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Version: 10 Jul 2024


A collection of filters for Spatial Anchor queries. Filters that have been set will be combined via logical conjunction. E. g. results must match the ids filter AND fall within the radius constraint when both have been set. This struct must be initialized by calling #MLSpatialAnchorQueryFilterInit before use.

Public Attributes


The center point of where a spatial query will originate.

public readonly MLVec3f Center;

readonly MLVec3f3D vector in native format.


A list of Spatial Anchor IDs to query for.

public readonly IntPtr Ids;


The number of IDs provided.

public readonly uint IdsCount;


The upper bound of expected results. Set to 0 for unbounded results.

public readonly uint MaxResults;


The radius in meters used for a spatial query, relative to the specified center. Only anchors inside this radius will be returned. Set to 0 for unbounded results.

public readonly float RadiusM;


Indicate whether the results will be returned sorted by distance from center. Sorting results by distance will incur a performance penalty.

public readonly bool Sorted;


Version of the structure.

public readonly uint Version;