto_info, MLHandle *out_crypto_info_handle);
ML_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use standard Android SDK and NDK APIs.")
ML_API MLResult ML_CALL MLMediaCodecReleaseCryptoInfo(MLHandle crypto_info_handle);
ML_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use standard Android SDK and NDK APIs.")
ML_API MLResult ML_CALL MLMediaCodecCreateCodec(MLMediaCodecCreation method, MLMediaCodecType type, const char *name_str, MLHandle *out_handle);
ML_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use standard Android SDK and NDK APIs.")
ML_API MLResult ML_CALL MLMediaCodecDestroy(MLHandle handle);
ML_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use standard Android SDK and NDK APIs.")
ML_API MLResult ML_CALL MLMediaCodecSetCallbacksEx(MLHandle handle, MLMediaCodecCallbacksEx *callbacks, void *user_data);
ML_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use standard Android SDK and NDK APIs.")
ML_API MLResult ML_CALL MLMediaCodecSetOutputFrameListener(MLHandle handle, MLMediaCodecOutputFrameListener *callbacks, void *user_data);
ML_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use standard Android SDK and NDK APIs.")
ML_API MLResult ML_CALL MLMediaCodecGetName(MLHandle handle, char *out_name);
ML_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use standard Android SDK and NDK APIs.")
ML_API MLResult ML_CALL MLMediaCodecConfigure(MLHandle handle, MLHandle format_handle, MLHandle surface_handle, MLHandle crypto_handle);
ML_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use standard Android SDK and NDK APIs.")
ML_API MLResult ML_CALL MLMediaCodecStart(MLHandle handle);
ML_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use standard Android SDK and NDK APIs.")
ML_API MLResult ML_CALL MLMediaCodecStop(MLHandle handle);
ML_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use standard Android SDK and NDK APIs.")
ML_API MLResult ML_CALL MLMediaCodecReset(MLHandle handle);
ML_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use standard Android SDK and NDK APIs.")
ML_API MLResult ML_CALL MLMediaCodecFlush(MLHandle handle);
ML_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use standard Android SDK and NDK APIs.")
ML_API MLResult ML_CALL MLMediaCodecSetParameters(MLHandle handle, MLHandle format_handle);
ML_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use standard Android SDK and NDK APIs.")
ML_API MLResult ML_CALL MLMediaCodecGetInputBufferPointer(MLHandle handle, int64_t buffer_index, uint8_t **out_buffer_ptr, size_t *out_buffer_size);
ML_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use standard Android SDK and NDK APIs.")
ML_API MLResult ML_CALL MLMediaCodecGetOutputBufferPointer(MLHandle handle, int64_t buffer_index, const uint8_t **out_buffer_ptr, size_t *out_buffer_size);
ML_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use standard Android SDK and NDK APIs.")
ML_API MLResult ML_CALL MLMediaCodecQueueInputBuffer(MLHandle handle, int64_t buffer_index, int64_t offset, size_t size, uint64_t time_us, int flags);
ML_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use standard Android SDK and NDK APIs.")
ML_API MLResult ML_CALL MLMediaCodecQueueSecureInputBuffer(MLHandle handle, int64_t buffer_index, int64_t offset, MLHandle crypto_info_handle, uint64_t time_us, int flags);
ML_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use standard Android SDK and NDK APIs.")
ML_API MLResult ML_CALL MLMediaCodecDequeueInputBuffer(MLHandle handle, int64_t timeout_us, int64_t *out_buffer_index);
ML_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use standard Android SDK and NDK APIs.")
ML_API MLResult ML_CALL MLMediaCodecDequeueOutputBuffer(MLHandle handle, MLMediaCodecBufferInfo *out_buffer_info, int64_t timeout_us, int64_t *out_buffer_index);
ML_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use standard Android SDK and NDK APIs.")
ML_API MLResult ML_CALL MLMediaCodecGetInputFormat(MLHandle handle, MLHandle *out_format_handle);
ML_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use standard Android SDK and NDK APIs.")
ML_API MLResult ML_CALL MLMediaCodecGetOutputFormat(MLHandle handle, MLHandle *out_format_handle);
ML_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use standard Android SDK and NDK APIs.")
ML_API MLResult ML_CALL MLMediaCodecCreateInputSurface(MLHandle handle, MLHandle *out_input_surface_handle);
ML_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use standard Android SDK and NDK APIs.")
ML_API MLResult ML_CALL MLMediaCodecDestroyInputSurface(MLHandle handle, MLHandle input_surface_handle);
ML_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use standard Android SDK and NDK APIs.")
ML_API MLResult ML_CALL MLMediaCodecSignalEndOfInputStream(MLHandle handle);
ML_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use standard Android SDK and NDK APIs.")
ML_API MLResult ML_CALL MLMediaCodecReleaseOutputBuffer(MLHandle handle, int64_t buffer_index, bool render);
ML_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use standard Android SDK and NDK APIs.")
ML_API MLResult ML_CALL MLMediaCodecReleaseOutputBufferAtTime(MLHandle handle, int64_t buffer_index, int64_t timestamp_ns);