API Overview
Controller API Overview
Controller API Overview
Magic Leap's Eye Tracking data is retrieved in two ways.
This section provides information on the Gesture Classification API and how to enable it inside your application.
This guide provides detailed instructions and examples on how to use the MagicLeap's MLPowerManager API for managing power states and properties of components in Unity. The guide first explains the concept of power states, showing how to get all available states and retrieve a specific state for a device. It then delves into the process of setting a power state with thorough examples. The guide proceeds to explain how to get and update the properties of a component, focusing on different aspects like battery info, battery level, charging state, and connection state. Lastly, it touches on how to handle power management events such as errors, state changes, and property changes through callbacks. By following this guide, developers can efficiently control and manage Magic Leap 2's power states and properties inside their Unity Application.
An overview of the audio capture demo scene included in the Magic Leap 2 Examples Project, which uses Unity's XR Interaction Toolkit.
Magic Leap 2 provides support for Android’s default Bluetooth stack which includes both Classic Bluetooth and Bluetooth Low Energy. Using Bluetooth, Magic Leap 2 can create personal area networks to send and receive data with nearby Bluetooth devices. Integration with Android’s standard Bluetooth API means that users can connect existing Bluetooth devices that are supported on Android without any modification. Bluetooth devices can be connected in Magic Leap 2’s system settings using the steps below.
The list below contains descriptions of each of the C-API samples available in the ML Hub. The README.md files of each example contain instructions on how to build, install and uninstall the example, as well as its expected behavior and GUI.
An overview of the controller's buttons and sensors.
An overview of the controller demo scene included in the Magic Leap 2 Examples Project, which uses Unity's XR Interaction Toolkit.
This section demonstrates how to use Magic Leap's Gesture subsystem to receive the input events that are triggered when the user performs a gesture on the controller's touch pad.
This section demonstrates how to use Unity's Input System to access input events from the Magic Leap 2 controller.
Using Unity Input System, you can read Magic Leap 2's controller input directly using the InputAction.ReadValue() method. View Unity's Documentation to learn more about Unity Input System Unity's Input System.
Unity developers can use the OpenXR Magic Leap 2 Controller Interaction Profile to access the controller's input using Unity's Input system. This profile can be enabled inside your project's OpenXR Settings Window > XR Plugin Manager > OpenXR Settings
The Magic Leap 2's controller input can be accessed using Unity's Input System. The Magic Leap 2 SDK includes predefined action mappings, so developers can access controller input in a familiar way.
Unity Input System - Tracked Pose Driver
Instructions on how to create a new MRTK 3 project compatible with Magic Leap 2
The Magic Leap 2 Voice Input framework supports App Specific Voice Intents which are custom voice intents you can develop to use within your app. You can develop a full set of voice intents to incorporate in your applications with the assistance of the Voice Intent Development ToolKit (VIDTK).
Instructions on how to download the Magic Leap MRTK Template Project
This section demonstrates how to use the Gesture Classification API.
Unity developers can use the OpenXR Eye Gaze Interaction Profile to determine what a user is looking at, allowing a hands-free method of interacting with their application. To access the Eye Gaze data, the interaction profile needs to be enabled in your project's OpenXR Settings (Window > XR Plugin Manager > OpenXR Settings).
An overview of the eye tracking demo scene included in the Magic Leap 2 Examples Project, which uses Unity's XR Interaction Toolkit.
If your Application collects, stores, transfers or otherwise uses data off the Magic Leap 2 device that is received via this API, then you must comply with the Magic Leap 2 Eye Tracking Data Transparency Policy.
If your Application collects, stores, transfers or otherwise uses data off the Magic Leap 2 device that is received via this API, then you must comply with the Magic Leap 2 Eye Tracking Data Transparency Policy.
If your Application collects, stores, transfers or otherwise uses data off the Magic Leap 2 device that is received via this API, then you must comply with the Magic Leap 2 Eye Tracking Data Transparency Policy.
If your Application collects, stores, transfers or otherwise uses data off the Magic Leap 2 device that is received via this API, then you must comply with the Magic Leap 2 Eye Tracking Data Transparency Policy.
An overview of the gesture classification demo scene included in the Magic Leap 2 Examples Project, which uses Unity's XR Interaction Toolkit.
An overview of the hand tracking demo scene included in the Magic Leap 2 Examples Project, which uses Unity's XR Interaction Toolkit.
The Magic Leap 2 OpenXR Unity SDK supports hand tracking via the Hand Interaction Profile. The interaction profile can be enabled by selecting Edit > Project Settings > XR Plug-in Management > OpenXR, then adding the interaction profile into the Enabled Interaction Profiles section.
This section provides information on the core Hand Tracking API and how to enable it inside your applications.
If the Magic Leap can't locate its position in an environment, it experiences "tracking loss". The Magic Leap 2 lets developers manage their own tracking loss behavior -- some developers may want to pause the update loop and display a splash image, while others may want the app to continue playing.
If the Magic Leap can't locate its position in an environment, it experiences "tracking loss". The Magic Leap 2 lets developers manage their own tracking loss behavior -- some developers may want to pause the update loop and display a splash image, while others may want the app to continue playing.
Head tracking uses cameras on the headset to track the movement of the user’s head. This allows the headset to display 3D content at a specific point in the user's viewing area.
Head tracking uses cameras on the headset to track the movement of the user’s head. This allows the headset to display 3D content at a specific point in the user's viewing area.
In order for your unity camera to track with head pose, it needs to have the Tracked Pose Driver component with the following settings. Depending on your app setup, you can either add this component to the main camera yourself, or get it through prefabs like the XRRig (from the XR Interaction Toolkit) or the "Main Camera" (from our SDK package).
Unity's Input System can locate Controls using paths. Bindings on Input Actions utilize this feature to identify the Control(s) they receive input from. You can also use paths to directly look up Controls and Devices, or to have the Input System search for Controls among all devices using the InputSystem.FindControls method.
This guide provides information on the input paths that are supported on Magic Leap 2 when using the OpenXR Eye Gaze Interaction Profile. For general information about OpenXR input in Unity, see the Unity OpenXR Plugin Input Manual.
This guide provides information the Input Control Paths and Interaction Profiles that are supported on Magic Leap 2. For general information about the OpenXR Hand Interaction Profile in Unity. See the Unity OpenXR Hand Interaction Input Manual.
Input Binding Paths
It is recommended that developers read the controller input using Unity's Input System. However, developers can obtain the controller's input directly from the InputDevice. This section provides an example of reading input using the TryGetFeatureValue method and XRCommonUsages features.
It is recommended that developers use the Unity Input System to obtain the Gaze Input. However, developers can also obtain eye tracking input directly from the InputDevice. This section provides an example of how to read input using the TryGetFeatureValue method and EyeTrackingUsages features.
It is recommended that developers read the controller input using Unity's Input System. However, developers can obtain the controller's input directly from the InputDevice. This section provides an example of reading input using the TryGetFeatureValue method and XRCommonUsages features.
This section describes how to read Magic Leap 2's controller input using Unity's Input System and Input Actions. The samples in this category assume that you are using the MagicLeapOpenXRInput.inputactions asset provided in the Magic Leap Samples. However, they can be easily modified to support custom input actions.
To obtain Magic Leap device specific features such as checking the eye tracking FixationConfidence status or if the user is blinking use Magic Leap's InputSubsystem.Extensions
Information about MRTK 3 settings for Magic Leap
An overview and walkthrough guide for using the Magic Leap XR Keyboard.
Using MRTK with Magic Leap 2 in Unity
Instructions on how to get started with Magic Leap MRTK3
Overview of Microsoft's Mixed Reality ToolKit
MRTK3 Samples Installation and Overview
This section covers how to use the Magic Leap 2 Controller Interaction Profile with Input System. For more information about obtaining OpenXR Input see Unity's OpenXR Input Documentation.
This section includes information on how to get started using Hand Tracking via Unity's XR Hands Package and the OpenXR Hand Interaction Profile. See the Unity Manual for more information about the XRHands Package and OpenXR Input.
Reference Spaces are different methods of defining the origin and orientation of the coordinate system used by the device within your application. They affect how the device tracks the position and rotation of the user and the environment. Different modes are suitable for various types of applications and experiences.
This section provides details on how developers can create and register voice commands dynamically at runtime. This feature can be helpful when loading content dynamically.
This section provides details on how developers can create voice commands at runtime. This feature can be helpful when loading content dynamically.
MRTK3 Samples Installation and Overview
Setting Up MRTK with Magic Leap 2 for Unity
This section includes code examples for developers to reference when implementing voice input in their applications.
This section provides details on how developers can start and stop tracking voice intents inside their applications.
The Voice Intent API will only register voice commands if Voice Input is enabled inside the Magic Leap 2's System Settings (Settings > Magic Leap Inputs > Voice). This section demonstrates how to check if a user has enabled Voice Input.
Magic Leap recommends using the Voice Intent Development Toolkit (VIDTK) to create and deploy custom voice commands. The toolkit provides validation and guidance within the toolkit UI that are not available in the Unity Editor. For more information, see Voice Commands.
A Slot is a placeholder string for a set of potential values. The utterance will use one of the values and the developer can have different logic based on which value was spoken. To indicate use of a slot, put the slot name within { } for the command.
An overview of the WebView scene included in the Magic Leap 2 Examples Project, which uses Unity's XR Interaction Toolkit.
This guide will demonstrate how to configure the Unity XRI Hands Demo Scene to work with the Magic Leap 2.